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Everything posted by melmac

  1. What a neat site, thanks for sharing! Mine was "Love Will Keep Us Together" by The Captain & Tennille
  2. Oh, my! And I thought I had a rough day... Here's to a better tomorrow. :)
  3. 1st 3 letters of my first name and first 3 letters of my last name, it's just a coincidence that it's also the home planet of Alf. :tongue_smilie:
  4. I hope the surger is without complications and you recover quickly. :)
  5. I would give ds his bd money and return the rest. JMHO :)
  6. I give you permission to start with 1 to 3 subjects, that way you can slowly work up to a full workload. :)
  7. Writing Strands 3 might be a good fit. It's written to the student and has a nice intro to the student explaining to them that they will be doing the program on their own. Jut my 2 cents. :)
  8. Oh, I can't think of the name right now. Maybe someone else will remember. There are self checking drill sheets, they're about the size of a sheet of paper but heavier and they have problems and you put a piece of notebook paper under and the kid writes the answer in the square and can self check. I guess I've given you enough info to make you curious, I'm sorry I just can't remember what they're called. Hopefully someone else knows what I'm talking about. :)
  9. I'm so glad you all found it useful. I wish I could find Hillyer's other books online. That would be perfect. :)
  10. You're welcome! :) I just love it, happy you do, too.
  11. We're just starting it here. Oldest ds is 10 and little brother 7 will be involved as well. I think it can be started where ever you may be. HTH :)
  12. Yes, but this is the original out of print copy that is so hard to find. Some of us just love classic books, especially for free. ;)
  13. This is where I found the Hillyer books, but there are so many really useful materials on there I'm gonna post the link to the home page. I hope you all find this as useful as I do. :) http://www.archive.org/index.php
  14. Never heard of this before but it looks neat and it's by Hillyer. (can you tell I'm a fan?) Enjoy! :) http://www.archive.org/stream/childtrainingsys00hill
  15. Just thought I'd share this really cool find. Enjoy! :) http://www.archive.org/stream/childshistoryofa009354mbp
  16. Rod and Staff bible study is great, we're currently using the 5th grade program.
  17. I'm sure that's an inside joke, but c'mon I've barely got two feet in the door! :D
  18. Thank you for posting this, it looks fun! :)
  19. We are, I know just how you feel. I've been thinking and feeling and reading the same things. We plan to follow the rec's in TWTM along with some remedial work here and there. It's nice to know we're not alone on this journey, it's so wonderful to have this board and the more experienced moms to come to when we're feeling uncertain. May we all have a great first year in the Logic stage. :)
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