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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Isn't it crazy that if your body has trouble handling carbs it turns out the best thing to do is eat fewer carbs? It's completely crazy to me that the ADA tells patients to eat between 45-60 grams of carbs per meal, plus more for snacks.
  2. I'm done with my examination of The Waste Land for now. I'm sure there's much more I could dig into, but I've got too much "real life" going on and the goodreads group is moving on to Four Quartets on Wednesday. The Waste Land is definitely meant to be read aloud, IMO. I liked it fine when reading it, but once I heard a reading of it, I loved it. I'm almost done with Meltzer's The Zero Game, from last week. It's quite suspenseful and I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic. But I can tell when an author has written a book hoping it will be picked up for a motion picture, and this reads like that. It has a certain "see, it wouldn't be hard to make this into a script" quality about it. It's not just the dialogue, but certain details of how the scenes are laid out. I am praying for you and your family. :grouphug: I'll be reading Faust next month! I've never read it before.
  3. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. idnib


    I used to have Mongolian spots. I remember my dad driving me to a medical school when I was 4 or 5 so the students could get a look at them. They're very common in our genetic type but were rare in the area in which we lived in the 1970s, which was almost all white folks. I was a novelty. :) My DS had them too, one on his shoulder blade and one right at the base of his spine. They looked very much like bruises and I was grateful when his faded. He still has a tiny one on his heel but nobody cares about that one. I'm glad DD didn't have them.
  5. I don't have any recipes but my MIL makes meatloaf w oats and it tastes fine. She doesn't do it to be gf, that's just her recipe. Btw, oats are often grown next to wheat fields and can be contaminated. If your MIL is really sensitive, get certified gf oats or get Trader Joe's 2 lb blue bag. They're not certified but the copy on the back says they are grown away from gluten fields.
  6. I've read through it once and then not used it much. I think it can be replaced with this audio lecture.
  7. I think there's an example in one of his books in which a woman was coming home at night and started walking to the porch of her empty house. The porch had some shrubbery around it. She got a really bad feeling and turned around, left, and called the police. When they came and examined the porch area, they found cigarette butts and she realized she had seen them and not consciously registered them, and perhaps even smelled cigarette smoke as she walked up. It's about the conscious mind not seeing everything the subconscious mind does. We have evolved instincts but cannot always put those feelings into words. I've been teaching my kids the same idea. One day we were at the park and my son said very seriously, "There's something strange about that guy but I can't say what it is." I looked over and he seemed fine to me, just a guy out in the later afternoon walking his dog around the park with 50 people nearby. But DS, who had never done anything like this before, looked downright scared: wide eyes, large pupils, shallow breathing. We left immediately. I didn't want to make him think he was being silly or overreacting. I'd like to think he learned he can just leave a situation even when it looks fine on the surface.
  8. Continuing to pray for your family. :grouphug:
  9. Salaams sister, I'm sorry this happened to you. I would be angry, even more so if I had my kids with me. Luckily they are so young and missed the significance of the exchange. Remember, she is driven primarily by ignorance and her behavior is a reaction to that. Be grateful you are not in her place and try to be merciful, that mercy will later be given to you. :grouphug:
  10. Tea Collection is very cute but not organic. Seconding Hanna Andersson. It's where we get basics (leggings, tees, underwear, etc) because they last a long time.
  11. idnib


    What is it the young folks are saying? "I literally can't even."
  12. I haven't read all the posts but the causes of the University of California have an admission by exam option. The scores have to be pretty high, around 700 or higher on each exam, on average, and there are minimum scores for each exam so you can't completely blow one and then make up for it on another.
  13. Good luck! Will be watching for news. :grouphug:
  14. I'm excited but DH is out of town and the kids are too young to take so I'll have to wait.
  15. One more thing for all: The GG Bridge removed toll takers and went all electronic 2 years ago. Tolls are only paid in the southbound direction (going into SF from Marin). There are numerous ways to pay your tolls. If you're from out of town, the easiest option is to just go through and the GG will send the car rental company a bill for your toll, based on a scan of the license plate. It costs more, not from the GG folks, but because car rental companies are adding fees for this convenience. Here is an article to read about this. If you want to avoid the fees, follow one of the other payment methods. Whatever you do, don't slow down or stop at the toll booths. They are non-functional and the locals don't slow down so you risk an accident if you stop. Resist the impulse to feel like you're about to break the law if you don't stop at the booth. The SF/Oakland Bay Bridge also has tolls going into the city, but the "cash" lanes have humans.
  16. I just came across this strangely coincidental article in the news this morning: http://www.ktvu.com/story/29292536/legal-battle-over-2-endangered-species-at-pacifica-golf-course I've never heard of Sharp Park, but it looks like it's adjacent to a wilder area called Mori Point. That might be a good place to look for your species. It's not difficult to get from the west side of SF to Pacifica.
  17. Boulder Creek is Banana Slug HQ. :D
  18. raptor_dad, I also recommend Pt Reyes National Seashore but you'd have to devote an entire day.
  19. I haven't been seeing nearly as many since the drought began. :(
  20. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  21. Praying for improvement and health. :grouphug:
  22. Should it apply to everyone, even non-parents? Because a mandatory school day until 5:00 would apply even to kids who don't need it, who have a caretaker at home or other activities to keep them supervised and busy.
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