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Dina in Oklahoma

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Everything posted by Dina in Oklahoma

  1. Hello Everyone, I have read the reviews for Landry on both HSR and TWTM, but both seemed very mixed. Several said their children were enrolled for the past year or this summer. It would be very helpful to hear from those whose children completed a course over the last few years. Landry has a 50% discount for 1 to 4 semesters if purchased by August 31 but am uncertain if it is worth the investment. We are especially interested in high school biology and writing. THANK YOU! Dina
  2. Hello Everyone, I have read the reviews for Landry on both HSR and TWTM, but both seemed very mixed. Several said their children were enrolled for the past year or this summer. It would be very helpful to hear from those whose children completed a course over the last few years. Landry has a 50% discount for 1 to 4 semesters if purchased by August 31 but am uncertain if it is worth the investment. We are especially interested in high school biology and writing. THANK YOU! Dina
  3. Yes, we completed the application and sent in writing samples. Rebekah said DD needs to be in HS comp which was already full. We have marked the enrollment date for next year!
  4. Hi! I'm about to make my first order from Sonlight and was wondering, if anyone had a coupon (from any of the conventions) that you weren't going to use. I would really appreciate it! THANKS! Dina
  5. Hello Hive~ Can anyone share their experience with Landry Academy Writing courses? We are looking at their Intermediate Composition course. Thanks! Dina
  6. Hello Hive~ Can anyone share their experience with Landry Academy Writing courses? We are looking at their Intermediate Composition course. Thanks! Dina
  7. My DD had Lorri Wilke for English I last year. We enthusiastically recommend her!
  8. Hello Hive, My DD took English I through The Potter's School last year and did well. Would she be prepared for the Laurel Tree High School Composition class? THANKS! Dina
  9. Have you seen Dave Raymond's American History Curriculum? It is available in DVD, download or *portal ( *Note: This version is taught via an online portal with a moderator and grader, which explains the additional cost.) http://www.compassclassroom.com/american-history/overview-2/
  10. So sorry to hear about the losses and the affects on the children. No, so far so good regarding being in the path. I just HATE when we have them at night though. We have a weather radio and husband keeps the radar up on his computer at work.
  11. Thanks Shahrazad! My girlfriend in Noble called a few minutes ago and said she, her daughter and my daughter were heading for the shelter. It's going to be a long night! Our home is located three miles from where the Moore tornado touched down. We were at the emergency room when it hit and the ER staff of OU Medical (Presby) did an OUTSTANDING job under the most difficult of circumstances. Actually, every employee did a phenomenal job. It was evident when code black was called, that they were truly dedicated professionals with a heart. As the injured rolled in, doctors, staff and administration functioned like a well-oiled machine. Please pray or continue to pray for those who are hurting and those that are helping. Also, please remember those in Shawnee and all the other surrounding areas as they are still picking up the pieces of their lives. Let's hope we don't have a repeat of last week. Sis, I hope you and yours are not in the path of any storms. Be safe!
  12. This was posted on Facebook: "Good morning everyone, Autumn did very well last night. She will be out on exhibit again this morning and Walter will be in the barn. Then they will switch around 1:30pm. Don't forget we close early again today (stopping ticket sales at 2:30pm) so that we can open for Boo in the Zoo at 4pm. Hope to see you there!!" But the giraffe in the barn has the four leave clover on the left side so that should be Autumn?:confused: ETA: Maybe not
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