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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. We have the first offer on our home in VA. We just recently had to lower the price because the comps in the neighborhood were dropping. It's a great house in great condition but as most of us realized the market stinks right now. We aren't expecting a profit in this market, but we would like not to lose money either. My realtor didn't leave details in the message and she mentioned it wasn't a particularly good contract, but they are expecting a counter. I confess, this is soooo my dh's department. He loves negotiating....me? Not. so. much. It is typical that our first offer would come in when he is at sea. :glare: I would appreciate any prayers you could offer on my behalf. I would love to let loose of this house, but I don't want to be foolish. Thanks. Jo
  2. jealous, angry, and happy for them all at the same time. You get it. I want to clarify that this has absolutely nothing to do with wealth. This sibling isn't dripping in money and their home size is appropriate for their family. This has much more to do with life circumstances being easy- same small town for years and years (roots), babysitting down the street, kids in school all day, time for parents to go out together routinely because of previously mentioned childcare down the street. And as much as everyone warns of probable cracks under the surface- you'll have to trust that this family is solid- other than the occassional moment. And I wish them no harm! I hope I clarified, as well, that I do love my sister. We get along great. She is wonderful. She. is. so. dang. wonderful. :glare:.....LOL. I was just feeling pettily jealous for my children because of all the attention poured out on my niece and nephew- I'm a jerk. It has been good to read everyone's stories. It is morning now, and things are looking better. I got an email from my dh and we're going to the beach today so you can all throw daggers my way now. Thanks again to everyone for sharing their story, it was a bit of a balm to my wounded spirit last night. Jo funny edit: The email from my dh was the first since he left for sea (he won't be gone long). In the email he asked me to line up a babysitter for an event we need to attend when he returns. [eye roll]. Kind of rubs it in, huh?
  3. Thanks Kate. I am thinking a bit clearer now, although no less hormonally. :001_smile: I don't think this is about personal affirmation, or even my children's successes and accomplishments. It is simpler than that. I think my extended family looks upon my children as a sort of collective entity. They love my children...but almost as a group. So I hurt for them that they aren't seen as the precious individuals that they are. I wish they were valued for their uniqueness, their character, not for their accomplishments- I can't provide school assemblies and most of our activities during these days of instability aren't on formal teams. I think it's just easier to notice those types of things. But I hear about every t-ball game and art project success and good grade and dance recital, etc. I do understand that my parents are only human and a bird in hand (my sister is less than an hour away) is worth two in the bush (or across the globe). You're right. I wouldn't trade places. I love my life and my family. I am thankful for our many blessings. But honestly, Kate, tonight it didn't help keep the snark away when I heard about one more thing my niece was awarded- she's 6!! I am feeling tender hearted, sorry to sound so sappy. I suppose I should channel all this emotional energy into completing a project of some sort.;) Thanks again for your kind words. Jo
  4. This may sound silly to you. How about a small, travel size Bible with something written inside by all members of the family? My second thought was something Semper Fi-ish. Something historical about the Marine Corp. Jo
  5. That is hilarious. I realize that awards are somewhat standard. I hear Syndrome from The Incredibles saying, "and when everyone is super...no one will be". But my parents and my sister's In-laws attend all these events in support. I don't have that. My parents and in-laws are generally supportive of homeschooling, and they love my kids, but sometimes I wish they would have the opportunity to gush and make them feel special. I'm feeling sappy. Dadburn pregnancy hormones. I better stop. Jo
  6. Well, she does share with me her moments. I understand that everyone has moments. Actually, this reinforces my original feelings because her "moments" are so very fleeting and minor. I was coming back to edit my OP because I realize these emotions were set off by getting off the phone with my mom. She was telling me about yet another school event for my niece. I swear they give you a certificate if you wash your hands properly :glare:. On further introspection I realize that when your kids are outsourced you just have so much more concrete reinforcement for every success. I really am just being weak minded tonight because so much of what takes my energy isn't noticed. Maybe I should start making certificates. ;) Just kidding. Jo
  7. Can I get a virtual high five and collective "sigh"? I'm having a weak moment. Please don't judge me too harshly. I don't want to seem unloving. I do love this sibling. But her life is just a breeze. She has the boy in t-ball, the girl in dance, the grandparents that attend all the events (school assemblies....but let's not start discussing "student of the month" or art awards), the dh home every evening *before* dinner, the weekends away while grandparents watch the kiddos...I could go on. I'm so petty. I know it. I just need a moment to pout. I realize I chose this route, I know my kids will have great memories, I know, I know, I know.... I'm scampering away....
  8. I just heard him reference a NYT article that stated it is worse for the environment to walk to work than drive because the caloric/food replacement releases more pollutants through production. Can you believe that? :001_smile: I would love to read that article, but I couldn't find it online. Jo
  9. I recently heard a speaker who said she would have been hauled off by CPS if they had ever uncovered the spelling lists she created for one of her sons. She made entire lists of words like "murder" and "shooting" and other crime related verbage. :D I thought it was brilliant. Jo
  10. Thanks for the update. I'm so glad they found him. Jo
  11. We don't have A/c either. This is what made me curious. I don't like A/C as a rule, but in the afternoon the house gets so hot (just the way its situated makes our living area heat up to unbearable temps- not necessarily the outside temp) I wondered what other home-educators do when the heat starts to melt our little pupil's brains. The winds that usually make any thermometer reading comfortable have disappeared. Today would have been a good day to study oceanography (go to the beach). :D Dare I say, we may need to get up earlier every day so we're done by lunch? Help. Jo
  12. I think humidity will play a part in this, but humor me.... What is your breaking point? Jo
  13. I think you can be modest without being stand-outish. Those suits are a bit over the top. I briefly googled "swim skirts" because I've noticed a few women here in Hawaii with cute, stylish, and modest skirts over their suits. I link this page just for reference and because the website made me think of TOG-as in Tapestry of Grace :D. Obviously no real connection... http://www.togshop.com/jump.jsp?itemID=116&itemType=CATEGORY&path=1%2C2%2C4%2C116&iSubSubCat=0&page=1&browse=all&view=4 Jo
  14. You know I have no photography talent whatsoever because they all look exactly the same to me. I wanted to wave at you from Hawaii! Your photos from the vacation are great. We are on the Windward side (we live the LOST views everyday). Aloha! Jo
  15. Can pregnancy be my medical reason? Please? Then again, I really do need to watch my diet, especially when my dh is gone. I just don't prepare balanced meals when it is just for myself. This is a good reminder. I have been preggo or nursing for 12 years now. You'd think I'd learn that diet matters! Thanks. Jo
  16. Rabbit Proof Fence looks good. Would you watch it with kids over a certain age? 12ish, 9ish? Thanks. See! I need a nudge out of my rut so my suggestions become more varied. Jo
  17. I did what you suggested and rated movies we have seen and they gave us more ideas: Here is what we added: Mr. Smith Goes To Washington X-men Mister Roberts (I love WWII comedies) An Affair to Remember (can you believe I've never seen this?) Now off to search educational selections.....
  18. It is a problem with having the time here too. We have recently watched: The Water Horse, Spy Kids, Nancy Drew, Horatio Hornblower, Sense and Sensibility, Transformers (the grown ups watched this--grrrrr! that they had to make it un-kid friendly), Andy Griffith and I love Lucy series... I can't remember the rest. I would like some suggestions for videos that also edify and educate---imagine that? :D Thanks. Jo
  19. I need family movies. Classics. Maybe even some educational DVDs :D. And perhaps some flicks for my feminine sensibilities while dh is out of town- I'm not a big fan of the newer "chick flick" genre though. Thanks. Jo
  20. This is so scary. I'll pray. Please keep us posted. Jo
  21. I know Ria once fixed a hole in her pool. She did it with the water still in the pool, goggles, and a patch kit. But, as we all know, Ria is superwoman. :D It can be done. Jo
  22. You are so right about the unfinished projects causing frustration. This is why I have been trying to put off things until the evening, because the interruptions, over time, were making me snippy. To accomplish one extra project a day is a worthy goal---I hear you. Thanks. Jo
  23. Can you believe I do try and get a short nap everyday and I still putter out in the evening? It is my goal in life to get the 3 and 1 yr olds down at the same time. Then I usually do one lesson that requires no interruptions with the older kids then I lay down to "read".....Ha! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ Giving my oldest a time to watch the little ones more often is a good idea. Thanks so much for your advice. Jo
  24. I'm not afraid to admit I already use the bathroom reading method. I'll bulk up on the fiber. ;) I've even been known to tape printed out articles up on the kitchen cupboards for when I'm engaged in mindless sandwich making or stirring. :D I am so glad to hear your account of how you did it and that it gets better. Thanks so much. Jo
  25. And by work, I mean researching certain necessary topics like organic container gardening, the evils of plastics:D, or perhaps to read ahead in Latin- since I barely understand what my children are learning right now. I have so many "projects" that I look forward to tackling in the evening when I have a moments peace. But here I sit, again, mentally drained. I will get my second wind in another hour, but by then it will be time to get ready for bed. I may wake up again at 1am and have a thoughtful time of problem solving, but I'm not going to get up and read from the stack of "useful" articles. I can only get up so early, and in this bity house the little ones hear the slightest stirring. When do you get your projects done? I guess this is a very individual question. Take into account the ages of your children, whether your dh gives you time away, etc. I'm in the full childcare care, husband at sea, no reliable babysitters nearby stage of life. Perhaps I shouldn't worry about container gardening? :D Okay, I think I'm really asking if anyone else plans on getting X,Y,Z done during the day when the kids are taking all your time, and then find when everyone's in bed you just don't have any gas left in the engine. I should have said that in the first place. Jo
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