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Everything posted by goldberry

  1. So here is a question then...if the school direct applications rather than the common app, is it better to go that way? Is there any advantage to the common app over direct application? (especially if direct application asks less from homeschoolers..)
  2. My mother was a spender growing up, my dad a saver. My mom grew up in Germany during WWII, and told me the stories about people throwing money in the streets and using it for burning. That was the SECOND time the German people went through that. It made her believe, what's the point in saving, it could all be gone tomorrow. But...when she hit retirement, she was sure glad my dad saved all those years. They have a nice life now, and don't worry about expenses. There is no "answer" that will magically protect you from the unforeseen circumstances. You did the right thing. You still got burned. It happens. That's horribly uncertain isn't it? But it's life and there is no "answer" for it. So, you still do the right thing, and hope for the best. At least you know if it goes bad, you did all you could and it isn't on you. Finances don't hold permanent security, not in the world we live in. But that doesn't mean you still don't do the best you can.
  3. I know the same things don't work for everyone.... Sorry she hates math... It was quite the battle when DD hated it.
  4. When DD was in middle school, I couldn't wait for her to finish Lord of the Flies so we could talk about it. So, what did you find interesting about it? "Nothing really." ??? Further conversation revealed that indeed, she really didn't "get it". So I feel your pain. We focus on discussion, and for every book she reads I am very specific about helping her identify universal themes, symbolism, etc. Much of it has to be hand fed still. She is a little better now, but still not very interested in literature. I'd like a resource too, but I wonder if it's a certain thought process that's just harder for others to get. (Side note, I try to introduce themes and symbolism in other situations too... yesterday we saw Age of Ultron, and we talked about the concept of "fear bringing about the thing you fear" often applying to war and conflict.)
  5. WOW. I didn't know the common app required course descriptions. So many people here say they were never asked for course descriptions. Why is that?
  6. DD started with Saxon and despised it. Tears, hated math, the whole deal. We switched to TT with Pre-Algebra and have continued through Alg I and II, and Geometry. DD became a math lover who voluntarily does math in the summer. I've heard about TT not being rigorous enough, etc, so i just wanted to share that DD took her Accuplacer and placed into Pre-Calc "quite handily" according to the advisor. We have not supplemented, have only used TT. We used Alg I in 8th grade, and combined Geom and Alg II over 9th and 10th. She will be starting next year with community college courses. Just sharing if that helps anyone make the leap!
  7. DD started with Saxon and despised it. Tears, hated math, the whole deal. We switched to TT with Pre-Algebra and have continued through Alg I and II, and Geometry. DD became a math lover who voluntarily does math in the summer. I've heard about TT not being rigorous enough, etc, so i just wanted to share that DD took her Accuplacer and placed into Pre-Calc "quite handily" according to the advisor. We have not supplemented, have only used TT. We used Alg I in 8th grade, and combined Geom and Alg II over 9th and 10th. She will be starting next year with community college courses. Just sharing if that helps anyone make the leap!
  8. Yeah, what's up with that? They are like electrical wire!
  9. Article said... These days, choosing not to dye has become a statement rather than a casual stylistic choice. No, really sometimes it is just a casual stylistic choice. I note that most of the comments here are talking about upkeep, and/or just what looks best. It doesn't have to be a statement or a war. It's not that big of a deal. I have a friend who makes everything into a statement. She went through a "no makeup" phase, and of course it was all about "society's oppressive standards". Now she is in the "let the gray go" phase, and this is also about "being my authentic self and letting go of vanity". I don't think she realizes how that sounds condemnatory of anyone else not making the same choice. Give it a rest.
  10. I also think a cat might not work well. Even affectionate cats decide on their own when to be affectionate. They are not always "reliable" as companions, which might be frustrating to your son. What about an organization that helps match dogs with SN kids? That might be a great way to get a well trained and likable dog who could win your heart without you having to go though all the training work. My husband is not big on dogs either (we have cats), but there have been a few dogs, well trained with great personalities, that he admits he could come to like.
  11. LOVE! When I was a kid I had a turtle like that. I named him Touche Turtle and as an adult I always wondered why. This thread made me look it up... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touch%C3%A9_Turtle_and_Dum_Dum He also prompted my love for science...after he died we buried him in the yard, and I was compelled a month later to dig him up and investigate!
  12. goldberry


    When the recession hit DH was unemployed for TWO YEARS. Both of us had worked for close to 20 years, but due to a quirk, DH could not collect unemployment. We had some nice savings and went through all of it - every dime. We still have not rebuilt any savings. I remember feeling very strongly that we were responsible, saving, working adults, and it made no difference at all. A lot of people who worked the system came out of it much better than we did. :grouphug:
  13. These two things together should have definitely made it clear. (I wanna come... :) sounds like a nice evening!)
  14. Ahh..now I would use that! What are smash books?
  15. What are you people using this for???
  16. Oh my gosh, remember the nurse at the hospital in the robot arm episode? :lol: :lol: :lol: That was so funny...
  17. Yes...that's what I was thinking, until you've been clear with them what your family's values are. There is premarital sex and sexual innuendo in the show. It's very hard to find ANY show without premarital sex these days. Most episodes though it is a side thing and not pervasive nor very explicit. A lot of it is implied. We've skipped a few episodes where it was more pervasive throughout the episode. I wouldn't have an older one watching until they knew that was not what our family considers "normal" sexual behavior. Obviously may be different for your family.
  18. I'm so sorry. Given the parameters you describe, I would say endure for the sake of the kids.
  19. Love Big Bang. DD16 watches but some things are uncomfortable. A lot of the situations would go over the head of a younger one though. I would say 14?
  20. Another vote for yes would adapt on "sucks" and "crappy" (which I use personally all the time) and no probably wouldn't bother with "shoot" "darn", etc. Someone scolded by daughter once for saying "what the heck" and gave her a lecture that "everyone knew that was just a substitute for the f-word." ??? I wasn't too pleased. Maybe it means that for them, but not for us. In our house it's a substitute for the H-E- double broomsticks (as we used to say!) Which I consider a soft swear word.
  21. Here is a quote from HLSDA: Am I Homeschooling Under the “Home School†Law or the “Private School†Law? March 10, 2011 Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but because the federal government has no direct authority to regulate education, each state is free to implement its own legal structure for home education. Across the United States, we see a variety of statutes under which parents may educate their children at home. Some states have specific “home school statutes†that distinguish homeschools from public and private schools by defining “home school,†“home education,†or another similar term. Children educated under such statutes are legally considered to be “homeschool†students. Other states do not have a “"homeschool statute†but rather allow parents to teach their children at home under a private school law. In some cases, a parent may operate her own private school in her own home for the benefit of her children, while in other states, an administrator operates the school with which parents register their children. Under this option, although parents oversee the education of their children and remain primarily responsible for the instruction, the children are legally considered to be “private school†students. Several states have more than one option so that parents can choose whether to comply with the homeschool statute or the private school statute.
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