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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Become a personal trainer. Go to Greece. Take a bike tour of Italy. Hike the Appalachian Trail.
  2. I totally understand. My younger kids have struggled to find actual rec leagues. You know, for recreation. And our area is far from wealthy. I admit, I'm judging :p
  3. I mostly took the " vacation" week off. I did do yoga. I don't think I've skipped 5 days of running since I started. It felt good to sleep but I think my mood suffered. I was going to start back this morning but my allergies are so bad my eyes hardly open soi opted for 5 miles inside on the elliptical. Next is soccer and swimming if it doesn't storm. Redsquirrel- I don't have to change my workout schedule because I do it very early. It's actually better because I don't have c-op and other things going on.
  4. Beans and the copious recipes you can make with them. Rice and beans seasoned different ways. Pasta and beans. Bean salads. http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Corn-and-Black-Bean-Salad/ http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Mexican-Bean-Salad/ http://italian.food.com/recipe/simple-italian-bean-salad-242758 http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Pasta-and-Beans/ http://www.food.com/recipe/cuban-black-beans-and-rice-78781
  5. I always go with my gut. I figure my subconscious is working even if I'm not paying attention.
  6. Well, we did manage a couple of hours at the zoo Monday. While dh waited with the kids we also managed to walk to a pretty cool park so I did get 10,000 steps Monday. Yesterday was a lot of yoga to prepare for my class this morning. I'm off to teach in an hour. Pink Tulip-you are right that an instructor can help you find better alignment but a video is fine. The only yoga that counts is the yoga you do ;). I only did yoga with video ( vhs no less) for years because classes didn't exist and then kids came. Remember though yoga is a practice not a competition. No one is looking at you or even really cares you're there, :LOL:
  7. My dd became a vegetarian 11 years ago when she was 12. We called her a breadatarian through high school and college. She would eat fruit so we pushed that. Now at 23 she eats more variety. I urged a daily protein ( nut butter, beans, eggs) and fruit or veg at each meal.
  8. Sunday was a rest day. Today was supposed to be walking around Toledo Zoo BUT my brakes started smoking in the pouring rain so... i'm sitting with four of my kids at a Midas. ~sigh~
  9. My favorite western-El Dorado with John Wayne, Dean Martin, James Caan. Not exactly a war movie but set in WWII-Father Goose-Cary Grant, Leslie Caron.
  10. Obviously my 32DD boobs did not get the message. If I could just move some down to my booty...you know, so I'd have one ~sigh~
  11. Just back from a run. On to restock the larder. The cupboards are bare.
  12. You are not alone! I feel like I lost 20 years buried in babies and toddlers. I don't regret it but it wore me down. I took up running when the youngest was 4 and it changed my whole outlook. What did you enjoy pre-kids? Crafts? Music? Reading? Sports? You are entitled to some interests!
  13. I liked keeping some nuts or a larabar in my purse if I was unexpectedly kept out. Plan ahead. A giant salad with meat, nuts, avocado and tons of veggies is a great emergency meal. If I had no meat I'd add eggs. I sometimes made a banana coated with pub and rolled in sunflower seeds breakfast when I couldn't face another egg. Make a giant pot of vegetable soup and freeze in portions. Again, it covers emergencies when the rest of the family thinks pizza is a great idea.
  14. Luckymama-really glad the super scary stuff was ruled out. As for cooking, I'm hoping for a Star Trek replicator. Soror- it's just a very basic yoga flow class. My training is yogafit so I use their template. I'm trying to keep it " gentle" to entice the middle aged ladies ( though I had an older gentleman too). Me being a middle aged lady doesn't hurt :) I ran this morning. For some reason I was a little slow but it felt good. I went to my mom's group this morning and we then took our kids to the splash pad. Dh is working evenings so dinner doesn't need to be a " real" meal. Yeah! More sitting at the softball field tonight. I need to sit far away from the popcorn. The smell makes me cave every time.
  15. Luckymama- :grouphug: Soror-coolness. I loved gymnastics when I was a kid. I can still muster a cartwheel and round off but that's probably it. I wish there was something cool here to try. Spinning is still exotic. Redsquirrel-I'm so sorry they can't figure this out. I ran yesterday.mi taught my first yoga class this morning. I think it went pretty well. Whew! I took a walk with dh later. On a side note I dip dyed my hair purple on Saturday. It is not a good thing for me to be bored.
  16. My youngest dd taught everyone to play Phoenicians at her pre-school. Yep, teachers were worried about her :)
  17. I'm more floored someone would PAY that for a kid. My kids have all kinds of access to the net. I really only " check" on my 7 yo. But we don't buy expensive things for ourselves let alone our kids. Just my $.02.
  18. My dd had scoliosis and surgery to correct it at 15. My understanding is that idiopathic scoliosis while not common,miss the most often diagnosed scoliosis. Perhaps this doctor is just a cautious type. If you are unhappy I would seek another opinion but I wouldn't freak out yet.:grouphug:
  19. Took a rest day yesterday. Today has been 80 min of yoga. I'll probably do more later as I try to time my class. I hope it is a better week for those having a hard go right now. Reishy-as an aside my ds's girl friend plays college disc. Fun stuff ( He is in the fencing club. I can only imagine their arguments :p. )
  20. Luckymama, redsquirrel and Negin : group hug:
  21. I will catch up later while I sit through four hours of soccer :-) but just zooming in to keep myself accountable. I worked out every day this week. I am about to go for a run. I teach my first yoga class Wednesday. My arm is covered in poison something. We are hopefully ( really, really hopefully) finished with year end programs/recitals/parties/awards and summer can commence.
  22. I think even if you fine the info you are looking for it is limited in usefulness. What we don't know would fill volumes. Different fibers affecting the gut biome, different genetic make ups affecting absorption, stress actually producing desirable effects mitigated by too many anti-oxidants, etc. I believe variety is key. Eating the seemingly most nutrient dense foods could still leave a hole we don't know about.
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