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Everything posted by angela&4boys

  1. Congrats! We have friends whom foster and have adopted so we're familiar with the emotional process. I really admire all of you foster families. What a calling. Many, many blessings! :party:
  2. Thank you, Donna! I've known of several public school students that end up taking Algebra 1 twice because those skills weren't mastered.
  3. We're it the same boat, Shari. This is exactly what we've been doing for a few months and we're both very pleased. I have found that he needs the spiraling review. CLE has been a huge blessing in our home.
  4. Totally off topic, but just wanted to say hi. :seeya: I'm a semi-regular visitor over at HSR. Great to see you here! ETA: I'm presently reconsidering IEW for our 7th grade ds, but he's not crazy about writing. As I recall, your dd likes to write so that may be too structured for her.
  5. Our biggest change will be for history. I'm not going to hodge-podge it this year. I find myself spending *way* too much time when doing lesson plans for this subject alone. I haven't decided what we'll use yet (although Biblioplan is in the lead), but I'm looking forward to reclaiming some personal time and not being a slave to lesson planning! Lol. :)
  6. Mindy, it's Growing with Grammar. :-)
  7. Like Melissa, we are enjoying CLE. Well, I'm enjoying it, but my guys (9 and 13yo) aren't complaining. They are both using a grade level below, but it is an excellent fit. Even my 13yo appreciates the spiraling review and the variety. he wasn't retaining from year to year and this seems to have met that need. We also like the integrated spelling. Additionally, it's very budget-friendly. Okay, I'm off my soap-box! ;)
  8. Donna, Twelve years ago that was the first purchase I made when we began to homeschool our then 4th grade ds. It was such a huge blessing and we still own several of the books. They have been and are now being read by his younger brothers. Our eldest ds has very fond memories of that year and I believe it is what developed his love of reading. Congrats and have a wonderful year! :D
  9. And yet another option...;) You could use CLE, but add narrations from history and/or science ala the WTM. That way you'd be giving him the more conventional method, but still have somewhat of a CM approach too. We use CLE, but I'm looking at adding WWE for history readings next year. When our two middle dss were in their early elementary years, I used a mainly CM approach and had them narrate science and history. We switched to a more conventional method last year, but I found myself missing the many benefits of copywork, dictation, and narration, and plan to implement them again.
  10. I would only be repeating what the other mamas have already said, so I'll just say, "Welcome!" :D I love the newbie enthusiasm. And I'm a researcher at heart myself. ;) Hope your first year is filled with much joy!
  11. My guys tested a "grade level" below, and many dc do (even two!). So, no worries! In fact, my 6th grader started in 500. Like your dd, they had seen and studied some of the material they missed. They really need the spiral review CLE offers. We began about mid year and I've already seen improvement in their retention.
  12. Thank you, Colleen. I looked just yesterday and there weren't any but 6th still.
  13. I have four boys and I'll offer you my rambling thoughts. ;) The fact that your ds is an artist at heart jumps out at me. I think a lot of writing programs are too confined for some dc, and if his creative juices can't flow then he'll balk. I also have found with my own boys that if they are writing on a topic they both like and are familiar with, that I tend to get less complaint and better results. For example, when one ds was 9, he had to choose a bird to write about. He's passionate about birds, constantly photographing them and researching them in his field guide. I was pleasantly surprised to see his words just flow with that assignment. So, perhaps a program where he may have some choices about the topic might appeal to him? I know that 8FillstheHeart had some great suggestions recently in her "Interest driven education" thread. ETA: Since you need the step-by-step approach, perhaps you could modify a program by allowing him to change the topic to suit his interests?
  14. So glad to hear that news! :grouphug: Praying for continued peace in your heart and for joy in your homeschool! :)
  15. Like others have said, if you can, drop the Classical method or all formal learning for a bit, embrace delight-directed learning, get *lots* of fresh air and sunshine, and read to and hug your babies. :) :grouphug: and prayers for you...
  16. Pageant of History does, but I can't find a link for you. However, the Yesterday's Classics produces several titles including Our Island Story, and they have what Pageant of History uses for each year at their site. They use that particular title in their Year 3 program.
  17. Oh, yes! How could I forget? The Bible portion of HOD is wonderful! Carrie does an amazing job of tying Bible readings, Bible memory, and character with history. In general, the subjects are integrated very well. That definitely sets HOD apart from many other curricula. The only other thought I had in regard to comparing the two, is that there does tend to be more reading aloud with Sonlight. And as the programs progress in HOD, they do become much more independent.
  18. I'm all over the place with science right now. That's a hard one for me. We have been using BJU this year for 4th and 6th. My 10yo wants to stick with it, but I know my 12yo is not ready for BJU 7th. So, I'm contemplating Apologia's General Science, A Beka (eh), or combining them in God's Design. I'm just not certain that the latter will be beefy enough for the elder. Hoping to find some clarity at the convention. They both like science, but I hate to hand them a textbook. I don't want to kill the joy. Kwim?
  19. We've used and liked both. Here are some differences I've observed: The HOD schedules have every subject included on a two-page spread, where SL has them as a weekly grid but a different schedule for history, language arts, and science. There is much less text for the parent with HOD, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It also has all the dictation, alternate schedules for math, extensions for older students, and a recommended independent reading schedule in the appendix. The HOD TG is more streamlined. However, SL has comprehension question and great teacher's notes. Sonlight uses a little more literature where HOD uses literature too, but also utilizes more traditional textbooks. HOD is more hands-on than SL. And from our experience, they were practical and fun. HOD also includes art and music, if you desire. That's all I can think of right now. We're considering SL for next year's studies, but I love both of them for different reasons. SL will likely fit us better because I'd like to combine our middle guys in a core, and I'm looking at using a different science program for each of them.
  20. Oh yeah. I'm over all the planning, tweaking, searching, and deciding. I've been piecing everything together for the last few years and have spent countless hours trying to make things match up perfectly. I'm indecisive as it is! :tongue_smilie: You really can't go wrong with MFW, HOD, or Sonlight. We've used all three at one time or another in the past. I got a taste of a full program again this year with HOD for our 4th grade ds, and it was awesome! I am on the hunt now for something all planned out for both him and his older db. I'm looking forward to using one of them next year and the much needed break.
  21. :party:Yaaay! Celebrating with you! It means so much to have our dh's support. Hope it will be a wonderful year for your family. :)
  22. Lol. Yep, that's my main hesitation... $. Our convention just a little over a month away so I'm hoping for some clarity then. I will. Please do the same. :)
  23. Oh, no. We do every. single. activity. Lol. Just teasin'. I'm with you in a BIG way, Tammi. I'm contemplating the ease of Sonlight in our homeschool again.
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