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Laura in STL

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Everything posted by Laura in STL

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions! I think I'll take everyone's advice and not bother with the level one. I saw another thread with SOTW lined up to the HO level 2 plan, so that is already done for me! I may have 4th grader do the literature, so we can still discuss as a family. That's her strong area, so it shouldn't be a problem. For writing I'll just stick to SOTW narrations for her, since it sounds like the Middle Ages summaries are a bit more advanced. We are doing IEW, too, so writing should be covered. History was my last thing to figure out, so now I can start buying and planning for next year! Yay!:D
  2. I'm thinking about HO for next year's middle ages study. I will have dd in 4th and ds in 6th. Both are above grade level readers, and their writing is probably on grade level. I'm wondering if I should buy level one and level two? I definitely want level two for ds, but can't decide about level one. Im a little concerned that they don't line up lesson by lesson. We like to work together with their ages so close, so I might just have dd do SOTW 2 and try to follow the topics from level two. I haven't used HO before, so if you have any experience with it I would love to hear. Do you think we would be missing out by not using level one with dd? My main reason for getting HO is that I don't think we are doing enough logic level work in history with ds, and I think the structure will help us. I also like that it is secular, because we have our religion covered with another program. Thanks for any ideas!
  3. My son finished the 1-3rd Saxon books by second grade, and we moved on to 5/4. I did copy some problems for him, but it became clear rather quickly that this wasn't the only problem. The spiral structure was driving him crazy with all the review, and it just wasn't challenging to him. For 3rd we switched to Singapore with the CWP book and were very happy. We did need to add drill work. My son also has the photographic memory, so I like to challenge him with problem solving activities. Just our experience. I'm sure once you take a look at the programs it will be clear which is the best fit for your son.
  4. Will ALL 5 be the only level available this October? I'm not sure if it is going to follow the same format as FLL or be a multi-level book. Thanks!
  5. I didn't know that a FLL 5 was coming out. I think that would definitely interest her. She wishes she would have found it before this year. Too bad it is too late for me!
  6. Would ILL be good to use after using FLL 4? Or would it be too easy? I'm asking for a friend who has not used the other levels of FLL. She just started this year with 4. This is for a fourth and sixth grader. I don't have any experience with ILL, so I didn't know what to tell her. I personally move on to R & S, but she's using MFW, which recommends ILL. Thanks!
  7. I think there are some virtual dissections available online. Maybe if it's an animation it would not seem so gross to them? We are using the quick links from the Usborne Science Encyclopedia along with our human body study. Many of those are animations or diagrams that aren't gross to my kids at all. I guess if they still found that too much I would wait on the human body until time for biology in high school. Just doing botany and zoology more in depth should be fine until then.
  8. Sorry, Hittite Warrior was supposed to go up with school reading! I don't want anyone to think I'm signing my posts Hittite Warrior!!! Lol.
  9. IMO, it is definitely quality over quantity! I would rather read and discuss one great/good book with my kids, and have it make an impact on their lives than cruise through many books only to wonder if they will remember them later. When the books on the list don't look like something my kids could learn from or enjoy at this point I skip them. I don't have a problem with adaptations, so if I'm worried about the reading level or length but not content I use those. Some series my fifth grader has read/is reading are: Percy Jackson Harry Potter The Chronicles of Narnia(loves these!) Little House on the Prairie Boxcar Children I can't remember all the individual titles he's read this year, but I have used the book Honey for a Child's Heart to help him choose fun, independent reading books. For school this year he has read: Tales of Ancient Egypt Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt The Golden Goblet Tirzah My dd is a bit younger but really likes: Ballet Shoes, Dancing Shoes,etc. By Neal Sheffield Sister's Grimm HTH & happy reading! Hittite Warrior
  10. Those of you who are using History Odyssey and Human Odyssey, are you replacing the Story of Mankind with HO? I am looking at History Odyssey for next year but I'm not crazy about SoM.
  11. I'm looking into science for my ds and dd who will be 6th and 4th graders next year. Im planning on Earth Science and Astronomy. Right now we are doing Apologia Human Anatomy and Botany. I like it but feel like it is more grammar level thinking, and I'm ready to move into the logic stage with science next year. AIMS has the Earth Book( gr6-9) and Out of This World(gr4-8) for scientific investigations. I'm wondering if these would fit well with a logic stage approach to science. I would use DK Definitive Visual Guide Earth and Universe and library books for extra reading and writing assignments. I'm also open to anything else that has worked for you. I know many use PH Science Explorer, but I'm not sure I want a textbook with all the reviews I've read that say there just aren't ANY good middle school science textbooks. Although, I have to admit the idea is appealing. My only criteria is that we do not believe in the young earth philosophy,so many Christian programs are out.
  12. I am very interested in replies to this post, as I have the same question. My oldest is going into sixth next year. He is doing Latina Christiana with Memoria Press Online this year. We are happy with the instruction, and he is doing very well in the course. I have no experience with anything other than their Latin, but I think they do have a music appreciation course. I'd love to hear more about what you liked/disliked about Regina Coeli. I have looked at that as a possibility as we are Catholic, too. I have heard others mention that Veritas materials are not appropriate for Catholics, but I have no personal experience with them.
  13. I like Eliza and Elise. I think the spelling Elyse goes better with Lyla and would be less likely to get mixed up with Elsie. I would pronounce either with a short e sound at the beginning. I also really like the names Daria and Maya, but don't know if you would consider them old-fashioned. I like Eleanor, but I don't think of it as going with Lyla.
  14. I think DWC is one of those books that works great for some kids and horribly for others. My ds did the book in first grade and drew some really amazing pictures. He is not at all artsy, but breaking pictures down really made sense to him. While using it with him, I realized that it would not be a good fit for dd, who is two years younger. She is very creative and likes more freedom and less directions in art. It would have frustrated her to no end. I agree with other posters that if it is causing tears, move on. There are other great programs or classes out there.
  15. Yep, all the time. Actually, I used to reteach math to my friend down the street, because she could never understand the way her teachers taught it. I always wanted to be a teacher. In second grade I picked out a Christmas ornament in the shape of an apple and had my mom write my name on it. I still have it, and my kids think it's so funny. I did get a teaching degree and never thought I'd end up as a homeschooler!
  16. FWIW, I was terrified of IEW when I first looked at it! I have two friends, who went to an IEW conference and came back so excited about it that I decided to take a look at it. We are all doing it together with similar aged children in a mini co-op type setting. I'm not sure if I would have tried it if it weren't for that. We are only on unit III, but I love it and so do the kids. I'm still doing WTM dictation with them, as well. I would probably have taken a look at Writing with Skill, but it's not out yet, and we needed something this year.
  17. The book I am referring to is The Singapore Model Method for Learning Mathematics. It was the same price quoted by the OP, so I thought that was the one she was referring to. I also considered getting Bar Modeling a Problem Solving Tool by Yeap Ban Har, which I now realize is the same price, so maybe she was referring to that one. I found both on the Singapore Math site. Thanks for the link to another option. I may just try that one out, too. My 5th grader is pretty good at the word problems, but I know I will need to help my 3rd grader more when she gets to this point.
  18. We are at the same point in Singapore, and I just bought that book. I have just started reading it, so I can't really say how good it is yet. I can let you know in a couple weeks! I have used the Singapore Forums for help with specific word problems. They are very helpful and pretty quick.
  19. My ds10 is in 5th this year, and we moved on to Rod & Staff after doing all four years of FLL/WWE. I love the grammar in R & S, but we have started doing IEW for writing in addition to the exercises in R & S. We have had a hard time doing all the extra history and literature writing suggested in WTM. If you are able to do all of that, the writing in R & S would be plenty. I hope to integrate writing more eventually, and I think IEW will help us do that. I am really happy with R & S, though. It's very easy to use and thorough.
  20. Thanks for your response! That's just what I was wondering. Now to decide between the two. Or maybe I'll get them both!
  21. I'm interested in feedback from anyone who is using one of the core texts in the new WTM for logic stage history. How is it working for you? How is the difficulty level? Etc. I'm looking for a sixth grader who is a good reader and loves history.
  22. When will the list of seminar topics be listed for each conference? Will SWB present the same topics at each conference? I am trying to decide between two conferences, and if different topics are offered that may influence my decision. If they are the same, I 'll just go with the closer one. Thanks!
  23. We spend about 2 to 2.5 hours a day on math/lang arts combined. This includes discussion of our reading assignments, but not always the actual reading time. We have one book we all read, and they each read one off a list that is independent. Sometimes they do the reading during their free time. Perhaps you could do the four core boxes and finish with one fun box each day? That way you could shorten the day but still get the fun activities in. It would be something to look forward to, as well.
  24. My oldest is a visual learner, too. We have done WWE 2 - 4 and are now doing dictation from literature in 5th grade. The dictation was never easy for him, but it has helped him to order his thoughts for writing. I think this is sometimes hard for visual learners. I would take the suggestion to make the sentences as easy as necessary or even go back to copywork for awhile. I agree the studied dictation would be a good in between step. We did that for awhile, too. Hope this helps.
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