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Everything posted by bethben

  1. Basically, I want to watch certain shows not at the scheduled show time, but at the times I actually can. Is there a way to do this? I have tried the HGTV.com channel, but the commercials are really glitchy for me. Lately, I've missed the end of a lot of shows because it's stuck on a commercial that keeps playing every time you want to return to the show. I've looked into Sling, but it seems like you have to watch the show when it airs. I can't do that.
  2. When i brought ds#2 home from the hospital, Ds#1 at 18 months decided he was done with the two nap deal. It was almost to the day. I cried.
  3. In the hospital before kid surgeries, they put an oil scent (usually lavender in this case) on the cotton part of a bandaid and stick it on their shirt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Ignore the above advice! Just looked it up - you would have to make a huge profit - 500K.
  5. To add to the mix, if any of that 70K in cash is above what you paid for the house, you will be taxed on it. Example: if you paid 50K for the house and now have 70K, you will be paying taxes on 20K if you don't buy another house within the year. Also, Dave Ramsey people are a special breed. Most of them have had issues with debt and credit cards. Many of them have gotten into huge amounts of debt (it seems like it's usually student loan debt) and have had to scrape their way out of it. If you listen to Dave Ramsey, he would probably tell you since you already have the truck and like it, just pay it off as quickly as you can. He would most likely say to save up for the house repairs, but it's your house and you know what's needed.
  6. I saw a mom going into the hospital with a large memory foam mattress that fit those very uncomfortable parent beds. To me, that screamed, "i come here a lot."
  7. Mu daughter doesn't have huge defiance issues, but she had enough that it wore me out and made me wonder if her issues with math are due to her issues with me rather than math. She argues with me seemingly with the assumption I am lying to her about the correct answer to a problem she gets wrong. She just started school and the atmosphere in the house is 100% different. As my 12 year old says, "There won't be as much yelling around here." My 18 year old severely disabled son has even picked up on the change and his whining has gone down 90%. Dd mentioned that at school yesterday, they did math, she got some problems wrong, and she didn't lose it completely (like she does here). She's a different kid in a classroom which we found when she went to a one day a week program. She is very willing to do her best for a teacher. For me, not as much. Since we just started this experiment, I have no idea what the outcome will be. All I know is that right now, I do not have the energy to be her parent and her teacher.
  8. I always wanted something like this in my unfinished basement when my 16 year old was little: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/192669690286808531/
  9. I think a lot of the move is because k-6th, homeschooling is easier. You actually know the subject material and have confidence that you can teach it. There are plenty of resources to use. When you hit junior high and high school, homeschooling shows its inadequacies. You cannot even begin to be an expert on every subject and if your child has questions, you find quickly your inadequacies. My #2ds was working through a physics/chemistry class for 8th grade (not high school level). He had a question on a problem and I could not answer it. I didn't even have time to help him figure out the answer because I had two other kids I was homeschooling in the basics. Multiply that by 100 and it became very difficult to give the education I wanted him to have. We chose online classes to fill that gap and I have found some options for ds#3 when he hits the high school years. And the kicker is - you see how homeschooling those later years is difficult especially if you have an externally motivated child. As a result of feeling like homeschooling can't work really well long term, you then question if elementary school is even worth the effort anymore. Because homeschooling multiple children for multiple years is exhausting.
  10. They do have pretty strict guidelines as to how tutors are supposed to tutor. Unless things have changed dramatically, there is no room for large modifications in how they are told to present the material. It's like allowing a McDonald's worker to have an independent contractor status because he puts 3 pickles on the hamburger instead of 2.
  11. I just don't want her to have a physical confrontation if it's not necessary. She gets very angry very quickly about injustice. As she says, she goes from green to red to REALLY red very quickly. I've thought about martial arts to get some of the aggression out appropriately. I found out the girl of today that she defended has been a girl that she doesn't particularly care for (she lives two doors down). She has had issues with how mean this particular girl is toward her sister. To me, that's strength of character. She's willing to do what is right regardless of who it is. I told her I was proud of her. Dh backed me up too saying that he would support her also if she got in trouble for defending someone.
  12. The second day of school, a kid was being rude and hogging some part of the playground. Her friend was getting really mad. So, she took her aside and told her the story of Rosa Parks. So, that made the girl mad at the injustice with Rosa Parks and forgot about the rude kid. She does make me proud.
  13. This. I told her if she had gotten into trouble today because she stood up for someone, I would be OK with that and I would be on her side. It's having to navigate this -- I want her to keep that part of her spirit that sticks up for the kids being bullied but I really don't want her to get into physical fights. She has mentioned that she wants to punch some people because they're being mean. The part that will not be bullied herself and that will fight for injustice is a very good thing about her. I want to help her do it well. I really want her to keep that part of her personality and not squash it at all. I have no idea how to do it well because I was a timid child who was picked on and said nothing.
  14. She'll never be a victim...I just rather her learn to diffuse the situation rather than make it worse. I do want her to stick up for herself and others. I just rather she not make the situation into a heated battle and learn how to be in control of the situation but not make it into a bigger deal than it has to be.
  15. The above is pretty much the gist of it. She got him to stop, but one of these days, some kid is going to get really mad. This brings up a nature vs. nurture thing. She was adopted at 2 1/2. We have not nurtured a fighter and confronter of evil. I don't like confrontations in general and will avoid it if possible. Dh is pretty much the same. I am pretty justice orientated though. I would probably step in if I saw someone being bullied. There's something in her nature that brings this out. She is SOOO different than the rest of us. Very rough around the edges. I've always had to walk this fine line of keeping her spirit and personality while having her learn to be under authority. I've known over the years that I could have easily crushed her spirit and have tried very hard not to because there is a lot that's good in there although comes out badly sometimes. It's part of the reason she's going to school. I'm totally exhausted with the level of drama and zing she brings to everything. She's been with us 8 years. She was very disappointed that she couldn't ever become president (she's chinese) so that she could change all the bad laws. She'll probably have to settle by leading a revolution.
  16. We're going with "tell a teacher" and try to change the conversation. I told her to try complimenting the verbal bully because it may get them distracted enough or like a PP suggested and try to say the opposite.
  17. My dd is going to public school full time. She has always had a hard time with people who bully other people. She is also not the most diplomatic of people and when she confronts someone, you know you're being confronted. Like a policeman to a criminal confrontation. She's been in school three days. Two of those days, she has mentioned some confrontation of her defending a child who was being picked on. It seems like the attention gets diverted away from the other child to her. She told a kid today to stop picking on her friend. Then this kid got in her face and threatened to tell on the teacher that she was being mean. She probably did seem mean to him because she is not quiet nor is she using words that would diffuse a situation quietly most likely. I'm not quite sure how to navigate this with her. How to train her to still stick up for the child being picked on, but not get into a fight with the one doing the picking. These are not major bullying moments where someone is getting beat up, just little comments here or there by kids who should just keep quiet. I've told her to take the kid being bullied somewhere else and she has done that in the past, but the latest incident happened in a line up to go back into school. So, it's a good thing that she has this strong desire to protect those who can't protect themselves, but the way she does it is probably going to get her into a fight someday. Any suggestions how to help her navigate bullies?
  18. We have leash laws but a lot of people still let their dogs run free. We have 3 giant dobermans across the street that have gotten loose at times. Nothing like a very very mean looking dog that's basically a giant muscle running down the street with children outside playing. Last time one of them got out, he started running towards me while I was mowing the lawn. I put the mower between me and him with every intention of tipping the mower if he got too close. I actually have nightmares about them. The owners say they're just a bunch of sissies and sweeties. IMO, they may be nice dogs, but I never want to be around them when they're loose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I had severe stomach/intestinal cramps while I was on birth control pills. They also could have felt like menstral cramps. They really messed up my digestive system. BC pills can really mess up quite a bit. That would be the first place I would look. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Anyone use this? I have the potential for access through a one day a week homeschool enrichment program. Is it worth it?
  21. I have had discussions with my 16 year old ds who is trying to break away from a toxic girl/guy relationship. He asked how DH and I dated long distance and kept from getting too emotionally attached before marriage. DH and I wrote letters...those took at least a week to get back and forth. We talked on the phone 1-2 times a week because you actually had to pay extra for long distance. AND, we were usually connected to the phone with a cord. If you are in a situation like my DH was, the phone was in a place where people were constantly coming in and out. With texting, you can be in contact with someone 24/7. It's almost like living with someone. There is no buffer space and time away from each other without a conscious decision. How can that be healthy for anyone? You never really have alone time when you can have texting conversations with someone constantly. Most of the teen girls I know are in counseling or on medication for anxiety and/or depression. I told ds that I would get off of Facebook if he would turn the phone off for longer stretches of time. I'm doing my part and he seems to be doing his part because I'm not hearing his phone text alert constantly ringing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I LOVE this! They read something on Google and suddenly become an expert. My 16 year old ds knows a bunch of random factoids and can correct my husband even on intricate aspects of his career which he has been doing as long as ds has been alive. Ds also knows everything. Isn't it great? I'm sure he'll be able to do our taxes and give us sound financial advice next.
  23. And we wonder why more and more businesses are making some college/a college degree a leg up in hiring even for very basic entry level jobs?!? I would hope that students entering college would at least have algebra figured out well enough! Just that so many aren't able to finish a math requirement in college that they had to change the rules is a little telling of their high school education. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I did the calculator also for the house we bought two years ago. It was $120k more than we were approved for and $160k more than what we actually felt we could afford. I agree, figure out what you can pay monthly and go backward. I think banks tend to approve too much for a mortgage. I would also consider not buying a home until you have a 10-20% down payment. When the market crashed last time, people didn't have the buffer and were upside down really fast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. If I had one place to go, I would also head to Rocky Mountain national park. It is amazing. It too may be crowded and some of the sites in the park can't accommodate large amounts of traffic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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