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Everything posted by kailuamom

  1. This is what I get when I try to pull up the "How in th world does someone get 2000 posts" thread: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 108655 bytes in /mnt/www/welltrainedmind/forums/showthread.php on line 1231 :glare: Drat! Since I reached my 50 on that thread, I was shooting for my 200 on it tonight! :D
  2. I think I have finally decided on AG (woo hoo! big decision! :D) and am wondering where to get it. Are there any stores that sell at a discount?
  3. Thanks for the great ideas and resources! You have all given me some great timelines to choose from!
  4. I have to completely agree with this. We have used Calvert K, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Both my kids did the grade level ahead of their age (i.e., did 6th when in PS they would be in 5th) and I found that after 3 they really kick it up a notch. And like Tracy said, it is a maturity thing, too. A lot of the books they use in the older grades have more mature themes and the comprehension questions are deeper. You can always just have them do a Calvert level that is slightly challenging and supplement where you see the need to do so. As the grades progress the work gets more intense and my dd (doing 6) would often work long hours just to get done. Not that it was overly difficult, just that there was a lot. Oh, and my 7 yo's writing was not great and she had no cursive at all and they did not have a problem putting her in 3rd (she had just turned 7 when she enrolled), even though if she had done Calvert 2 she would have done cursive. I found the counselors at Calvert to be very flexible. And, if you are not doing the ATS, there is really no problem with the handwriting. As long as the content is there (and the essays for 6th grade are several pages long), it shouldn't really matter. Good luck!
  5. I am not the best person to post on this thread -- geesh, just last week cried when the dad came home in Kit Kittredge! :tongue_smilie: I am one to tear up at commercials. Happy moments can make me cry as much as sad ones. But the Sally Field scene in Steel Magnolias...I could only watch that once. We are talking huge sobs and heaves. Just too sad. I know there are others...I know I have run out of napkins in theaters numerous times over the years, but I must have blocked them out because I can't think of any just now.
  6. Good point about adding pages. I saw that the Wonders of Old and they said it now came with a CD-Rom that provided extra pages (to print) if you needed to add to the book -- but that would be hard if it is bound... Thanks!
  7. I thought of this, too, but it is my understanding that LOF is only for algebra and up? And TT7 doesn't cover any algebra? I could very well be mistaken, though...it has been known to happen from time to time. :tongue_smilie:
  8. For those of you who have used / seen both -- is there much difference between TT7 and TT Pre-algebra? I know that the main difference is that TT Pre-algebra would include, of course, algebra. :tongue_smilie: But I notice that there is a review of add/sub/mult/div in the beginning of the book. If dd has done 6th grade, could she skip right to pre-algebra? (I have read that the placement tests for TT are not the best?) Thanks!
  9. Is it 7th or 8th grade? All this Saxon double number talk and all these different programs offering different levels...I am confused! Maybe I am just tired?? Or it is just a dumb question! :confused:
  10. I am looking for a timeline that dc can create this year. I am leaning toward one that we could put in a book, so that they can keep it for a long time -- for later knowledge, but also as a keepsake. (This is primarily for my dds (11 and almost 8), but ds would want to do one, too.) Do you have any recommendations? I looked at Knowledge Quest's Wonders of Old online and it looks nice...but is it worth the $? Thanks so much!
  11. Your post made me want to cry. Please accept my sympathy and I hope you find strength during this difficult time. :grouphug:
  12. Too funny! My dh took me to a U2 concert when I was pregnant with our youngest ds and I tell you what...EVERY time that boy hears music he starts swaying, jumping or bobbing his head. Very funny from a wobbly 14-month-old. :) I can see him doing something very similar in the future!
  13. When I am done breastfeeding #4, I am going to have to try myself some of this Mike's I keep reading so much about. Yes, I admit to it...I have never tried Mike's hard lemonade. And, seeing as how I have been pregnant or breastfeeding for about 11 years now...the first sip will probably knock me over! :D
  14. I am the first of two kids. As a child I always "planned" (as young girls tend to do lol) to do the same...one girl then one boy. But, I doubled it...two girls, then two boys. :D It is interesting that some many of us seem to be 1st borns. (I am too tired -- baby up a lot last night! -- to delve into just why it is interesting, but it will make good food for thought later! :tongue_smilie:)
  15. Thanks to those of you who sent this beginner bee some rep points! :001_smile: I tried to send some back but it says that I have to wait 24 hours -- I take it there is there a limit to how much we can send each day? I am having fun with all of this. :D Thank you!
  16. I am in awe of all of you with so many rep blocks! I am trying to get my feet wet here and have a long way to go! :001_smile: I find myself spending more and more time (mostly at night...so getting less and less sleep lol) on these boards. You are all more fun than sleep. :D (OK...I will be honest, I am starting to spend too much time here during the day, too...good thing it is summer! lol)
  17. Hey there, neighbor! :) We were almost Marylanders (is that a word?? lol) -- we looked a lot in MD when we moved here last year. I forget how many books my dd did in 1st grade (my ds is in book 2 now) but I know we went up through book 6 or 7, I believe (I think the series goes up to 8 but I didn't feel she needed them anymore.) We did the books in order, including 4, just not the 1/2 books. She is almost 8 now and flying through books now, reading the likes of Harry Potter, so it must have worked. :D I also used OPGTR, but started half-way through beause the beginning was too easy for her. I am doing the same with my ds. Good luck! Let me know if I you have any other questions -- I can try to answer! :)
  18. I used ETC and OPGTR along with BOB books and the like with ds (almost 8) and she is flying through books like crazy now. I am using the same combination with my ds right now and hoping for the same outcome. :D Good luck!
  19. I would agree. At that age, being able to breeze through pages can be a good thing. It gives them a sense of accomplishment. When my ds was doing book one, he loved running to me saying "I'm on page __!! I did __ pages!" (That said, however, he did hit a bit of a frustration wall when he got to the point where he could not fly through anymore. But he still likes the books.) My advice would still be to start in book 1. It kind of lays the foundation and eases them into the format of the books. HTH,
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