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Wheres Toto

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Everything posted by Wheres Toto

  1. Today was my weigh-in day and I lost about 1/2 pound in the past week. I did pretty good with eating, but went slightly over weekly points (Weight Watchers). I was having some upset stomach issues from the antibiotics I was on, which meant I was eating the rolls that help settle my stomach (potato rolls, they are the best thing to help settle my stomach when it's upset). Did yoga every morning Monday to Friday, went to the Y four days, including Saturday. I was sleeping really well for a while, then the past two days it all went out the window for some reason, which hasn't helped. This week should be a good one for the Y and yoga since I'm mostly off at work.
  2. Looks like that particular meme is from Florida.
  3. Kids had a great time reverse engineering the computers at 4H. They are a group that is particularly into destruction. Lots of "that's so cool!" and "this is the best!". It's always a fun activity.
  4. Yeah, I'm another shy, quirky introvert who never quite feels like I fit in. I mean, I am literally on the executive committee of the board of directors of a volunteer activity I do. I was asked to join this board, then asked to serve a role on the executive committee. And yet, I still sometimes feel like an outsider. And it's not because anyone else makes me feel that way, it's all on me. I do have some fellow volunteers/workers for the organization that I consider friends. They were homeschool friends that I actually introduced/helped break in to this activity but then they became more active than I was. I have other homeschool friends, I'm friends with the people I work with although technically they are my employees. Some are parents of my students. But we don't tend to get together to do things much. We talk when we see each other, send messages, share jokes. But we're all really busy, and really reluctant to go out after full days working.
  5. I grew up with a single mother who struggled a lot so I definitely was raised with the idea of being able to support myself. I'm also already once divorced, although I was a full time working mom at the time of my divorce. I've done a mix of SAHM and working outside the home since the kids were born. I was home for 9 years, but then was able to get a full time job in my previous field when dh was trying to start his own company. I quit when he went back to a regular full time job in his field. Then was home for a few years and started a business offering classes to homeschoolers, so something that the kids were able to just come to work with me. I'm still doing that, although I don't actually take any income from it. I do have the qualifications/degrees to teach middle or high school science, and those jobs are definitely in demand. I also could go back to being an executive assistant, maybe temp to perm at first, if I needed a larger salary than starting out as a teacher. If something happened to dh, I could afford our house on what I could make. Partially because we decided against doing an addition on our very small bungalow and decided it was fine for us, plus perfect for aging in place.
  6. Morning, Happy Thursday! This has been a bit of a crazy week. Up early Monday since dh needed my car since he had a doctor's appointment and ds had school, and we had to run out for dry ice. Up super early Tuesday since I had a 7am CT scan (Calcium score was zero, which means no build-up of plaque at all, yippee!) and dh always takes the car on Tuesdays and drops me off early, then yesterday I needed to run to get dry ice again but at least I had my car and didn't need to do it really early. Today is back to normal but I do have a 4H meeting tonight. I think we're going to reverse engineer - take apart laptops to see what's inside. Then tomorrow I have a 2 1/2 hour Lego robotics class and I'm off for a week except for makeup classes from a snow day Tuesday and an Open House Friday. I really probably should straighten out my Quickbooks next week too. Or at least get started on it. I'm off again after just two weeks for President's Day week.
  7. I've been keeping up with the yoga in the morning, we're eating TONS of vegetables, I'm tracking on WW but also in a notebook to record exercise and general feelings like if I have a headache or cramping or whatever.
  8. No, but it looks like mine was a UTI/bladder infection/kidney infection. I'm on antibiotics.
  9. Makeup always feels yucky to me these days. Either sticky or thick or slimy. I can't wear it anymore. Even bb cream feels heavy to me lately. I was up early again today to go to my ct scan. I was at work 2 hours earlier than the earliest possible time I needed to be here. I just finished breakfast, I'm waiting a few minutes to take my antibiotic, then I'm going to go wash dishes. I still have over 90 minutes before classes start.
  10. 26, married to ex, one child. It was a foreclosure though so quite a bit below market and in a farther out area that tends to be less expensive. That's the only house I was a part of purchasing. I rented after my divorce, then married dh who had his house for almost 10 years before we got married.
  11. Had a good day. Homemade oatmeal with berries for breakfast, a bean burrito for lunch, salad and vegetable soup for dinner. Did yoga this morning and went to the Y and walked on the treadmill for about 45 minutes. I'm still not doing weights because I'm still getting back pain. Doctor called today and I have a UTI, possibly kidney infection. I could have told them that two weeks ago. So now I have an script for antibiotics. I'm hoping clearing up the UTI stops the stomach cramping I've been getting since Thanksgiving.
  12. Morning Happy Monday. Up early today because I need to drive a couple towns over to pick up dry ice for class, and dh needs to go with me and drop me off since he needs the car because he has a doctors appointment today and ds has class. Normally ds's Monday and Wednesday class is late enough that dh just will come home from work a little early so ds can have the car and it won't effect me at all, but not today. Of course. Since I have an early errand to run. Tomorrow I'm going for my CT Calcium score test and it's the day dh and I normally car pool since ds has his earlier class. My test is at 7am so it won't be a big deal (even though dh usually starts work at 6am or even earlier but he can start at home on the computer). Two days in a row of not getting to sit and relax with my tea and breakfast, instead I'll be eating once I get to work.
  13. It is extremely cold here, single digit wind chills, and cold makes my old injuries (ankle, knee, wrist) hurt a ton so no walking outside for now. Did a bunch of work at work yesterday and went up and down stairs about 8 times. Dh does all the cooking in our house but now that I said I want to really change things, he's gotten fully on board. Pork OR red meat once a week, more vegetables, more fish, less sweets/junk food. He wasn't willing to make the change when he started on statins, etc. but now he is so that's good. I started a notebook to keep track of not just food/exercise/etc. but also how different things make me feel - headaches, joint aches, etc since I seem to react to a lot of different foods with some level of inflammation. We are making a lot of changes, but I feel like they aren't drastic changes, just modifications with less of some things (junk) and more of other things we are already doing. Hopefully that makes it easier.
  14. Morning, Happy Sunday. I had the joy of helping ds with pre-calculus Friday. He's finally taking the precalculus he needs for his degree. He tried once before and hated the professor (with cause from what he said) but he needs it so is trying again. Prof gave them what is supposed to be a pre-precalculus test for homework and there's was bunches ds didn't remember after not doing math for 3? 4? years. I've mainly been teaching PreAlgebra and Algebra 1 so had to do some refreshing myself but we figured it all out and he remembers much of it now. Hopefully that's a good sign for passing the class. I did tell him to make sure he asks for help right away if he's struggling with something since he'll just get farther behind.
  15. Hello, I haven't participated in these posts in a while but it's definitely time to get back to it. I recently went for my yearly physical with a new doctor and my cholesterol is super high, plus I've had some aches and pains that seem at least partially due to not enough movement but was confounded by injuries that were keeping me from certain things, plus being home on holiday break, which always leads to more sitting. I have gotten back into daily yoga in the morning. Right now it's about 25 minutes but I plan to work up to longer. We joined our local Y and are going there as a family 3-4 weekdays. Dh does all the cooking so we've been discussing what changes to make to what we eat. It's already pretty good, main things are portion control, less cheese/dairy. We already don't do much red meat but need to cut down on pork more. I rejoined Weight Watchers since that does work for me for tracking, plus I'm going to start a notebook writing down everything - what I eat, how I exercise, how I feel/aches/pains since I seem to have reactions to certain foods. All things I should have been doing for a long time already, but these new numbers (plus an awareness of my age) are a bit of a wakeup.
  16. Morning, Happy Friday. I ended up cancelling my scheduled Open House today since all the schools are closing early due to the incoming snow. It was scheduled for 1pm to 5pm so right in the middle of what's supposed to be the worst of it. Plus it's very cold so it would be an icy, slippery messy snow. Now I have to do all the work of rescheduling.
  17. I have done that. I have year-round allergies with allergy-induced asthma. Not life-debilitating but bad enough that once I found medications that worked, I wasn't willing to change them. I KNOW Claritan doesn't work for me, I KNOW Allegra turnings me into a rage machine. I have lied to new insurance companies about trying them while sticking with I know works until they would cover it. I don't have this issue as much anymore since so much is OTC, but I wouldn't hesitate to lie in this situation if it ever came up again.
  18. That is actually what the NP recommended - a calcium CT scan. As long as that is fine, just trying diet and exercise with a retest in 3 months. No antibiotics because evidently the raised WBC could be because of the prednisone I was taking when I had them done. They redid the urine today and are having me come next week to redo the blood since today was my last day of prednisone. And other than the achiness/cramping, there is no pain. No touch sensitivity at all. So we wait and see. My leg was helped by the prednisone but came back, they are thinking related to sciatica and getting off my butt and losing weight will likely help with that too. I love Shake Shack. There's one very near to work. But that definitely will NOT be on my new diet.
  19. Thank you for all the replies. I guess things have changed. I thought that account and routing numbers were still essentially public information. I still have to pay rent for my business location by check, I also give out paper checks for payroll. I offered the option for direct deposit but nobody took me up on it. I occasionally receive checks for class tuition but that's mostly online at this point. I do still receive checks for 4H member supply fees, tshirt orders, etc. At home, we still have to send in a check to pay for garbage pickup.
  20. Morning, Happy Wednesday. Schools have a delayed opening today but since I don't start until 10am, we just open at our normal time. One of my teachers will be out since she said roads aren't good by her. I asked another teacher to cover but I doubt we will have full attendance today so I figure we can cover if we have to. My blood/urine results are finally in. Looks like my cramping/abdominal pain may be due to a bladder/kidney/something infection, WBC are high in both blood and urine. My cholesterol and LDL are WAY high, but my HDL and all the ratios are fine. Surprisingly, my A1C is good not even prediabetic (seriously, that's very surprising). Everything else is pretty good. I have an appointment with a nurse practitioner this afternoon. Not the one I originally saw since she's not available for another week and it seems like at least the infection stuff should be addressed right away. Dh thinks they'll want to put me on statins, but from what I've read in the absence of prediabetes and with decent ratios, they may wait and give it time with diet/exercise/etc. I find the results a bit scary so have every intention of doing what I can to bring it down naturally.
  21. I'm home with a snow day today. The snow isn't particularly deep, only a couple inches, but there's a light sheen of icy rain coming down on top of it which is probably why the schools decided to close instead of delays.
  22. I've thought about this before and wondered if the lack these days is because of all the noise we are always surrounded by. Were our inner voices louder when there wasn't constant noise. Part of the reason I was thinking about this was because I have tinnitus but it rarely bothers me because it's rarely quiet enough for me to notice it.
  23. Morning, Happy Sunday. I'm trying to decide how lazy I feel like being today. There's nothing I need to do at work urgently, especially since I don't have my CT scan in the morning anymore so can go in to work at my normal (early) time and have time to do things before my first class. I'm not working in my upstairs storage area until I'm sure my back is completely better since I don't want to reinjure it for the third time in a few weeks by doing too much. It's not urgent since 99% of what we use regularly is now downstairs. That leaves laundry at home (which definitely will get done) and......... I do have a few things to print, a couple classes to plan, there's always other cleaning that could be done. I need to figure out an issue with Quickbooks but I feel like my brain needs to be shooting on all cylinders for that to be a good idea and it's just not these days. Dh has already said we're not planning to do our taxes until March so I will have a full week off work before that comes up. It might be better to just do a few of the easier fixes and leave the bulk for when I have more time/energy/brain capacity.
  24. They don't ever turn their cell phones on or they just turn it off at night? Unless it's an emergency, send the text and when they turn their phone on, they'll receive the text. If they never turn their cell phone on, then they need to be treated as if they don't own a cell phone (there are people out there who don't) and do whatever you would do for those people.
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