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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. "It is quite easy to see why a legend is treated, and ought to be treated, more respectfully than a book of history. The legend is generally made by the majority of people in the village, who are sane. The book is generally written by the one man in the village who is mad." G.K. Chesterton Of course this could never apply to our dear SWB ;). I thought she'd giggle too. Jo
  2. :iagree: My dh hasn't been home before 9pm for nearly two weeks (but as my fellow military wives know, I'm grateful when he can actually come home every night). He never complains. Last night he called at 7:45 and said, "I'm in civillian clothes, keep the kids up- I need to see my children." He had plenty of work still to do, and went in at his usual O'dark early this morning, but he loves and adores his family and he lets us know despite his demanding job. I dig him! Jo
  3. Re-doing an historically inaccurate test seems foolish to me. Will your insurance cover an ultrasound to look for genetic "markers"? You should ask. They have ways of taking measurements on ultrasound that are much, much more accurate in determining. With your history there must be a way your MD could get an ultrasound coded correctly to be covered by insurance. I have had abnormal AFPs before but I stop getting the dadburn test at all now- it's a waste of time and money IMO. You don't need any extra worry Jenne :grouphug:. I have been praying for you and the little one. I will continue to until that little one is safely in your arms. Jo Edit: I meant *foolish* for the physician to re order the same test- not you for having the test. Just wanted to clarify.
  4. That was a fun article. I couldn't quite decide if she was being tongue-in-cheek, or actually grateful for the realization period that she is in. But I chuckled at all the references to popular culture insanity- Nicole Richie, Botox, Erno Lazlo mosturizer, kitchen remodeling, and cosmetic surgery.... :lol: How bad can the economy be when we still in the shedding of our extravagancies phase? It gave me a real giggle. Jo
  5. I buy as needed, but I don't buy a lot. I research a lot (to death actually). My dh has always said that he would rather give up in other areas than skimp on education. Having said that, I show him everything I purchase as a sort of check and balance for myself. I lean towards the frugal side naturally, but if I see something that I think will really add to our pursuit of knowledge- I buy it. Jo
  6. I was going to throw out Cystic Fibrosis. It's an easy test. I'd have it done ASAP to rule out. Jo
  7. Where is the pain? Complications can occur after arthroscopic surgery that have nothing to do with the area worked on. Can you specify what you're feeling? Jo
  8. Or perhaps I have it wrong. Have they revised all the books? Should I simply look for original editions? How do they work? Of the 60 some odd books, at some point does the writing lessen in quality? Not that Hardy Boys books are at the pinnacle of literature...but you know what I'm asking, right? Thanks. Jo
  9. http://www.sharpshooterimaging.com/Templates/is-search2c.php?imageset=/0&vn=corp&destLocation=&resetselected=true Trying again. Jo
  10. Blazing bright sun squinting and fake smiles included.... http://www.sharpshooterimaging.com/Templates/is-search2c.php?imageset=/0&vn=&destLocation=&resetselected=true Jo Edit: And it was an annoying little card in my wallet that helped me find this! Hee, hee.
  11. I should add to the above: membership cards- video stores, homeschool organizations, zoos and museums.....
  12. do you have in your wallet? I'm switching wallets for the first time in years and I'm so frustrated by all these darn extraneous space wasters---not that I'm willing to go without them...nah...I may actually go to Moe's Southwest Grill spontaneously next week? And what if they build a Bruster's ice cream on the island without my knowledge and I drive by WITHOUT my gift card? These things happen you know. I need to be prepared.;) Jo
  13. Dh did PTP with our oldest- they had a great time. He was a real turkey about this "first" talk. Now dh feels confident to have the future talks without so much staging and scripting. I guess it gave him confidence. I can't compare it to the other program though. Jo
  14. Last week my oldest [OLDEST!] spilled a small container of breadstick dipping sauce in my purse. He was trying to carry too much out of the car and it was a complete accident, but....but....still, I was mad! The cleaning was nasty. I overreacted and later had to apologize, but first I had to send him away from me so that I wouldn't say anything I regretted. Then I took a nap. ;) Then I apologized. Now we joke about it. Jo Btw- I'm sorry about your shirt. Even knowing it is just a thing doesn't lessen the dissappointment.
  15. I absolutely agree. And the accounts that have trickled out about the children either not knowing their birthdays and the women giving conflicting stories about whose children are who is very disturbing. Very disturbing. Jo
  16. Marie, Would you please get that dh of yours stationed in Hawaii!!? There is a perfectly lovely base here you know. :D As for the trumpet...you are a braver woman than I. Was this some sort of concession to your son for having so many sisters? You are a very good mom.:001_smile: I should be on the couch watching my movie, but the little ones are being way to loud, so I'm waiting until after lunch to do my serious vegging out. :D Jo
  17. Oh Dayle, don't tease me. I wish you could just beam on over. That would be lovely!! Jo
  18. He's my drug of choice. I'm sure everyone has their own. But when I'm tired and just need a little break I run to the arms of Mr. Darcy (the A&E version, of course, because Keira would ruin the comforting effect I'm trying to create;)). Now all I need is someone to make ME a comfort meal and a good steady rain and I'd be all set. Oh yes. And someone to come and help entertain the little ones for a few hours. Jo
  19. Sorry for the gross topic. We have always just reused our grocery or store plastic bags in the past. Now we shop with reusable canvas bags the majority of the time and I'm left with needing an alternative for picking up dog poop primarily. I also like to bag up the poopey diapers- cloth is not an option for me at this point and I'm not buying a diaper genie. What do you do for either of these issues? Thanks. Jo Jo
  20. You crack me up. "battlebaby" :lol: The funny thing is we have a real snapshot of him saluting- hand to his forehead, elbow at an impressing, and Navy issue, right angle. I took the u/s photos right down to the submarine to show dh. It's frameable. Jo
  21. We broke the news to my 3 yodd first and let her tell everyone else- somehow the authority she derived from that role softened the blow and she seemed to accept the fact that she couldn't simply demand a sister and it would be so.... I would have been thrilled either way, but I am "boy mom" at heart ;). Jo Edit: He's a boy, not it, *He* is a boy. Edit #2: I need to clarify that I had an ultrasound today, not the actually baby. Sorry, if there was confusion. But I did actually receive proof that I am indeed carrying a little life inside me and it isn't just my imagination. Denial has ended.
  22. You needn't see a librarian because there is a machine to check out and return the books. It is so much easier. Lorna, Brilliant!! And urgh, that our librarians are still date stamping. I understand that even your system is imperfect, but I will never understand why the library is so antiquated here in Hawaii. And simply mention, um, perhaps, a slightly "different" way it is done somewhere else and you will see the hair on their necks stand up as they give you a :glare:, or as we call it in the islands, "da kine' stink eye". They are not in the business of helping or improving. Oh well. I'm glad so many of you love your libraries and librarians. That is the way it should be. Jo
  23. Tomorrow morning I go in for my Advanced Maternal Age [giggle] level 2 ultrasound. The children are giddy and arguing over whether the wee one will be a girl or boy! Either way the coin lands, some child is going to break down in tears. ;) I have absolutely NO feelings about the gender, I'm still in a little bit of denial- but tomorrow I hope to be fully convinced I'm preggo. :tongue_smilie:
  24. Oh yes. Lack of metal case is what I was referring to. I was a witness to a motorcycle accident in college. I still have flashbacks. A car simply changed lanes without seeing the motorcyclist. The motorcyclist hit the car's bumper and flew threw the air like a rag doll. It was unnatural and gruesome. I was the first on the scene and my friend went to call 911. I had to hold pressure over an open wound and keep him as alert as possible until the ambulance arrived. If this young man had been in a car it would have dented the bumper at most, I'm sure of it. I later met the young man. He had fractured his leg so severely he was full of pins and rods. He had made a relatively good recovery and had begun going to high schools to talk about motor cycle "safety" or lack there of. He said he would never ride one again. There is simply no way to prevent accidents, and the results are by far much worse. Jo
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