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Dina in Oklahoma

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Everything posted by Dina in Oklahoma

  1. If you search "Online writing" you will find many posts on this topic. Here is one to get you started. :001_smile: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/290215-online-writing-class-suggestions-please/?hl=%2Bonline+%2Bwriting&do=findComment&comment=5623878
  2. "Oh, and I found this link here. I kind of like Flow of History." Thanks for the links! :001_smile:
  3. Sherri~ Thanks for such a timely post. I have been collecting honors level syllabi to try and sort this out myself. The responses to your post are causing me to stop and reconsider an honors designation! :001_rolleyes:
  4. Techwife, I realize the rhetoric stage is about making connections. I was only offering the OP an alternative timeline suggestion to the one found in MFW. I never mentioned memorizing dates or that the focus should be exclusively on an event. I may be incorrect as I have not used MFW, but assume that rhetoric level questions are included in the TM; so using the timeline recommended by MFW or the cards would be suitable depending on what the OP was wanting. The point was to provide the student with a visual context to draw from not simply to memorize dates etc. IF the OP wanted to go more in depth than something like Lisa's suggestion would of course be more appropriate.
  5. Dear Lizzie ~ My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I truly understand what she is going through as I have a disease that causes similar issues. She will be in my prayers. :grouphug: GREAT IDEA Puddles!
  6. FYI . . . . After reading this post I contacted TT because we want to use CDs not an online version. I was told by Hanna that TT would offer BOTH the Cds and an online version. Hope this helps! :001_smile:
  7. I sincerely appreciate this post as we begin our high school journey in the fall! :lurk5:
  8. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:Inspiring! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
  9. Here are a few we are looking at if DD goes that direction: http://www.amazon.com/A-Photographic-Atlas-Botany-Laboratory/dp/0895829487/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_z http://www.amazon.com/Sterns-Introductory-Plant-Biology-Bidlack/dp/0073040525/ref=pd_sim_b_25?ie=UTF8&refRID=1ANZAT83TFHST33QME8E http://www.amazon.com/Botany-Day-Patterns-Method-Identification/dp/1892784351/ref=pd_cp_b_2 http://www.amazon.com/Plant-Form-Illustrated-Flowering-Morphology/dp/088192850X/ref=pd_sim_b_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=05270PH2RAY2A34S5YA9 http://www.amazon.com/Botany-Artists-Lizabeth-Leech/dp/1847972780/ref=sr_1_41?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397572909&sr=1-41&keywords=botany http://www.amazon.com/Botany-Artists-Lizabeth-Leech/dp/1847972780/ref=sr_1_41?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397572909&sr=1-41&keywords=botany http://www.amazon.com/Fifty-Plants-Changed-Course-History/dp/1554077982/ref=sr_1_85?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397573266&sr=1-85&keywords=botany http://www.amazon.com/Botany-Illustrated-Introduction-Flowering-Families/dp/0387288708/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397573345&sr=1-8&keywords=botany+coloring+book http://www.amazon.com/Outlines-Lessons-Teachers-Studying-Children-ebook/dp/B00AQN385U/ref=sr_1_38?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397573503&sr=1-38&keywords=botany http://www.amazon.com/Landscape-Architecture-Short-Introduction-Introductions/dp/0199681201/ref=sr_1_13?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397573766&sr=1-13&keywords=Landscape+Design%2FLandscape+Architecture http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Elements-Landscape-Architectural-Design/dp/0881334782/ref=sr_1_22?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397573817&sr=1-22&keywords=Landscape+Design%2FLandscape+Architecture http://www.amazon.com/Landscape-Graphics-Grant-Reid/dp/0823073335/ref=sr_1_23?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397573817&sr=1-23&keywords=Landscape+Design%2FLandscape+Architecture http://www.amazon.com/Form-Fabric-Landscape-Architecture-Introduction/dp/0415246385/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1397574112&sr=1-4&keywords=introduction+to+Landscape+Design+%2F+Landscape+Architecture and of course Botany for Gardeners as mentioned above. Hope this helps.
  10. Crunchy, I thought about you when I received this from Homeschool Buyers Co-op: http://www.english-grammar-revolution.com/daily-diagrams.html Dina :001_smile:
  11. I apologize Anna. I read your post too quickly and missed the heart of your question. Thanks RootAnn for clarifying!
  12. Yes, use the Open Source Heartbleed Test link above. :001_smile:
  13. I know this should be posted on "Chat" but I wanted to be certain others saw it. http://news.msn.com/...fe-to-change-it "As you’ve probably heard, the Heartbleed bug exposes websites that use a popular encryption technology to malicious attacks, and some of your passwords—and personal data—may well have been compromised. The vulnerable software, OpenSSL, is used to encrypt something like two-thirds of all sites on the web. Who’s affected? Github user Mustafa Al-Bassam performed a mass scan for vulnerable sites at 16:00 UTC (noon eastern time) on April 8th. It features over 10,000 websites, and he found that 627 of them were vulnerable to the bug. Yahoo sites (including email and Tumblr) were vulnerable, as was the popular dating site OkCupid. What you can do now We recommend searching the list linked above for your email provider, bank, and so on. Keep in mind that many of the sites that were vulnerable yesterday have since fixed their security problem. Check your inbox—if a site you use has been made safe again, they’ll have emailed you to let you know. If you find yourself about to log in to a page that isn’t on the GitHub list, you can use this open source Heartbleed test to be sure it’s safe. That test attempts to interact with the site and extract a small amount of memory from it, mimicking the actions of a hacker stealing data, and alerts you if the site is vulnerable. If you use Chrome for your browser, you can get an extension that runs the test on command. If you find that a site is still vulnerable, don’t enter any passwords or data that it doesn’t already have. Why you need to hold off on changing your password It’s tempting to freak out and change all your passwords immediately, but there’s no point in doing so before the sites you use are fixed—or else someone could just steal your new password. If one of the sites you use is vulnerable, make sure all other sites you use have unique passwords. (Many hackers will try to get into your other accounts using the one password they’ve found, because they know how lazy we are about coming up with new passwords.) At this point, it’s more prudent to wait for good news first. Once you’ve gotten the okay, take this opportunity to make your passwords extra secure. Or just give up and make them all Password1234."
  14. I know this should be posted on "Chat" but I wanted to be certain others saw it. http://news.msn.com/science-technology/how-to-tell-if-heartbleed-could-have-stolen-your-password-and-when-it%e2%80%99s-safe-to-change-it "As you’ve probably heard, the Heartbleed bug exposes websites that use a popular encryption technology to malicious attacks, and some of your passwords—and personal data—may well have been compromised. The vulnerable software, OpenSSL, is used to encrypt something like two-thirds of all sites on the web. Who’s affected? Github user Mustafa Al-Bassam performed a mass scan for vulnerable sites at 16:00 UTC (noon eastern time) on April 8th. It features over 10,000 websites, and he found that 627 of them were vulnerable to the bug. Yahoo sites (including email and Tumblr) were vulnerable, as was the popular dating site OkCupid. What you can do now We recommend searching the list linked above for your email provider, bank, and so on. Keep in mind that many of the sites that were vulnerable yesterday have since fixed their security problem. Check your inbox—if a site you use has been made safe again, they’ll have emailed you to let you know. If you find yourself about to log in to a page that isn’t on the GitHub list, you can use this open source Heartbleed test to be sure it’s safe. That test attempts to interact with the site and extract a small amount of memory from it, mimicking the actions of a hacker stealing data, and alerts you if the site is vulnerable. If you use Chrome for your browser, you can get an extension that runs the test on command. If you find that a site is still vulnerable, don’t enter any passwords or data that it doesn’t already have. Why you need to hold off on changing your password It’s tempting to freak out and change all your passwords immediately, but there’s no point in doing so before the sites you use are fixed—or else someone could just steal your new password. If one of the sites you use is vulnerable, make sure all other sites you use have unique passwords. (Many hackers will try to get into your other accounts using the one password they’ve found, because they know how lazy we are about coming up with new passwords.) At this point, it’s more prudent to wait for good news first. Once you’ve gotten the okay, take this opportunity to make your passwords extra secure. Or just give up and make them all Password1234."
  15. We use Rod and Staff and find it meets both of your requirements! Some complain it is boring, but we do much of it orally.
  16. Perhaps outsourcing them to Landry Academy or a similar resource would be the easiest and surest way to meet their unreasonable requirements.
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