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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. The pregnant spots here do include new moms and those with oodles of little ones. :001_smile:
  2. Our local Recreation Center, offers very inexpensive summer classes and sessions here. Many are taught by college students working towards a degree in their field and others by long time staff members. I don't think a 6-8 week session has ever cost over $100 and that was high due to sport or items you keep. Many were under $40 dollars and met anywhere from once to three times a week. Mine have enjoyed art, swimming, basketball, ballet, tap, sculpting, etc. There are also lots of opportunities at the local nature centers. Keep looking for less expensive options. Some of our local expensive ones are just day care and there just isn't much learning going on.
  3. :grouphug:You aren't alone Jo. Love your family, keep your sanity:D. That's my motto. To each his own;). And...I'd take an afternoon on the Hawaiian Beach over any water-park day any day. :tongue_smilie:
  4. The idea of pregnant moms not getting a space close to the door over someone driving a LowE car irks me for some reason.:001_huh:
  5. I've got mine stored in the buffet sideboard here too. We love that the dining room is just that when the school stuff is tucked away. We also have lots of book shelves in the kids rooms and around the house, but those are just for our treasure books. If you have little ones a book-bag they can tote in an out to their rooms can keep the clutter down while keeping the stuff handy.
  6. Poor kid. Prayers for a full and speedy recovery and that it's just a regular old bug. :grouphug:
  7. Gently to her, yes I would say something like... "I sure wish you wouldn't expose all those moms and little ones just to be safe and you can always go next week."
  8. I just wanted to thank Perry, for your information and time here.
  9. I remember serving pretty much of standard fair and simply cutting it up or smashing it with a fork. The baby grinder cleaning got old fast and I was happy to pass it on to a friend. Long time ago, but mine loved cooked sweet potatoes and just about any veggie. I cooked a lot of them in the microwave and even reserved them cold later. I also shredded lots of apples, carrots and other goodies with the cheese grater. Left overs were stored in an air tight container and as mentioned served cold or just warmed up..
  10. Well for me, I'm the parent along with dh. We supply the food, clothes, video games, movies, fun time outside with a pool pass lots of trips to the park, library, book store, game stop, occasional restaurants, baseball games, soccer, dance, shopping, church or take out pizza...you name it. (Insert...what your child likes.) Listen to me or you'll find yourself with only the necessities and I'll pile on the chores. Big one, I don't make outrageous threats. We say what we mean and mean what we say. You can count on my word. If I say, no baseball game and those tickets go to waste...Well, honey I'm sorry this is a hard lesson. I've driven home from tennis lessons because ds was too angry to handle it, but he did extremely well the next day. In the past I've left many a fun place ie, park restaurant etc until they were ready to behave. I'm going to be honest and say that even visitors kids listen to me in my house, and I'm not an imposing figure by any stretch of the imagination. This is my house and my rules, listen or leave. My kids are sent to their rooms if necessary. We very rarely have issues around here. There is no perfect answer and kids are built to test their boundaries, but consistency works around here.
  11. I/we just never did. Time outs, pick them up (toddlers) talking, loss of privileges, modeling how to behave respectfully and lots of reminders of how we behave in our family. It may take more time and you do have to react quickly, but it works. I'm respectful of parents who do spank, mine did, but I don't need to. Not that there haven't been times that I might have thought...Hey today is the day he is going to get one. kwim. My goal has always been to teach them and not spank in a moment of anger or crisis. When kids are little spanking is easy, but if you look at the discipline for the full time they are in your care ,it eventually doesn't work especially for moms. (Spanking an out of control teen boy would be impossible for me.) The threat of calling dad and talking to him has worked very well as mine have gotten older especially with my ds. We never took spanking off the table as a possibility, we just hoped and prayed not to need it. fwiw, My kids aren't perfect, but they very often get compliaments on their manners and good behavior. They do listen to me and dh. I've left places if little ones didn't. My ds does have a good sized boy temper, but we are teaching him how to handle it.
  12. Mix your favorite conditioner in a squirt bottle with water. My hair dresser suggested this and it worked better than anything else.
  13. :grouphug: You poor thing. We used the TomCat brand of sticky traps, backed up with Decon in our garage. The poison dehydrates them, and the traps...well they are removed by dh. There is almost always more than one. Keep setting which ever method(s) you choose. Peanut butter on the snap traps does a good job too. I'm not sure what to do about the cat. Is she marking the closet to keep the mice out or does she have a uti or something? Big hug.
  14. I'm glad it worked out a computer virus can be a nightmare to deal with.
  15. :grouphug: I'd be hurt and upset too, especially with the messenger. The couple sounds a little...nuts or maybe they just can't share their space again and felt the need to offer up a reason. The housing coordinator should have just found other accomodations for you and the family. I second suggesting the hotel option.
  16. :grouphug: Congratulations and hugs, I know your heart is heavy right now.
  17. :grouphug: I avoid posting on the religious and secular question posts, but I silently wince for so many hurtful comments posed as questions. Many times they are so hurtful and would be better off discussed in person or elsewhere imo. ymmv
  18. I'm concerned. There just seem to be so many variables right now along with so many conflicting news reports. We have tentative travel plans to Arizona that I'm hoping wont need to be changed. The plan right now is simply to hope and pray everything works out.
  19. 16% into the matched retirement fund We recently (after listening to Dave Ramsey and the current economy) began saving more. Right now we are working towards saving at least a full 6 months (currently we have 3) of pay in addition to our emergency fund. We have more cash on hand than we ever did and it feels pretty good. I'd guess the dollar percentage of take home varies from 20% to 39% most months and the kids each have their college funds added to monthly. We have been married a very long time and dh has his military retirement in addition to his current job. This would never have been possible just a few years ago.
  20. Homeschooling for years and years...Long timer or old timer. WTM fan:001_smile:. Mom of two...One in middle school and the other in high school.
  21. :iagree: I have to remind myself that a good reason isn't necessary to say no thank you. Say it, move on and change the subject. Rinse, repeat... Aslo...Saying what you mean and meaning what you say will avoid the whole wearing you down routine. Once they realize that no actually means no, they will move on.
  22. Refund...She should request one and I'm thinking they would happily give one. Businesses have losses, refunds etc and the good will and word of mouth goes a long way in the home-school curriculum business. Their company need to change in order to continue is understandable as is requesting what you paid for or a refund. jm2cents
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