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Everything posted by kailuamom

  1. I have never had to use it "formally" to register or anything, but my kids and I got to calling our homeschool "Papalani Elementary" -- Papalani was the name of our street we lived on in Hawaii. We thought it had a ring to it. We kept it when we moved to Virginia last year, more for sentimental reasons than anything -- our new street would sound just as good, but we miss the islands. :001_smile:
  2. I haven't read it myself, but I know that the American Girl company has a book out called "The Smart Girl's Guide to Boys" This is what the description says: This book offers girls straight talk on what to do when it seems like everyone’s wondering “who likes who?†It includes sensitive, insightful, honest advice from girls and boys on being friends, going out, breaking up, and just being themselves. Plus, it includes tips and quizzes that lend valuable perspective on the beginning and ending of relationships. Like I said, I haven't read it, but I have looked into it for my oldest dd because I really liked their other book "The Care and Keeping of You," which deals with growing up, getting your period, etc., in a very matter of fact, friendly manner. HTH,
  3. France. Paris. Maybe Provence (with weekend trips to Paris!). But, I am biased as I have degrees in French lang & lit from years ago and have always loved France. The whole family loves Paris, probably because of my bias...or not, it is a great city. Just thinking of the museums and street cafes makes me sigh. lol If not France, probably England. The countryside is just gorgeous. Or Switzerland. Fun question. :) Good luck with your search -- what a wonderful experience!
  4. Your homeschool rooms are all so NEAT!!! Mine never looks that good (our is the finished side of the basement) even after we have "cleaned up"! I am inspired to shape it up a bit! lol
  5. My dh would actually prefer that, truth be told! lol Nope, my ds wants to carry him around when my dds do and even changes his clothes. Luckily it is one of the older looking boy (toddler) dolls, not the baby doll. :D
  6. Thank you, Sheila!!!! That really helps!
  7. Your dd kind of falls between my two (almost 8 & 11) Both my dds were into Fairy Realm and my youger dd just went through a Disney Fairy spurt. But now she is into the Dear America diary series, and the American Girl series. My 11 yo has read all of the AG series (and there are a LOT of them, so it has kept them busy) and my 8yo is catching up. They are into the AG Mysteries now. Other books one or the other, or both, have liked (this is more for "fun" reading -- not school): The Sisters Grimm series, all the Little House (my 8yo started with the Little House Chapter books -- exerpts from the actual books, but just sections of the bogger books), Trixie Belden mysteries (from when I was a kid!), Ella Enchanted and other books by Gail Carson Levine. My 11yo dd likes the historical fiction by Ann Rinaldi and has read quite a few. They are for the older end of the spectrum, though, a bit more difficult. Thats all I can think of just now. Oh, and I am not sure how you feel about the books (I know some don't like them), but they both LOVE the Harry Potter series. HTH,
  8. I actually joined your yahoo group yesterday -- got the info from the other thread. :001_smile: We did a postcard exchange years ago with dd11 and she had a lot of fun. Basically, we would get the address of someone who wanted an exchange, swap addresses and then send each other postcards. Sometimes we would get ones that were just signed, but the fun ones included an interesting fact about the state. As far as our contributions, we are in VA (and could do DC, too), but we moved here from Hawaii and my parents are still there and I know they would not mind sending postcards out. Aloha! :001_smile:
  9. Yes, I have been focusing on the other subjects because one of the reasons we are so behind with finishing up this year is because we have been doing so many museums and field trips. :) We just moved here last year and it hasn't gotten old yet. lol Thanks for looking it over!
  10. I have read/skimmed through some of my daughters and I agree, there is some content that is probably a bit much for a 1st grader. Most of the "royals" that are "writing" the diaries are from periods of time where there was a lot of political turmoil and/or war over the throne. I think the America diaries series is a bit tamer and written for a younger audience. HTH,
  11. I am trying to decide what level to use for Spelling Workout for my dd (almost 8). She is a strong reader and has done Calvert 3 spelling. I know that level D is supposed to be for grade 4 but I know every spelling program is different. I couldn't find samples of SW online. If anyone has level D, would you be willing to post a couple of sample words from the beginning and end of the book just so I can get an idea?
  12. Can I ask...what is United Streaming? (We are in Fairfax, too. :))
  13. Just to add my .02 re: Calvert. We have used grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 and, imo, grade 6 really kicks it up a notch. It is written to the student, so that makes it easier on the parent, which is one your goals (as was mine). My 11 yo did grade 6 this past year (so basically when she was 10) and she did fine, but it was a LOT of work for her. They "assign" a lot and she learned a lot about note-taking, which was necessary to pass the tests. She is a very strong reader and a good writer, but she still felt overwhelmed at times. You may want to think about ds's "emotional" (is that the word I am looking for? maturity?) readiness as well as the results of the placement test. It could be that he would do great, but I just wanted to share our experience. We are actually going to "redo" parts of 6th grade with other programs this year before we think about the possibility of Calvert 7, just to cement things in her brain. As for my 7yo -- she just finished 3rd and while she had an easier time (she placed into 3, that is why we put her in it a year early), it was still a lot of work for her, too. Calvert can be "rigid" and it helps if you can be flexible with your time. We did the ATS this year so there were times we got stressed trying to get the tests in. Again, just my opinion. Good luck!
  14. Thanks for words of wisdom, LivingLearningLoving! I want to say...I have truly benefited from all of comments and advice that I have gotten through this thread. It has made me think things through from a different perspective. :) I really appreciate it!
  15. Oh my goodness, that video is heartbreaking. I had no idea that you could even get a 5-pt harness after 40 lbs. That is something definitely worth the money.
  16. Can I be honest and say "how ever long it takes us to finish?" Normally, we school from August or September to June or July. My plan is to be more structured this year. :001_smile:
  17. Since I now know how and when to post rep points (thanks, Brindee!), I started on a rep spree, giving rep points out to helpful posters...and then I got a message saying I had given out too much in a 24 hour period. Bummer! I take it one must be judicious with one's rep points. :)
  18. I keep stopping back on this thread (during my seemingly endless curriculum searches) just for a laugh! Spare a square! I had to stop laughing so the baby wouldn't wake up next to me! :lol:
  19. My dh and I bring up the festivus when we are (teasingly) griping about a bunch of things. lol
  20. That's him! lol He literally wants one of every workbook/text that his older sisters have. It may take him longer to get through them, but if he is motivated he goes for it! He is about half way through OPGTR and reading BOB books, he's in ETC 2 right now and in the middle of Singapore 1A. He just recently begged for his own Spelling Workout and, while he can't do it all independently, he wants to try. I may wait on FLL 1/2 after hearing all your suggestions, but I may have to at least start it when he sees that dd8 is doing FLL3! Thanks for your input!
  21. We have not used it, but I have to second everyone's suggestion of MUS. Several people I have talked to absolutely love it and swear by it. Since there are dvds, she would not have to be the primary teacher. We are going to TT next year so that it can do the "teaching" of the math steps. My dd also seems to shut down with math, but that may be more because I am so bad at explaining it! lol I have heard that the TT 5 is really more at a 4 or lower level, and they review the basics, so that may be an option, too?
  22. I have not yet figured out when you get / when to give rep points!
  23. "A Festivus for the rest of us!" We quote that from time to time. lol Also, I agree that "master of your domain" is a classic, as is "serenity now" and "sponge-worthy." Thanks, I needed a laugh tonight!
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