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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Mental health day in which mental health=clean and organized house.

    1. mommymonster


      Mental health does equal a clean house here as well! I'm working diligently on improving the mental health today!!!

    2. PeachyDoodle


      For me, cluttered house = slowly encroaching insanity. We have to take one of these mental health days regularly!!

    3. idnib


      Yeah, I get depressed if it gets too messy or disorganized. It's like all those things encroach on my mental space. Glad people understand!

  2. Yup, that's the one! I'm not sure where to fit it into our studies. We're doing a 4-year cycle and just finishing up the ancients. I think I might just work on it outside of school as a fun type of a book. Did you do it as a read aloud?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0HL4L6Pa-4 One of my favorite clips on the topic. (Keep watching after the first little bit.)
  4. Checking in... I didn't finish any books last week. I'm currently working on Four Quartets, Insight Out, The Zero Game (almost done), and Suspended Sentences. Has anyone read Suspended Sentences? I'm really enjoying it. It's the kind of writing that makes me imagine the light in the scene, whether it's dim lighting for cocktails or bright light pouring into a photographer's studio. I picked up the book Rose recommended last week re: history of humans. I was in the bookstore to get a Father's Day present for FIL and there it was! I can't remember the name. (It's in my trunk and my car is parked on the next block for street sweeping.) As an aside, I love the paper stock they chose. June was supposed to be my month to read education-related stuff (educational philosophy, teaching Shakespeare, etc) but it's not happening. Maybe late-July to August will be better so it's fresh in my mind. Re: DH's reading: He likes Tom Clancy, Lee Child, Patrick O'Brien,Neil Stephenson, Neil Gaiman, computer and technology books, non-fiction books about the intersection of society and technology, and any books about the Golden Age of Sail. He also reads The Economist cover-to-cover each week. He's a voracious reader and very fast too. I'm a bit jealous about his speed.
  5. Low carb win-of-the-day: My coconut cream, which was packed in tetra packs so I couldn't see it, has been expired for awhile. I hate dealing with spoiled food but I didn't want to throw it away so yesterday I carefully opened one and ate a bit. It tasted fine and today I'm still not sick so it looks like it's still good!
  6. Thanks for posting the link. The trailer was intense. I will try to see the movie when I can.
  7. Thanks everyone. I hit up TJ Maxx. The part I haven't been bothering y'all with is that DH has much bigger hands than I do so I'm looking for him too. But he's not nearly as picky as I am so I found some options for him.While I was there I saw the KitchenAid one mentioned above, but they only had one (of course). It's the one that fit me best so I brought it home. Even if I have to order it's mate online, it's still cheaper to get one at TJ Maxx. Next stop was supposed to be for an Ove Glove but I ran out of time. I'll try that tomorrow, based on Pawz's feedback. I was thinking it sounded crazy that I wear mitts for making eggs, but in my defense they were very small (and beloved) mitts. They didn't feel bulky at all and ended just past the wrist. The were only slightly bigger than snow mittens. I've decided they were a giveaway from when I bought my cookware set 20 years ago. In the meantime, gloves have gone from narrow and fitted to mega-sized.
  8. I'll join, although I'm more extreme low carb as I do keto. I've never had high blood sugar but I believe in the importance of steady blood sugar. Plus the women in my family have a history of diabetes, but they were "fine" at my age, so I have to be careful. If you're not trying to lose weight, dark chocolate and macadamia nuts make a great snack. For crunchy, those toasted seaweed snacks are good.
  9. Ov-glove users, how much heat do you feel through them? Do you feel warmth? Could you hold something for a little bit or do you have to hurry to set it down? Sorry I'm being so fussy. I hate getting burned. I know everyone does, but I think I have some sort of phobia. I even wear mitts when making scrambled eggs in a pan. :(
  10. I take it the silicone ones are not as slippery as they look? I always imagine they have the slippery feel of my Silpat. Thanks. I'll check it out. Those look good as well. I can swing by TJ Maxx. Did you buy them recently?
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  12. I wish I was cool and chef-y enough to just use a towel. Alas, my spatial orientation goes out the window when holding very hot items.
  13. Thanks, I'll check out the work gloves. Yeah, DS11 and I have the same size hands. I don't know why but I always manage to drop something or burn the back of my hand on the oven when I use potholders or towels. It's like I'm not smart enough to pick up hot things without covering the back of my hand and my wrists. :glare:
  14. Thanks. I wish I'd thought of that before but I kinda need working mitts in the next couple of days. :)
  15. idnib


    Get the rabbits acclimated to the taste of meat, then feed them the children. Problem solved.
  16. I don't have a machine and my sewing skills are at the "hey I can replace this loose button" stage of development. :( Thanks for the suggestion, though. I really should learn how to sew.
  17. Both set of my oven mitts have given up the ghost. I'm tired of trying to strategically lift burning hot items while avoiding the holes and thin spots. One pair, which is my favorite, was a giveaway and they're so old the name has disappeared from the tag. The other pair was from Williams-Sonoma. I bought a replacement pair online last week and they're huge now! I just tried to add homemade beef stock to a stew using the huge mitts, lost control because I didn't have a good grip or view, and spilled half the stock on my stove. So...favorite mitts, please?
  18. I haven't been to south Alabama in the summer, but I've been to places with similar weather in Asia. Those places often lose electricity (so no fans or AC) due to inadequate utility infrastructure. Just checked the weather in one of those cities and it's in the 90s but it's the middle of the night. Forecast is for 109, RealFeel 115. It's also humid. It's perfectly possible to live and work and play under these conditions, billions of people do. But you have to drink a lot of salt water, cool your head, wear light colors, and be acclimated. Kids in those counties play sports and exercise during the summer months. :)
  19. I live near SF and have visited NYC but never lived there. If you like to do more outdoor things, SF might be better. We can be lower reg than NY, depending on how you go. If you homeschool under a charter there are more restrictions: you meet with them once/month, and you take the annual standardized testing starting in (I think) 2nd grade. For this, they pay for some of your materials and equipment. If you register as a private school, you have all the freedom of any private school (use any curriculum, no testing, no meetings, etc) but you pay out of pocket. So if you're thinking about having a charter in CA so you can get $$$ and accountability, you can compare the details to NY. If you're going to register as a private school in CA, it's easily less onerous than NY.
  20. idnib


    I was just thinking this must be some kind of sociological experiment and we're the guinea pigs. Hope they don't feed us to the dogs!
  21. Zuni Cafe's recipe. Bonus NYT article about Judy Rodgers, Zuni's chef who passed away in 2013. I love her cooking and her cookbook.
  22. I'm sorry you're going to have to be away more. :grouphug:
  23. According to CNN, his stated reason was to incite a race war/civil war.
  24. OK. You understand I'm not talking about a chat at the park or in line at the store or at a party, don't you? If it wasn't Ramadan, and if I didn't hate talking on the phone, I might be tempted to randomly call 15 households, identify myself as a news reporter, and ask them about their kids' race and if their kids were their bio kids. I wonder how many would just tell me without asking why or wondering if it was a good idea to give me this information. None, apparently. I'm sure the news reporters are at least thankful nobody (besides me) is that paranoid yet. :D I would be interested to see what people actually do when the rubber meets the road, so to speak, and it's their own family's business. Anyway this is a stupid derailment and I'm sorry I started it and remained sucked into it. Everyone has a right to tell news reporters whatever they want about their family. I'm done with this topic (speaking with journalists, not the Dolezal story) but it's the non-flouncing kind of exit. :)
  25. Thanks for clarifying. I meant telling anyone outside the circle. Obviously people who knew her growing up and knew her family were aware. I guess I would tell her employer or college before I'd tell a reporter. It is anyone's guess, but I'm not at all surprised a story about a white woman masquerading as a black woman and heading up an NCAAP chapter went viral. It's a crazy story, plus everyone wants to see what she looks like and if they too would have been fooled. Maybe those of us from the 80s have too many memories of Soul Man. :D
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