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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. When we need it...I do like to have everything purchased and worked out for the next school year by the end of July. That gives me time to look it over, plan and purchase any extras like science labs kits and such. That said, I will buy when something is on sale...But only if I'm pretty sure we'll use it. Oh yes...And I love Free Shipping!
  2. :grouphug:I get what you saying...too bad about your parents...But woo-hoo for you and your dh. Big old Congratulations!
  3. Ria, Is this your first year with the red worm colony? I'm super curious to glean some info. Dh doesn't want to do the year compost, but I'm wearing him down and ds has always wanted worms;).
  4. Square-foot gardening...Mel's mix here and it's working very nicely so far. This is our first year, but so far so good. We're already eating a few of the early veggies:001_smile:. (The vermiculite was found at a local nursery and wasn't too expensive.) Overall the mix was considerably less than pre bagged organic. Actually it was much, much less. Mel's mix is... 1/3 peat moss 1/3 vermiculite 1/3 blended compost Mix equal parts of each, measured by volume, not by weight.
  5. :grouphug:Oh, ((Rhonda))...I've been lifting you up in prayer. :grouphug:
  6. Last year we joined here, anyway it was 18 weeks at $785 for a family of 4. We are in the Midwest and we picked it up once a week. We had one to two bags of produce that was organic, but not certified. Wow, home delivery would be awesome.
  7. We've use the CAT from Seton for $25 with very quick turn around time if you need another option. http://www.setontesting.com I've used BJ, Piedmont and Seton for testing and Seton is the least expensive.
  8. :iagree: She should fix it for free, but I'm a wimp sitting here with my new hair cut too. I should call and get another appointment too, but for some reason I'm worried about upsetting my stylist. (This was her idea of the perfect cut for me...ick...:001_huh:) :grouphug:
  9. I'm so sorry for your ds and his guinea pig.:grouphug: It's just so hard to watch your babies suffer.
  10. Wonderful picture, just wish I was there.:crying:
  11. Go to Walmart or Michaels for supplies you can look at and choose what works for you. On large projects you can use a big hoop or move a small one around. You will find lots of accessories everything from stretcher bars to stands, but all you really need are the right fabric, some thread, a needle, for many a good hoop and a whole lot of patience. Good eyes are always a plus. Enjoy yourself, now you've got me wanting to pick up a project. I've used stretcher bars (cheap, snap together wooden frames) in the past on big projects.
  12. :grouphug:Poor kiddo, I'm glad you all are home. Hugs and prayers.
  13. Each state can differ, ours wont recognize or accept a diploma awarded in our state that doesn't meet the state requirements. College admissions, student loans, grants and scholarships can be at risk here.
  14. :gnorsi::grouphug: Sending you lots of empathy, sympathy and a hug. I always turn into the drill sgt. mom when dh is away and I don't like one bit either. Hope your hubby is back to himeself soon and you can find a few minutes to yourself.
  15. There are 2 boys waving around those things...ugh...ugh... I always pictured scouts as a well trained, safety first group.
  16. What a cool gift idea. My ds cracked up and noted a GPS would be a modern compass:D.
  17. I'd drive 45 minutes there in a minute. Enjoy yourselves! Chesapeake and VB are so beautiful, sniff, sniff...
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