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Everything posted by momacacia

  1. Captain Toilet Brush!! Love it! I'm using that! :001_smile:
  2. Awww, can you put a little potty chair in the hall, laundry or in the little's bedroom for "just in case"?
  3. Can the bedbugs live & be happy in books? Or do they need a bed, carpet, Or other soft material? Keeping library books out of our beds . . . Easier said than done.
  4. My 96-year-old Grandma who has precious little positive to say about our homeschooling, said about 6.5yo today, "She really knows a lot! I studied all that stuff in school, but I sure don't remember any of it! She's really learning a lot!" 6.5yo must have been spouting her CC history sentences behind my back or making yet another person name states so she could name the capitals. :lol: And, it's just pretty cool for your kids to have a 96-year-old Great Grandma who can sit in the schoolroom with them and "play school" while the great-grandkid plays teacher and you read to the toddler. That's just a blessing!
  5. Can you put it in the basement or somewhere less accessible to the kids?
  6. Yes! No discussion of sex, religion or politics at dinner parties, for example, in case someone is offended. What else interesting IS there to talk about, really?!?;) I guess you could bring up educational choices, but then things would REALLY get heated!:lol: I think, like complaining, it's really just a lack of maturity, on the part of speakers and listeners. If adults can't express their thoughts without some level of consideration for those who disagree and others can't listen without taking things personally or being offended merely because someone else holds a different opinion, really we're all just back in 7th grade again.
  7. We need a backyard playground for kids currently 6 and 2, hoping it to grow with them over the next few years. I have no idea where to begin looking for one or what to look for. DH is very handy and wants to design his own magical creation, but they could be in college by the time it is actually hand built by him, so . . . I'm looking at "boxed" playgrounds. Lowes? Toys R Us? Online places? (cedarworks is gorgeous, but a bit out of our price range :)) What's junk, what's good, what do you have that you/the kids love and holds up well?
  8. Yes, I definitely feel that way, especially when the public school teacher in Sunday school (who will be sending her kids to private Christian school in middle or high school :lol:) goes on and on about how my dd is missing out and "poor little thing," blah, blah, blah. I just let her ramble on as everything she says reveals that she knows little to nothing about present-day homeschooling and I just don't have the time or energy to educate her, too!! :lol: Its great to be prepared with stats or good answers, but usually I feel very little need to defend my choices to anyone except myself and my DH. But, if someone has the need to put me down to make themselves feel better, they can do it on their own time--I'm pretty much just gonna ignore them. ;)
  9. The Star Spangled banner--I assume is still on display at museum of Amer. History, I think. Drive or walk around the monuments lit up at night--beautiful and very romantic. ;) See if there is a military band or Sea Chanters concert going on--free, good quality and patriotic. Catch a lovely view of Lincoln, washington and the Cap all lined up if you drive south on GW parkway and kinda look back over your shoulder. Okay, obscure, but it's lovely. Yes to Changing of Guard. The war memorials are nice--the Korean is really eerie, especially lit up at night. Of course, the National Archives to see the D of I, IF it's on display. Call first to see what they have displayed. Enjoy!
  10. Bethany, Please have a look at the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet! There is a great yahoo group of moms using it with their kids. Hop on there and ask if it mgr be something that could be helpful to your ds. It was developed by a Russian-British neurologist who greatly helped her own autistic son with the diet, but it's principles apply to amlot of neurological issues as well. The yahoo group is called "gapshelp" or "digestive healing and gaps" is you search for it in Yahoo group m Best wishes Wendy
  11. Hmmm, there MUST be a reason I have the book "Learned Optimism" on hold at the library. I don't know about the whole culture (yes, I do know what you're saying). But, I do want things to change in our household and family line and that starts with me. And, there is just really nothing more unpleasant than a physically, educationally and relationally privileged child complaining--at least when that child is my own. :glare: :lol:
  12. What about Guesthollow Amer. history for 2nd grader, if you want something for them. If you have a library close, could just get some of the suggested activity books (think I spent $40 on those) and get all the other books from a good library. Year is already planned out for history. :-)
  13. See the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet. There are a couple yahoo groups as well. You need to eat fat or you'll get hungry. After starting the diet my otherwise very hypoglycemic bloodsugars are finally balanced. No more headaches!! Suspect a lot of diabetics could lower their insulin as well. My Type I mom certainly takes less insulin when she eats at our house.
  14. Um, teach? Is that the wrong answer?:) I didn't know anything else was an option. But, dd is only 6.5 and we're in the heavy phonics/math teaching, read-aloud stage I guess. Other than that I try to keep the 2.5yo from distracting us or damaging something. 11 years old sounds nice!;)
  15. Good fences make good neighbors. Evidently the worse your neighbors are, the better your fence needs to be. :grouphug:
  16. That is so exciting! I wish I had more insight for you, but all I have is an experience. When I was studying Hebrew while living/working in Wash., D.C., I would study in the evenings. On the following mornings I would find myself reading the road signs right to left, ala Hebrew. ;) It is obviously doing something to the brain "muscle" to ask it to completely "reverse" like that. So glad you are seeing success (and with such a lovely language, too :)). Wendy
  17. Um, they had a good equestrian program--ER, at least they had one. But know nothing of it the last decade or so. Don't know that it has a " liberal womans college" reputation per se. Is she into horses? Don't know why else someone would go there. Wendy
  18. So cool! Storing this idea for future use. Looks beautiful! What a special spot for your kiddos. :)
  19. Go for it! Dd, soon to be 7, started cursive mid-K because "she already knew how to print" :glare: and "wanted to write fancy." So instead of fighting it, we started the Cursive First curriculum. Yes, I'd choose a specific style of cursive to be consistent. Even in cursive, there are options. We also only allowed her to write cursive in school--she could print on her own time. And, she has learned how to form letters correctly in print on her own and her print looks quite good. We do need more rote cursive practice, but the cursive first style is easymto teach. (all lowercase letters start at the baseline.)
  20. Bah! :lol: "No, I do it because they're advanced and the other children are slow." :lol:
  21. We had an unusually snowy winter last year with quite a few snow days. a couple of the moms started, in all seriousness, making prayer requests that there wouldn't be snow days because they just couldn't handle another one with their kids. Seriously!? Kids love snow days, it's a glorious joy of childhood. All just confirmed my suspicion that "school" is really just a community daycare program. :glare:
  22. Ah, yes, socialization, and "our school district is so good!" This raised by our Jewish neighbor about a school district where the middle school made national news for some kids who were "celebrating" "hit a Jew day." Yes, THAT'S where I want my kids hanging out! :001_huh: From a ps teacher in our Sunday school: " but my kids get to do violin and chess and I feel so bad for you dd, she must be so lonely!" all I can think is that if my dd wants to be a world-class violinist or chess player, she would need a private tutor (me :) ) because doesn't have time to waste in school! But I just smile and move on. I could never undo all the damage the NEA has done to that lady's brain. ;)
  23. ZenJenn, Maybe your guests will learn something, too. ;)
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