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Everything posted by idnib

  1. I'm just posting this video from TED Purdue for people who may read this thread, not necessarily for MooCow, who I know is struggling with low carb. I just came across it today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da1vvigy5tQ
  2. I don't take kindly to gaslighting. You yourself focused on the deer. I can't even find anything about the "sexiest woman in the USA" in your report of the incident. Enjoy your baby goats! :)
  3. Seconding the idea of probiotics. Either take pills or eat live culture vegetables. I would also add 2 cups of bone broth/day. It soothes the stomach lining. Do you supplement electrolytes when in ketosis?
  4. idnib


    Yeah, there's probably background not shown on the video. I do think there's a socio-economic component too. If I were in such a situation and I was opposed to having my children questioned about abuse outside my presence, I would call my lawyer friend to understand my rights. Now it might turn out he would tell me they had a right and then I would acquiesce, but I would check first. If my child were allowed to have a lawyer present while being questioned, I would make that happen. Regardless, I would have them go through a lawyer for all correspondence and would have the lawyer write them a strongly worded letter. If this were to happen today, maybe they would call their lawyer. But this was in the past so I'm sure they didn't have someone available. Most of the upper middle class and and higher income people would have a lawyer get involved, even if the sheriff were in the right, just to let the sheriff know they have representation and rights. Poor people can't swing that. I'm not defending their atrocious behavior.
  5. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  6. I have one doctor who is really good but notoriously late. He spends a good amount of time with each person and really listens and addresses all concerns, but he doesn't schedule for that. Also, people fly from all over the country to see him and they're not used to parking in SF or they get lost and run late. I usually call the office an hour before my appointment and ask how late they're running. They don't seem offended; they just give me an update and I plan accordingly. This would be more difficult to do with a babysitter, but DH works from home so it works out.
  7. Wait, tamogochis need to be fed on a schedule. How many did you starve? :scared:
  8. idnib


    I watched the videos and it turns out I'm a nutter. Who knew? (Don't answer that.) The crux of the video is that the police want to talk to Olivia alone because so she can speak freely. They are not wiling to have her mom there, and they aren't willing to come back later in case the parents get a chance to talk to Olivia first. He used the analogy of an abused woman telling the police everything is okay and the sheriff talking to her alone to see if that's true. Let me say, the Nauglers went about this horribly. They seems to have a gift for escalation and they have many problems. While I generally tend toward reunification, I hope these kids move on. That said, I do see their point. IMO, finding a 7 year old child walking along the road is not grounds to question them about abuse without their parents present. The happens all the time to all kinds of families, including my own when I was young and my brother wandered off and was brought back by a trucker. If my child wandered off I would be forever grateful to the person who returned them, but I would not voluntarily turn my child over for questioning about abuse without my presence. Kids say the craziest things. Last week my 7 year old, who's never ever been spanked, told someone we spank her often. Turns out she didn't even know what spanking means. I completely understand the need to talk to kids who may have been abused outside their parents' presence, I just don't think wandering along the road should precipitate that. I would decline unless I had no right to. Maybe I don't, I don't know. Of course, I wouldn't go about it the same way they did. The Resident Nutter
  9. idnib


    Make you wonder what we haven't seen (yet).
  10. I don't think it's more difficult to open a bag of nuts, cheese slices, or beef jerky.
  11. Have you tried bulletproof coffee (or tea)? I add cream,coconut oil, and butter to hot coffee, mix it with a stick blender and drink it for breakfast. If you don't like all 3 of those fats, you can stick to one. It keeps my blood sugar very stable and I feel full until lunch. If you're making coffee or tea anyway, it's especially convenient. Here's a thread from last year.
  12. What are the exact symptoms of feeling sick? You need glucose to survive, but your body can make its own by breaking down protein through a process called gluconeogenesis. Of course, you want to eat enough protein that your food gets broken down, not your muscles. If you eat few carbs, your body will make ketones and those can be used instead of glucose. I agree. You can't do low fat and low carb. It's truly miserable and very difficult to sustain. That's not going to work. The protein sounds pretty good, and the carbs might be a little high, but the fat content is too low, unless you're leaving out info about olive oil, butter, coconut oil, etc.
  13. idnib


    It's an older trend, sir, but it checks out.
  14. idnib


    Cover them with another layer of beds!
  15. I think this is a cultural construct. My background is from a "third world" country. These days people are having smaller families, usually 3-5 children. But in my grandparents' time, they had lots of children. My dad is one of 12 live births (8 survived childhood), born while my grandmother was between the ages of 14 and 40-something. My dad, who was about 20 years younger than his oldest sister, was cared for by her. By the time he was born, she was already married and had 2 children of her own. She cared for him as her third child and even nursed him. My grandmother proceeded to have more children and was busy with that. She handed them off to her daughters to raise. She wasn't lazy; they were just tribal people who raised kids in a communal fashion. One of my dad's close friends in Nigerian. He was raised in a village in which all the women (including the child's older sisters) took care of all children as their own, including nursing. He didn't know which woman was his mother until he was 9 or 10. I'm not defending the Duggars, just saying there are many ways to raise children that don't involve the mom as primary caregiver.
  16. Now I'm going to go crazy wondering which 7 they skipped....
  17. Still praying. Good news about the bilirubin coming down a bit. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  18. When this TV opportunity opened up for them, I perhaps they thought God made it possible for them to have a much larger platform and part of that would be some kind of protection against this coming out. In other words, why would God arrange this and then it them up for a fall? They were selected for this. Hubris indeed.
  19. You'd have to take that up with the Midwesterners who literally used the "it's a reward" phrase when I spoke with them about it. :) As in: "No way, that water is our reward for putting up with crappy weather!" Only about 50% of the people living in CA were born here. Lots of people from CA have lived in places with much worse weather, including me. We know it's nasty.
  20. I think you have a romanticized view of times past. All of my grandparents were married by the time they were 16. My paternal grandmother, the youngest to get married, married when she was 13.
  21. Don't get me started. Let's just say people like what California offers (wine, computers, almonds, avocados, movies, ports that bring in all that junk from China for Walmart) but don't want to think of it as a part of the country that might need help. We are heading for a serious disaster and neither the feds nor the other states wish to assist us, even though we have long been one of the states that puts in much more to the system than it takes out. Subsidies and assistance are for other states, not us. The feds need to step in and help broker deals for water rights and other archaic things from a wetter time. When people start leaving here then other states will complain they're being invaded by Californians. The few Midwesterners I've talked to about it are hoping we run out of water, come to their state and bring robust economies and jobs with us. They tell me they are tired of "brain drain" as all their young people head to the coasts to work. They also see their abundant water as a reward for living with more difficult weather. So you see, we're only part of the country when we're contributing, not when we want to take.
  22. I forgot to add that the kid I mentioned earlier in the thread, the one who can field dress a deer, comes from a very conservative born again Christian family.
  23. We need to find a WTMer who lives near Banff to show up in person and scare 'em by pretending to be you. :glare:
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