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Laura in STL

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Everything posted by Laura in STL

  1. How I would respond to this depends on the situation. If it was in the context of a conversation in which the other mother expected me to respond, then I would probably say that I couldn't possibly do all that I do with my dc in just two hours. Occasionally we have a short day to accommodate a special activity, but not on a regular basis. I wouldn't go out of my way to point this out if she was just making an offhand comment. Honestly, in my state a parent could not make this comment as we are required to school for 1,000 hours per year. 600 of these hours must be core content instruction that occurs in the home. I think it may be possible to do a decent job with that small number of hours if the student is doing core work only, but we do many electives at our house. Again, our state specifies certain subjects that must be taught, as well.
  2. We start August 22 full steam. The kids get a little gift on the first day wrapped up in a cone shape. (a Schuletute) We may go out for lunch or something to celebrate, too.
  3. This sounds just like my daughter! I recently got a five page(handwritten) "summary" of the Ugly Duckling. We have started using IEW, but I think I will end up with WWS as well. Somehow I will have to figure out how to combine them, because I love them both!
  4. No regrets about grammar at all. I started both with FLL 1/2 in first and went through the whole series then moved on to R&S 5. We will be using FLL 4(dd) and R&S 6(ds) next year. It especially has helped with foreign language here. Ds completed LC I last year and did great with it. He can't wait to take level two. Our new Spanish tutor was impressed last week with dd's understanding of verb tenses and objects in sentences. So, for us early, but gentle, grammar has been a good thing.
  5. :iagree: I have a ds with ADHD and in his case I don't think ps would have helped at all. I think there are plenty of opportunities for kids to slack off or fall through the cracks at ps. Of course, you know your own son, and this may not be the case for him. The difference for my ds between meds and no meds is night and day. If you are willing to try them, I would go that route first if possible. Most peds or family practice docs will prescribe them, especially if you have a child psych followup scheduled. Perhaps you can explain that you would like to do a trial before the school year arrives. I also have ADHD and am much like your daughter. I reached a point where maturity level allowed me to overcome my symptoms without meds. I also viewed meds as a last resort, so I understand your reasons for wanting to wait it out.
  6. I've tried to love planning on the computer, but I just don't. I love having a teacher plan book with an apple or pencil on the front!:tongue_smilie: I do keep a list of courses and materials used for each year on the computer, as well as our state-required hours completed.
  7. Does anyone have experience with the DVD programs from the Great Courses? They are on sale right now, and I was thinking of using one as a supplement. My dc are middle school age, but I thought it more likely to find someone with experience on this board. The one I'm interested in for them is world history, but I may look at calculus and chemistry for refreshers for me. Thanks!
  8. I enforce walk/don't run and use of a quiet voice. The two libraries we frequently visit have a children's area that is open, so I feel we should. When my kids were little this was harder, but we always tried. I always came with a list and kept trips short until they could behave. Now that they are 9 and 11 they want to go to the library when it's not story time. It's funny to hear them say, "Those little kids are SO loud!" I used to be a children's librarian, and I always appreciated parents who supervised their children. We did enforce no running as a safety issue, but tried to be polite about it.
  9. I chose option three - once or twice a season. My biggest ironing project is usually patches for scout uniforms. Dh wears dress clothes for work, but I take them to the dry cleaners. If I have something special that needs ironing I usually send it along with his. Our everyday clothes are mostly wash and wear.
  10. I voted yes, but I studied German for 10 plus years, so maybe I have a different perspective due to that.
  11. I would have to see it on. It looks too short in the pic, but may look fine on a petite girl.
  12. :grouphug:Just to encourage you let me say that her perspective may change. My oldest was three when I told my parents that we had decided to Homeschool. I have a BA in elementary education, so I expected them to think it was a great idea. Wrong! My dad said that he didn't believe in that, like it was areligious doctrine or something. My mom basically said that I could do whatever I wanted, but she was sure that when the time for kindergarten came I would realize that I should send him just like all the other kids. Not exactly the supportive response I expected. Seven years later the results of our homeschooling adventure have totally changed their minds. I mean now they practically grab strangers and tell them their grandchildren are home schooled and it's awesome. They have done a complete turnaround. So, support may come eventually, but in the meantime I understand how hard it is not to get that from parents. I remember feeling like they didn't trust me to make the right decisions for dc.
  13. We have had this problem with some of the cute, holiday pencils that we got at Walmart. I used to get those to put in Valentines or as Halloween treats, but I stopped because they were so bad. Now I get the kids decorative pencils from our local teacher store, and they are much better. Of course, they are more expensive since you buy them as singles. We also use the plain number twos with no problem, but I have a big box that i've had for years. I hope I'll be able to find good ones when I need to replace them. I also find the electric sharpener works better on pencils. When the kids use their little manual sharpeners the leads seem to fall out more.
  14. Thanks! What was confusing was that there were two for middle school. I didn't realize one was for CA. One of the used sites didnt have pics, so I was afraid I'd end up with the teacher book for one and the student book for another. This info will help.
  15. I'm looking through used copies of CPO physical science and there are several different titles. I want the middle school texts. I have found Introduction to Physical Science, Focus on Physical Science, and just Physical Science. Can anyone help me figure out which is which?
  16. Thanks for the information! I think I will call their office with a couple questions and get the process started.
  17. The MEGSSS program is the one we are interested in for him. I need to find out how much outside work is involved, too. He is in many extracurriculars already, so I don't want to overwhelm him with homework!
  18. I haven't posted to this forum before, but frequently visit the k-8 and logic stage boards. I haven't had either of my two children assessed specifically for giftedness, but suspect that both are at least in certain areas. My oldest, ds11, is very good at math. We are using Singapore on grade level (just finished 5A&5B in 5th grade), and he finds it pretty easy. He is able to self teach most of it. There is an opportunity in our area to apply for a position in a program for gifted math students. This is defined as 98% in math and 95% in reading on standardized testing, which ds meets. I'm trying to decide if we should go through the application process which includes a three hour out of level test. Does anyone have experience with an enrichment program for gifted kids? I'm not crazy about using labels, but this could be a chance for him to be challenged by good math teachers and a curriculum designed for gifted middle schoolers. Any advice?
  19. I found WTM at our local library while browsing the homeschooling books. I cannot say how glad I am that I checked it out! Now I own two editions. I wanted a plan for k-12 that would build an incremental yet cohesive education for my dc. That was a big fault in my own ps education. It was so disjointed. I didn't want a boxed type curriculum, so WTM was a perfect fit! Finding it when my oldest was only 4, so I could start right at the beginning, has been a blessing! Seven years later I'm still learning from it.
  20. :grouphug:So sorry for you! I've btdt three times and it is so hard.
  21. Definitely drive. I wouldn't consider flying unless 10 hours or more.
  22. I have to say I prefer Fortel's to traditional St. louis pizza, too! We love the zoo, and there is a brand new baby elephant, but I don't know that she would be out for the public yet. I can't remember how old they have to be for that. I would suggest the Arch, because it's unique to St. Louis. There is quite a bit of info in the museum if you listen to the recordings by the exhibits. The City Museum is awesome! The roof is extra, but it's really fun. This place scares my mother because kids are allowed to climb on pretty much everything, but my kids love it.
  23. I have an external keyboard that I almost never use. However, I do have a Mac laptop that I use for some things. I can't imagine using a stylus for anything, personally.
  24. My ADHD ds would also have problems with multistep directions before he was treated. He was the opposite, though, and would only get the first half. Once he heard one direction his brain would jump ahead to doing that thing, so he would miss the other parts. Repeating helped him as well. I would think it couldn't hurt to have an evaluation. You may get some suggestions to help him overcome these things.
  25. Thanks for sharing all the stories. I recognize several things mentioned above in my dd as well. I think i will talk to dh about getting an eval before the fall. I guess we will start with our primary, who we really like and go from there. Can't say I'm happy to go down this road with another kiddo, but I don't want her to struggle like I did.
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