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Everything posted by melmac

  1. We're all victims, this bailout is going to drop the value of the dollar so low that we'll be paying out the hoo-ha for everything. Hello Mexiamericanada, yes we'll take the euro as our new form of currency, thank you.
  2. Well, let's see. I live in the poorest county in the poorest state (MS) in the nation. Things aren't looking too good 'round here. :001_huh:
  3. :iagree: I remember similar comments when my boys were those ages.
  4. It's a lovely 26 yr. old, 3,000 sq.ft. ranch style house. It's not what I dreamed of when I was younger, but it's paid for and we call it home.
  5. I can't imagine that many of the American worker or small businesses feel fundamentally sound when millions have lost their jobs and many have had to close their businesses. Either way, his comment really isn't relevant to the situation at hand.
  6. Oh, well then she might ought to have triple-quoted, as I wasn't the only one to agree with Michelle. Besides that, it should be obvious that we were agreeing with the general comments in the post. Regardless of the actual number involved there are plenty of folks working on the matter.
  7. This is my #1 favorite: Meet the Masters art program: http://www.getinvolvedineducation.com/pdfs/For-Program-Managers/Meet-the-Masters-Program-Manual.pdf
  8. I find that some chapters in our lives allow for "happy go lucky", while sadly, other chapters force us to take life seriously.
  9. Her main concern should be the well being of her daughter, and that's the bottom line. I would make that perfectly clear, to heck with the rest of it. JMHO
  10. Thanks for the news, the X-Box 360 boys are in control of the TV right now. :D
  11. It really does give you a fresh perspective doesn't it? We went two weeks without electricity or running water after Katrina, it was awful in a lot of ways but in some ways it was good for us. Good luck with everything! :grouphug:
  12. Well, I really only responded to your post because nobody else had. My comment was meant to be very light-hearted, notice the big grin. Didn't mean to make you feel defensive.
  13. oops, wrong thread, not sure *how* that happened. Weird.
  14. For you, I would suggest Quaker instant oatmeal. It comes in a variety of flavors including plain and with the easy to follow directions on the package it's super easy to make. HTH :D
  15. No, I'm afraid it would be too hard to try to reason with this type.
  16. Clinique has a kit very similar to Proactive that someone I know used with great success.
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