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Everything posted by Scrapmom3

  1. I bought a template pack from Hands of a Child to make my own books. I bought mine when it was on sale. http://www.handsofachild.com/shop/The-Template-Pack-Graphics-Pack-P665.aspx
  2. The body kit looks good! My ds loves weather so I was looking at that one. Can you post after you have tried some of the activities? Thanks!
  3. Which kit do you have? I've got these on my list to look at for next year. Glad to hear you like it!
  4. Glad to know you are happy with it! Keep us posted.
  5. Thanks for posting your list! I was able to find 2 that I missed. Marie
  6. Have you seen this : http://weefolkart.com/content/harvest-time-preschoolkindergarten-curriculum It's a 36 week curriculum schedule that's tied to nature and the seasons.
  7. We subscribe to My Big Backyard and Click. Click is also from Cricket Publishing and the focus is on nature and animals.
  8. We like Your Big Backyard and Click (animals and nature from Cricket Publishing), though they may be on the young side for what you want.
  9. I follow a blog that posts about MOTL. She has written some posts about it ( scroll down the page) http://blogshewrote.blogspot.com/search/label/math I know she says it's much more teacher intensive and not for everyone.
  10. We love the DK Encyclopedia of Animals. We also like the Let's Read and Find Out Science series levels 1 and 2. Some animal titles we've read: Tadpole to Frog Caterpillar to Butterfly Bugs are Insects Nest Full of Eggs Animals in Winter What it's Like to be a Fish What lives in a Shell Wiggling Worms at Work Where are the Night Animals Why Frogs are Wet Big Tracks Little Tracks
  11. Thank you so much for sharing this site! I love that her curriculum centers around the seasons and nature.
  12. In my Currclick email this morning they have a free Monet unit. http://www.currclick.com/product_info.php?products_id=41534&it=1&SRC=Newsletter
  13. We use Harmony fine Arts. http://harmonyartmom.blogspot.com/ It has been easy to implement so far. You do one artist and one composer per month. For art there are three options of how you can do it. We mostly do picture study. You can see samples in the blog above.
  14. I've found some at abcteach.com They have some free stuff and some for members only.
  15. http://handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com/ Check out this blog for nature study. Barb does a great job giving ideas and challenges. She also does an art blog.
  16. We're doing parts of Winterpromise Animals and their Worlds which will be new for us. I am also excited about some of the Five in a Row books we will be doing. In September we're reading How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World to get us started with geography. We are expanding geography by using Little Passports and some books from the library. Our first monthly kit arrived yesterday for Little Passports and ds was excited to begin!
  17. I renewed my membership for $20. I used abcteach last year for reading comprehension sheets/games. I started off just using the free stuff, but saw titles that we wanted in the membership materials. Every week I receive an email listing new stuff. For example, my son was reading early chapter books such as Henry and Mudge titles. Certain titles had multiple choice comprehension questions, true/false, wordsearch. crosswords, etc. For younger kids they have lots of cut and paste activities. I have also used blank templates to make math review sheets. They also have lots of seasonal stuff. I like Enchanted Learning too, but for different things. They have lots of mini books, handwriting practice, crafts arranged by topic. They are also good for maps and labeling activities ( ie parts of a crab)
  18. I bought it but we haven't started our new school year yet. I like it though. It has 179 observations for students to observe, make, or do. Some page examples are draw a map of your yard, an M hunt ( items that start with M from a nature walk), snow experiments, seaweed art. The last section has color pictures of animals from a particular habitat that can be used to make a diorama or other project. Looks like it will work well for younger students.
  19. For poetry my son has enjoyed the Jack Prelutsky books such as The Frogs Wore Red Suspenders and It's Raining Cats and Noodles. Very fun books!
  20. My son has severe dust mite allergies too. We have been treating him since he was 2. It can be tough to get things under control. Before getting a new furnace filter, we had all of our vents professionally cleaned. I really think this made a difference. Then we had a new filter system put on the furnace. The filter looks like a huge box and is called Air Bear Surpreme. We have a humidity guage in the house. To keep dust mites down, be sure the humidity is less than 50%. We use a dehumidifier in the basement in the warm months. We use a cool mist humidifier in the winter to make sure the air isn't too dry. Dry nasal passages will make the dust mite symptoms worse. This is my son's treatment regime. In the morning as soon as he wakes up, we use a saline spray called Ayr Saline Nasal Mist. ( this brand is better than generic imo since it's a mist not a squirt/spray) At breakfast we use Nasonex spray. At bedtime he takes liquid Zyrtec and Astelin spray. he also has nebulizer meds for asthma as needed. This has been a bad year for outdoor allergies though. I know you said your son doesn't like anything by his nose, but I really think this is a key to treating dust mite allergies. My son has special needs including sensory issues and it was very hard to get him use to any kind of nasal spray. However once we had a system down pat, he is much better. Using the nasal sprays has really cut down on his frequency of sinus infections. The saline flushes out any dust that from the bedding. It took me a while to get on board with the saline idea--it just seemed too simple. Bue I have really noticed a difference now that we use it daily. We also use it after playing outside. You might want to try the Ayr and let your son spray the bottle on his hand so he can see the mist. We had to take it in steps to get my son use to it.
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