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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I have been tackled. Dd will work on her own today. Dh will take care of dinner and ballet driving. I am in the recliner w a warm throw, lots of decaf, tissues, and my iPad, phone, and kindle. I hope this is not becoming a sinus infection. Ttyl :)
  2. I powered through yesterday but now I feel worse :( All our discussions did me in. Dd will need to do her work totally independently, and we'll just return later to discuss the finer points (PreCalc, chem, ancient history, urbanization in AP Human Geography).
  3. Are you following a program or just challenging yourself?
  4. That's the one dh wanted :lol: I gave him the hairy eyeball when he told me the cost!
  5. My decluttering project this week: the bookmarks on my iPad :eek:
  6. Thanks :) Food isn't appealing because I can't taste anything :( I'm making yummy rice pudding for dinner!
  7. Oops, off on the price a bit http://www.amazon.com/DeLonghi-EC155-Espresso-Cappuccino-Maker/dp/B000F49XXG/ref=sr_1_1?s=appliances&ie=UTF8&qid=1427152575&sr=1-1&keywords=espresso+machine
  8. Did the chemistry. Yay me. I broke in our new espresso machine :D We had to replace our 8 yo machine when it began to lose pressure. This new one is freaking awesome! It's just the newest version of our old one, under $100 ($60 on Amazon), but it is so much easier to run...and the espresso is so hot :D
  9. So what do you guys do when you are sick? Not tummy sick, but head sick. I cannot breathe clearly even on meds, but I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated with not exercising. Just call it extended rest?
  10. I am beat. I do not want to finish school today. Just chemistry is left. All this talking has wiped me out. Blech. Dd is making dinner tonight. Since she has mastered white sauce, she looks for any opportunity to make macaroni and cheese from scratch :D
  11. Darn kids who won't write down their work (I just went 9 rounds w dd over showing her Precalc work... :rolleyes: :lol: )
  12. Well, dd used the high school level in seventh grade. We didn't do all the bits and pieces though---no food or other activities because dd thinks of those as busy work. She did the map work and answered all the questions. I added in library videos for every country/region I could. With the bookwork, videos, and our discussions, we easily spent 5 hours a week on geography that year.
  13. Dd is studying APHG this year with her same-aged, public-schooled cousin. I wrote a syllabus for AP approval. The kids met once a week during July and August, and now meet once or twice a month. They do their readings and watch videos beforehand and discuss during their meetings (kind of the "flipped classroom" concept). Dsis and I help facilitate the discussions. We are using the Rubenstein book, ninth edition, purchased for a few dollars on Amazon last summer. A few topics from the course outline are not in this edition of the textbook, so we've made sure to add in supplemental materials for those. I spent two weeks last summer finding current articles, websites, and videos to go with each book section. It seemed to me that many teachers use the same materials over and over again. I thought the topics would be more relevant to dd and dnephew if the examples came from the past year or so. Between dsis, the library, and I, we have all the prep books :lol: Princeton Review is good but Barron's is much harder. I prefer that my kids use the hardest prep books possible before taking a standardized test. My absolute favorite resource for APHG is a website run by a geography prof who is one of the Chief Readers for the APHG free-response questions http://www.scoop.it/t/geography-education I follow his Twitter feed so I know whenever he links something new. Only six schools in our part of the state offer APHG. We started contacting the AP coordinators in late January. Some schools don't allow outside students, some schools were full, some schools said our kids could have open seats but they wouldn't know until March (!!!) if any would be available, and one lovely school said "no problem" :)
  14. The AP course ledger lists schools w approved syllabi. That can mean they just rolled over a prior year's syllabus but are not giving that exam this particular year. But it's a starting point :) https://apcourseaudit.epiconline.org/ledger/search.php
  15. I cancelled my training session due to still feeling ill :( So today: --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --prep for this unit's APHG review --whatever I can get done from my daily list and my Monday-specific list --stretch, maybe some gentle pilates The dinner plan requires a trip to the store for produce. If my head is clear late this afternoon, I will run out. Otherwise I'll switch meals around (dh has a late appointment so cannot go to the store).
  16. Well....let's just blame my unaccustomed spending on not feeling well. Ok? ;) Purchased: --3 kindle books o' yummy fluff :D --a textbook for next year --a rice cooker for dd20 as an "Easter basket" (she's doing a gluten free trial which is difficult to do at college with a soy allergy) --a replacement espresso machine when our 8yo one finally gave out --2 new leotards for dd (did I list them last week?) And then the usual groceries, drug store items, gas for the vehicles, etc.
  17. Another sick day :( Will attempt a shower, a load of laundry, meal planning, and stretching.
  18. Blow nose. Nap. Drink hot beverages. Repeat. Consider a shower. We'll just call today a sick day ;)
  19. Social sciences totally count! Psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, cultural geography, government/politics, archaeology... Depending on your state homeschool requirements and/or requirements for target colleges, your student may be able to get by with one year of world history and one year of US history. Add in two social sciences of interest :) Former Math Girl is studying ancient world history and human geography this year. Next year she wants psychology and comparative government and politics.
  20. When I do circuits, I do the 4 or 5 different exercises (8-12 reps, depending) without a break in between. That 60 seconds between circuit sets is long enough for me to catch my breath, get a quick drink of water, laugh at myself, and get into position to start again.
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