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Halftime Hope

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Everything posted by Halftime Hope

  1. I had tilled a foundation bed filled with black clay and added a skiff-load of coarse compost (lots of wood chips) last May and let it decompose til now. It's all clay now! Uggh. Black clay = the Borg, it assimilates everything. 😑 I'll have to dig down and pull out all the clay and replace with 8 inches of garden mix and compost. That's my sunniest bed, and I wanted to grow potatoes and onions in it. What a disappointment. On a happier note, my brussels sprouts are living their best lives. I hope weather continues favorably. All the early seedlings are a week old...dh is fascinated.
  2. We've got the testing dialed in. The weirdest thing is that pasta with ground beef and marinara or spaghetti sauce drops his blood sugar. Yep, drops it. It's the weirdest thing.
  3. We'll cheer for you, either way, Elizabeth! But your story reminds me of my first period after bfing #2 for many months. I felt sooo tender everywhere, so "heavy" in my uterus, very much like I was pg, but the doc said he was almost certain it was that I was getting ready to ovulate for the first time in ~18 months. He was right. And in the next few months I started learning about NFP and the subtle cycle indicators. (I just had no exposure to it prior to that time, even though I had fabulous midwives.)
  4. Oh, sorry, Chris! I wasn't implying anything about your experience. My FIL definitely had the hallucinating when he tried it! So I have firsthand experience with that side effect. But elderly and kidney disease patients are among those who have worse effects on the med, because it isn't cleared as well. However, there are also quite a few case reports of people sleepwalking and doing other activities while medicated, to the point that there are Ambien memes.
  5. Not even that, with mine. "It was like a mobile caller ID, kids. You just knew to go to a phone and call that phone number back."
  6. Abnormally long cycles can have those same symptoms, too. And that first cycle coming off breastfeeding-induced amenorrhea can be the same way.
  7. We found my pager in a old box a few weeks ago...
  8. You can certainly act in a loving manner while keeping specific boundaries. Can you write cards, make phone calls that are short and cheery, etc.? In general, communicate that you are thinking of them and wishing them well.
  9. Thanks, all. I'm interested in non-fresh-veggie options. (Picky eater, but honestly, if you can't taste anything and all you have to go on is the memory to substitute for taste, I get it. Annoying, but I get it.) It's a miracle PE is willing to try something else. Any boxed pasta subs that tasted pretty good or had good texture? TIA!
  10. Family member wants to try a substitute for pasta (everything from spaghetti to egg noodles and bite-sized pastas, to --rarely -- lasagna noodles). [ETA: I've tried veggie subs at times, but it doesn't go over well. I'm talking about dried noodles or pasta from a box.] Anyone have any brands they like? Texture is probably a bit more important than taste. Please indicate if keto or if low carb. Also if you've tried ones that are terrible, that would be good to know. 😄 Thank you very much!!
  11. I'm with all the other posters here, but more for your own well-being. Why on earth would you want to continue a relationship with someone around whom you are always going to feel on edge?
  12. Some people have this; it's well known, especially in people with diminished kidney function. (I know this b/c of an elder that I cared for.) Someone we were close to years ago had a neighbor who acted out in a criminal fashion while on Ambien; it was extremely out of character, and devastating, for them.
  13. It bears saying that, yes, trazodone is not an SSRI, but it's adjacent. There is a syndrome called Post SSRI sexual dysfunction, and it's not just temporary lowering of libido. It can be an absolutely devastating, heart-breaking loss of normalcy and a deal-breaker for relationships. So with a young adult, I'd want to be really, really careful with SSRIs and SSRI-adjacent drugs because of the risk. In other words, I would exhaust every other measure first. They have a lifetime ahead of them. Here's a good general populace article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/side-effects/202303/sexual-dysfunction-may-continue-even-after-ssris-are-ended https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10122283/ Israeli retrospective study estimating approx 1 in 200 incidence of PSSD, and yes, this study was specific to people who took SSRIs. Here's the kicker: we don't know what, precisely causes PSSD -- the brain and its biochem are complex, and many of the mechanisms have multiple effects or overlaps. There are individual reports of some people having PSSD from trazodone. But if you're that one person, it's a horror, a living nightmare for you. Trazodone had also been studied for co-administration with SSRIs and has shown modest benefits in sexual function. But again, that doesn't account for the person who is atypical. Anyway, I thought it would be good to speak up, so you can be truly informed.
  14. First of all, framing, drywall, paint, a pocket door kit or two and new flooring -- much of that could be done, or could be learned how to do, by the new residents. (It would depend on their reliability and willingness.) You might hire in an electrician after the framing if you/ds don't feel comfortable running electrical for the light switch. I'd consider a pocket door for the bedroom or the swinging door pictured if you plan to build in a closet immediately in a line of sight past the door. The most important thing is to frame up the red wall with a 2x6 sill plate and header, then stagger every other vertical 2 x 4 in the wall, so each vertical is set 3/4 of an inch from the edge of the 2x6. The first one would be flush with one side of the 2x6, the next flush with the other side, and so on, down the entire wall, so that wall doesn't transmit sound waves from the laundry area. (And of course that wall should be well-insulated, even though it's an interior wall.) You can get all kinds of creative with the layout of the laundry room, but if it will be a family laundry, chances are that laundry sink will get a lot more use than you've given it. While you're installing new flooring in the lanudry, I'd switch out the flooring for a single vinyl sheet, so it's waterproof. When you have a problem with a water leak from the washer -- it will happen at one point or another -- you'll be glad that floor slowed down the water flowing into the ceiling below. Best wishes! P.S. Another consideration: is this a house in which you could age in place on the first floor? You might consider what kind of budget would be needed to make that work. One of my co-workers just had a catastrophic medical accident and having a house that is livable when one is handicapped can be an immense comfort when you world is turned upside down in every other way.
  15. I work on a campus that is near totality, but I've already given my notice that I'll be taking the day off. This will be the last total eclipse (without traveling) of my lifetime unless I'm longer lived than I expect to be, so we three in the household will be driving to a place of totality and enjoying it in quiet. I remember the party atmosphere of a college campus during a partial during my college years, and I've happily sponsored many a star party for homeschoolers. This time I'm ready to quietly enjoy the intensity of the occasion. If grandkids were willing, I'd do it with them, but my kids are not interested. (Too many star parties, I guess.)
  16. Many men have zero desire to stand in front of a urinal while a woman walks past him. Re-plumbing a bathroom is not an easy thing to do.
  17. I would characterize this as making a large splash in popular press in 2019, but it was not unknown before then. I very well remember discussion in the mid-1990s of immune amnesia as a sequel to measles, as were several other complications including encephalitis and the very rare SSPE and eye issues. The sources I was reading and listening to (getting CEUs at the time) were practicing pediatricians, so maybe it was observational data on their part, confirmed 20 years later in studies...or perhaps finally there was a mechanism identified and therefore published? Anyway, this has no bearing on your argument, it's just a bit of interesting trivia, and perhaps instructive for the future: we can often deduce patterns in observational data which could be confirmed -- or not -- through prospective trials. We should be attentive and not dismissive of parents' concerns. I'd like to see what evidence Jha is using to support his statement. (If it's like many other of his statements, he is shooting from the hip with no evidence.)
  18. Someone I don't know posted a video of her testing a Stanley, on the inside, and her swabs turned positive for lead. Clearly the article posted by Prairiewindmomma had more detailed, credible information. I'm going to step away from this now.
  19. I read the article, @prairiewindmomma. It's possible the person doing the test didn't have a reputable lead test, but she was not swabbing the base, rather the interior of the cup. It was turning the swabs a color. ??? More importantly, the article mentioned not drinking hot beverages stored for hours in 304 or 18/8 stainless steel. That would apply to me, a daily tea drinker. Will have to rethink; probably the easiest would be to begin using my old coffee carafe as a warmer. Sigh. It's either that or spend far too much time at the microwave at work, warming up tea.
  20. BTW, I saw someone doing lead wipes on the inside of Stanleys recently. Tested positive for lead.
  21. It's funny that was what came immediately to my mind.
  22. Thanks for these, @prairiewindmomma! This is helpful...I wasn't sure of the search terms to use!
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