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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. Yes, I'm fairly sure it is just for cell phones. The ring never occurs, it just goes strait to a song until the voicemail picks up or the person answers. I think I'm getting old. I'm having a hard time adapting. Who knew I was so attached to the sound of a ring? :001_smile: Jo
  2. I can't get used to it. It makes me think I've made a mistake in dialing. I just called a person for the first time and got a creepy song in my ear until she picked up- it just weirds me out. Jo
  3. :iagree: I would lose my mind. I've been blaming my temporary lack of kitchen supplies on my lack of cooking and baking, but we'll see.... We go out at least once a week- but rarely sit down service type places. Lord help me if we had a Chipotle nearby! Jo
  4. Hasn't there been enough controversy on the board lately!!:glare: Sheesh! You trying to start something? Everyone knows Rain Forrest organic dark chocolate bars are the best. Jo
  5. That's a great phrase- propaganda detection levels- I like it. I like listening to the feuding talking heads for this reason. It sharpens the "propaganda detection" skills. Just because what they are saying could be considered "biased" doesn't mean it doesn't accurately portray peoples beliefs- and that is important to know. It is a skill to identify the factual errors, the red herrings, and non-answers. Jo
  6. I don't entirely trust any one news source. I assume that every story has more information. It's less about what is being said than what is being left out. If you only watch CNN/FOX or only listen to NPR or only read the NYT you are missing something that ISN'T being reported. I think the key is to think through every story critically. And to never trust one voice. Jo
  7. I have always used a file cabinet, but during this time without our furniture I have been using a binder to keep all the bills organized (I web pay, but I keep the hard copies for reference). I like it so much that I may ditch my file cabinet when it arrives (you're all praying for us to get housing...right? Just a friendly reminder:001_smile:). I use the file system for other things too, but I don't see why I couldn't ring binder them too! Am I going a little binder crazy? Where will I put these binders you ask? Yeah...well I don't know yet. First I want to know who uses the binder system as their permanent system---but if you do, I would love details. Do you use dividers? page protectors? Do you ditch the last bill when you get the next filed? I'm way to interested..... Jo
  8. I can so understand. You are definitely not alone. We have been pummeled with one "crisis" after another this year. We are off the charts on Selye's stress scale. But we can't "call it a year". We're are going to plug along year round, taking breaks as needed. Honestly? I wouldn't even know what percentage of our math, latin, spelling, or certainly science curriculum is completed. We just do the next thing until the thing is done. To prove it- my almost 12yo just started his formal jrHi science curriculum two weeks ago, and he finished a level in MUS a month ago and the next day started the next level. Thats how we roll. Don't feel like a failure. You are not alone in this crowd. But don't give up either. We'll be here to encourage you along. :grouphug: Jo
  9. I swear I actually went and read the Board Rules before I posted. I didn't even know it was allowed until today. I have avoided most political threads all together! :001_smile: I feel strangely guilty too! Hee, hee. Jo
  10. I wasn't exactly sure either. I probably shouldn't have thrown in my opinion at all since it didn't really answer the inquiry. You were gracious in your question of clarification. Jo
  11. there is probably a good reason not to discuss politics with friends. But I really want to say... I think Obama is nice man, who gives excellent speeches, and with well meaning plans for change. I want certain change, not change for change's sake. I think I spend a lot of time telling my kids not to accept certain things because they are currently poplular- that doesn't end with politics. The position of president makes hard, and sometimes unpopular decisions, I'd like someone who has made some before he/she gets there.
  12. I must admit I was thinking the same thing Reya was. It's cleaning. But I can see your example more as running a business. I'll have to think about that. I have had housecleaners come to my house in the past- but honestly I fired almost all of them because I couldn't justify paying that kind of money to people who did a worse job than me. They weren't making a difficult job look easy at all! They were making a rather uncomplicated but labor intensive job look unmanageable. I did have a sister-in-law team in Georgia that I adored- they were good. But I paid $60 for both of them to clean my house top to bottom. The word of mouth on this pair was so good they never advertised. I didn't mind that they didn't have a business license and their form of managing a schedule was a calendar. At the end of the day I don't think a housecleaner should be making more per hour than say an EMT with 20yrs experience or many starting jobs out of college. I don't mean to offend. I understand what the going rate is and that people WILL gladly pay to have it done. But I personally can't feel it's worth it. Jo
  13. 25 pages of realestate goobelygook and the power of attorney----since I had to sign everything twice for my dh. He owes me so big! Sell house...please sell!
  14. Well sweet potatoes! You KNOW I'm happy for you. Yippee, yippee, yippee. Yes, you're advanced maternal age- but it means nothing...trust me. three to four was not a big jump for me. And as for diapers...I'm on year twelve.... I'm so happy for you!!!!!!! Jo
  15. Praying for her right now. BTW- do you know if it was her leg or her hip? Either way, may I encourage you to rally the family around her, keep her spirits up, and motivate her to get up out of bed as soon as medically possible. I worked in orthopedic nursing for a year and I can't tell you how important it is to have the family advocate. Getting elderly patients up and out of the hospital should also be a priority. I hope everything goes well with the surgery. Jo
  16. Thanks Pam. He must have mentioned the 40 yo research before I turned it on- and then I was putting the dinner on and saying a lot of, "shh. shh. I'm trying to hear this. shh." Although he was referring to learning style, he still stated that African-American kids are right-brained. It seemed odd, don't you think? It was very assumptive and generalizing. I am particularly interested because my dh's field of work consists of the most left-brained of the left brained (those Nukes). And his last job in particular exposed him to the interview process for incoming wannabe nukes. The African American candidates beat the national demographics. It just seemed insulting to say they learn in right brained methods when those candidates went through the same learning methods as their non-AA peers. Pam, I know you and your dh can attest to the leveling of the playing field when it comes to the military. And they certainly aren't changing their schools to accomodate the historically oral tradition of certain races. Jo
  17. This is what I saw reported on the news as well. I must say it made my jaw drop to hear they filed for government aid as single moms. It just seems so inconsistent. I don't like the extrapolation of government determination in private lives, but this explains why polygamy laws exist in the first place- it's bad for the general welfare. And we I see them skirting the law and using the system it just fumes me. Jo
  18. As the speech went on I became more befuddled. He may have meant "the majority" but he said black people *are* right brained. He was stating it in relation to "different is not deficient", which of course, as a homeschooler I celebrate! But it was directed at the current form of education of black children and how unfair the teaching methods are. He even mentioned that black children have a harder time sitting still in classrooms. So they were especially at a disadvantage.
  19. I just heard Rev. Wright say during a speech broadcast on CNN that African Americans are right-brained. :001_huh: Is this an educational theory? For real? Of all the educational materials I've come across I've never heard a racial component to right vs left brainedness (word?). But I'm not as well read as some of you. Jo Edit: Please, please, please don't make this political. He is a current news figure, he was giving a speech at an NAACP conference, and because of that I was exposed to an opinion of education that I never knew existed. That is why I bring this up.
  20. I just want to add that Plymouth Plantation tried the "share everything" Christian community and it was an absolute disaster for reasons already discussed---no motivation etc... If the puritan pilgrims couldn't make it happen..... ;) I also agree that communism does have tiers to its system- there are haves and have nots, no matter how it is sold. It always ends up badly. Jo
  21. I hear ya sister!! That's my blob-lessness dh too. Chilling out is NOT his thing. Even his rest and recreation is blob-less. Going to the beach with him, I must say is annoying. In my mind beaches are for laying peacefully on a towel, for him they are locations for frisbees or footballs. ;) And only my dh is willing to dig the massive holes and build the sand castles- he's the good "beach parent". Hee, hee. Jo
  22. Vancouver Island I love the Comox area. My aunt and uncle live there and I've walked/hiked miles and miles in the region. Beautiful and relatively mild. My cousins live in Cowichan Bay, which is north of Victoria. It's beautiful, has a thriving art community as well as a strong emphasis on local organic markets etc. I would chose the island over the mainland- but of course money is no object, right? Jo
  23. Jiminy crickets.....termite turd. I did not need this. It's a rental, so it isn't really our ultimate problem. But it will become a problem if we have to leave. We have no where to go. It took us such a long time to find an affordable furnished rental. According to my entomological research the treatment for this type of drywood termite is tent fumigation. Do I really want the kids and the unborn babe exposed to that stuff? :confused: We need to get into military housing soon. I don't often ask for prayer (of course this will be twice in two days:001_huh:) but I really am starting to get anxious. We are also getting weary of not having our stuff- My three maternity shirts can't cover the need. Thanks ya'll. Jo
  24. Thank you both. I am encouraged. I haven't heard from the realtor- we are six hours behind-- she will probably call me at 3am! We have two more showings tomorrow, so she hopes this will breed a competitive offer from one of the new buyers. Oh please!! Thanks again for your words of experience and wisdom. Jo
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