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Everything posted by bethben

  1. I have heard of many many excellent and qualified tutors whose children aren't being homeschooled at the high school level that can't teach Challenge levels due to CC's rules. It's really sad. The very people who have the most time to do a great job are retired homeschool parents or those who have older children that may have taken other educational routes. Again, it's just sad.
  2. :scared: Doesn't that just about make you cringe and shudder? I understand their point, but shudder...
  3. My husband says they look like something a baby boy would wear. So, adult men want to remember their toddler years fondly?
  4. Thank you for this very clear explanation. The last paragraph is also what I think is abused with some homeschool curriculum publishers also. That's where the gray area comes in. Yes, I want to honor true copyright and throwing a copyright label / you can't give this away or sell it on something when that's not true is what makes things muddled. Hence the question.
  5. I am. My 16 year old will be doing full time community college and I am sending my 4th grader to school. I will only have one homeschool student. Usually at this time, I am researching curriculum and figuring out what outside classes (if any) they should take. I'm ordering and finding used curriculum. Now? Nothing. I know what my 7th grader will be using and already have most of it on my shelves. He's going to be 3/4 independent and be taking a full day at a public charter school for things like science labs and other enrichment activities. I am like a lost ship at sea trying to find "me" again. It's driving my husband crazy because I'm trying to organize the house because I have brain space to think about that. I need something academic for me. Homeschooling used to fill that space.
  6. My daughter is turning 10 on May 20th and she will be going into 4th at the public school next year. She was adopted as a toddler and had some medical issues so her skill level and maturity have always been a year younger. She's academically at a 4th grade level for next year. Here's a little different perspective. I have two boys whose birthdays are in early fall. The cut off for the public school in our area was September 1st. In that scenario, my boys have almost been a full year older than the kids who have summer birthdays. When these kids hit puberty, that year difference is very noticeable. On the other hand, you really don't want to put a child into a situation where they are bored. Tough decision!
  7. I had that situation also. Again, I'm not sure that it is legal to say you can't make photocopies for your own personal use after buying a hard copy with the intention of using it in your own family with no intention of selling it after you are done. I guess again, there is what their preference is and what is legal. Would it be illegal to make a copy of a page of a book that I bought for my own personal use? So, yes, you can write on the bottom of every single page about how illegal it is to copy that page, but is it?
  8. I have had similar on a much more minor scale. I felt like I "should" be able to handle what my life had thrown at me. I felt guilty that "I was not enough" and if I was stronger I would be able to deal with it. Through a lot of tears and a lot of really looking at my life and it's limitations, I had to choose the path I would rather not go down. I also had to trust that God would be in the main effected person's life what I could not be. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I had severe severe mood swings/ depression when I was on a certain bcp. They changed it and it got better. At least I wasn't in a fetal position crying better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I just want to know if I need to. I already have something we could use. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. My ds has done grammar since 3rd grade. He kinda sorta knows what he's doing (how's that for a good grammar sentence?!?). Should I continue with another year? I know what program he could use--it just seems like overkill and not really relating to his writing ability.
  12. My ds has done grammar since 3rd grade. He kinda sorta knows what he's doing (how's that for a good grammar sentence?!?). Should I continue with another year? I know what program he could use--it just seems like overkill and not really relating to his writing ability.
  13. Just as an aside---I'm not of any opinion on this..but if azure is having trouble with weed control, that explains the bag of organic wheat berries that I received that had tons of weed seeds. Fully 10-15 % of the bag had weed seeds. I returned it and haven't bought wheat grain from them again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. That's why I'm asking if it is truly copyrighted or is just a desire of the person who developed the curriculum. If this is not a law, then it is not stealing. It is not civil disobedience if it is not a law. I paid for the use of the product. I am not making money off of it. I will not use it again. Would I also be cheating if I had an old computer that had a bunch of downloaded curriculum on it and gave the use of said computer to a friend? And they used the curriculum on the computer? If this truly is a copyright violation of giving something I printed off of a download, it would be nice to know. I can't find that law anywhere. If it is not wrong, I don't like someone telling me that it is against copyright law when that's a lie (if it is). It bothers me. So, I'm trying to find the law to this because I have other stuff that I would give to someone because I'm not using it anymore. It seems senseless to just throw it away when someone could really use it. Again, I'm not selling any of this. I just want to know the law.
  15. I guess this is my question. It is one thing to say, "you can't loan this to anyone". It is another thing to have a law to back you up. In all my years homeschooling, I've seen plenty of curriculum providers claim that you can't resell a physical product. But, it seems like it was more of a preference on their part rather than a law. I guess I'm getting a little crotchety in my older age. Yes, I understand how they can't make money on a resale, but be accurate with the law and don't try to tell me it's a law if it isn't. So, that is why I asked if there was a law on giving printed curriculum from a download to someone else without a cost.
  16. I would be giving her my only copy as I am done with it.
  17. So, I bought curriculum in e-format and made a copy. I know that the original curriculum provider asks not to loan curriculum that has come from a download, but is that true to copyright law? Or is it just a kindness on my part not to loan/give away curriculum that has been downloaded? I'm not selling it and know the person I give it to will not sell it if I ask.
  18. Give me your best books to inspire a love of reading in your 7th grade boys and 4th grade girls (who would like boy books). My dd is reading Peter Nimble so the follow up books for that would be great. My ds also liked Peter Nimble. Any other good books for giving these age groups a love of reading?
  19. Any Potter's school class you enter will have you do a placement test so they should be able to make sure her writing is at the class level you're trying to get her into. Yes, the Potter's school does have students turn in rough drafts but during the time the teacher is grading those rough drafts, your student will be working on another paper that will be due either that week or a week into the future. My two children who have taken Potter's school classes rarely have a rest from writing. There's always something. That being said, if you want a child who can write well, Potter's school classes excel at that.
  20. We have had a CR-V for 11 years and have only had to do maintenance on it. We've never had a major issue and the thing has 180K miles on it. Now, my 16 year old is driving it. It's been a great little car.
  21. I will only be homeschooling one child next year. My ds who will be in 7th grade. He really needs to work on reading comprehension so I need a history curriculum that comes with questions. I need to work with him in writing out complete answers and/or summaries that really explain what he was asked to do. We are in the early american history period of history and I would like to continue that. I have Bookshark 7 that we are 1/3 of the way through. It seems like the Sonlight/Bookshark questions are mostly comprehension questions. He needs more of a dialectic/ think about it type question. I also have TOG all years. I really really hate the books they have for the dialectic level in year 3 (H.A. Marshall books mostly). My ds doesn't really like them either. The lower level, while having appropriate reading for 7th grade do not have questions and I do not want to make them up. He will have enough writing/ composition with an online course. What am I looking for?
  22. I guess I've not made myself clear. My daughter who will be in 4th is going into the public school. I'm happy she's able to get her facts down. Math has always been hard for her and it's only now that I've been able to get any progress from her. My son will be going into 7th and I want to make sure he has good word problems integrated into his curriculum. He does Saxon word problems just fine. But are they enough? I guess that is my question..
  23. I guess for 7th grade, I'm looking at something integrated into the math book. Is there a homeschool math program (can be for public schools, but needs an answer key) that has great word problems integrated? Also with my daughter, I think the issue with word problems is too many things thrown at her at once and being stubborn in drawing a picture out. Also, some word problems try to throw in new cultural names or new words to expand vocabulary. Those trip her up because then she focuses on what word that is and what it means. Also, it is because of non-real world word problems. When I was teaching her how to add and subtract, I would give her a simple word problem. You have 3 cookies and give me 2. How many do you have? She couldn't figure it out with just the numbers. But cookie problems? No problem! No one would have some of the convoluted questions that seem to appear on standardized tests!
  24. Ultimately, this question is going to swing around to 7th grade math, so stick with me. My daughter is going to enter 4th grade public school. I was looking at questions for the test she will need to take and the majority of the thing is word problems. Knowing her, she may not get one word problem correct. She is excellent at math facts and math computations. She can add any string of numbers together, subtract with borrowing, started multiplying double digit by double digit, and can rattle off division facts even though I just introduced them two days ago. Word problems - the bane of her existence. She just doesn't seem to get anything beyond a one step problem. Here's my question. I know that's my daughter and there's not much I can do about it now. I guess I am realizing that perhaps the math programs I am using do not do challenging enough word problems. I have been using Saxon (with a side trip into MathUSee for dd this year) with my 6th grader. I am wondering if the word problems are challenging enough. On the other hand, my 16 year old who did Saxon throughout his homeschool math career, got an A in College Algebra and just finished College Pre-Calculus with some degree of success as a Sophomore in high school. So, what math does an emphasis on word problems? I am not looking for a public school curriculum that doesn't include teacher guides and answer keys. Ds will be doing pre-algebra again for 7th grade since his brain is still not ready for pre-algebra (he's starting to wake up to it just now).
  25. Here's a less creepy explanation. What if it's a divorce situation and the spouse living in the house doesn't want it to sell. That explanation would detract all potential buyers along with the high price. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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