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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. :) --meet our fellow travelers from last summer's China trip for a reunion lunch --help dh build the garden screen walls and door frames --plant :D --work in fruit garden? --plan school for this week --plan the rest of the week --laundry
  2. Dh bought the wood to make the screen walls for our raised garden beds. We've making a deer- and groundhog-proof garden :) I scored a perfect condition textbook and its study guide (going to use the questions from it for tests) for next year's AP Psych for $15 total including shipping :D Today we're meeting our fellow travelers from last summer's China trip for a reunion lunch :) We see several of the people often at university events (they're profs who go to the same concert series we do lol) but some we haven't seen since July.
  3. Weird, the thumbnail is upside down, but I view the picture right-side up.
  4. This is what we've been working on. Imagine a row of beds on the far left, completing the rectangular garden. (Please don't let the picture be huge!)
  5. I finished my raised bed filling. I have calluses despite my leather work gloves. Planting commences tomorrow :D And I am now going to shower and then head to the ballet!
  6. I'm still using a "boring" gridded Moleskine, as I have since last April. I am happy :) I do move a post-it with a weekly to-do list from page to page as necessary.
  7. I have to finish shoveling all the mixed soil from my driveway into the wheelbarrow and then into my raised veggie beds. I think I have just about 10 cubic feet remaining. Then I will help dh build the screen "walls" for each bed (we're deer- and groundhog-proofing the new garden). Maybe some will be attached to their beds today. Then I need to drive dd to the theatre for call for warmup. An hour later I need to drive dh to the theatre so he can work backstage for today's first show. And finally I have to be at the theatre an hour after that to set up the meal for the dancers between the two shows. We will enjoy the second show from the house :D Luckily the theatre is on campus, literally a five minute drive if I don't have to wait at any traffic lights :lol:
  8. I didn't get all 2 cubic yards moved, but I ran out of daylight! I think I have about 10 cubic feet remaining on the driveway. You should see my fitbit stats for today :D
  9. Dawn, dh and I are going on our first cruise this summer--to Alaska! So excited :) I hope you have a fabulous time with your friends!
  10. Amy :grouphug: for your family! Today is weird: --help dd bake cookies --make sure she eats multiple times --buy new liptstick for dd --put tarp out on driveway for mushroom soil delivery --AP Human Geo practice test --make sure dd finishes her paper --drive dd to the theatre at 4:30 for warm-up --start moving the soil into the remaining raised beds --pick up dd and dh (he's working backstage today) at 9ish
  11. I'm having another 2 cu yards of mixed soil delivered tomorrow afternoon :D
  12. Geez, I'm only at 10414... *looks around for a dog to borrow*
  13. My English major dd is participating in 24 hours of Shakespeare at her university. They read plays and sonnets outloud for 24 hours!
  14. I walked to/from the gym for my training session. The temp was about 50 F but with a really biting wind---it took 1 mile for my hands to feel warm! My trainer says I'm ready to squat with a bar :D Unfortunately, my shoulder won't let me hold onto the bar properly (not enough flexibility), but he says they'll order this special squat bar with handholds in front of the body. In other news, I took a look around while I was there and noticed I can leg-press more than this really fit dude was doing. Yay for this 48 yo!
  15. Very sneaky, hj ;) Done so far: --daily things --AP Human Geo w dd --walked to/from gym for training session Still to do: --amath, chem w dd --Thursday-specific things --continue cleaning up the fruit garden --stretch shoulder twice once --continue working on bio plans for next year --drive dd to rehearsal 5-9 --meet friends w dh for drinks and dinner :)
  16. What does he want to do? Or, what is he interested in? I personally would study AP Chem before AP Bio (but then, I'm a recovering chemist ;)).
  17. redsquirrel, dd's in the midst of Cinderella production week, too!
  18. Dd won't be doing any CLEP. None of her (potential) schools award any credit for CLEP. She is doing APs, though we're not counting in any college credit for those scores. She's doing the courses for the appropriate level of challenge (we have to pay $$$$ for university classes in high school----homemade AP courses are much cheaper!).
  19. Cramps on day 4---What The Heck????!!!!!!! Am self-medicating with a lovely glass of Costco's finest Pinot Grigio (:lol:)
  20. My kids have/had locking drawers in their desks. That works for small things. Ds took a locking footlocker with him. He still uses it, though now it's a coffee table :lol:
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