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Everything posted by Punchie

  1. 1. Do you understand the reference about sleeping (or waking up) next to a pod? I would assume it has to do w/the pod people, but I've never seen any of the movies. If anything, I would have picked up on it b/c my dad is a huge sci-fi geek. Same goes for soylent green. 2. If yes, do you think it is a culturally important reference (ie. pretty widely known/common knowledge) or not? I think to some it's important, but to the general public...not so much. 3. What country do you live in? US 4. How old are you? 32 5. And just for fun 1956, 1978, 1993, or 2007? :D None.
  2. We're still going to plug away at OPTGR and RS A. It's a given for us that DD will continue to read to us every day. Hopefully, we'll make a dent in our read-aloud stack. I am in the process of putting together a pre-history unit to be done over the summer. She'll also resume swimming lessons, go to day camp for several weeks, and she'll do an overnight Girl Scout camp for 3-nights (her choice).
  3. I'm an "other." I did nurse all 3 early on, but I never figured out how to nurse lying down in bed. At times when the babies took bottles, I would give them the bottle in bed. When they were finished, the bottle went back on the nightstand. DD5 slept w/us until she was around 3.5. She slept in between us. Usually w/her feet on DH's face, so he wasn't too keen on co-sleeping after that. DD2 slept in a swing / her own crib in our room. We tried co-sleeping, but she was extremely restless. Even as a NB, she would wiggle down to the foot, and if we weren't careful, would wiggle herself onto the floor. It is a long drop down. She also seemed to sleep better when she was by herself. On the very rare occasion, we'll pull her into bed with us - such as when she's sick or can't calm down after a bad dream. DS doesn't co-sleep per say. Again, he does better when he's by himself. However, there are times when he is restless and needs to snuggle (several times per month). That's when I'll pull him into bed with us.
  4. DD is a month shy of 6. This year, she has enjoyed: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Invention of Hugo Cabret Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (multiple books) My Father's Dragon (and sequels) Charlotte's Web (she didn't seem phased by it) Stuart Little (the ending is a bit of a let down) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Babe, the Gallant Pig (current read aloud) There were other books we read, or started, but gave up on....these are the books she wanted to keep reading.
  5. I recently finished reading the edition that came out in either 1952 or 1956 (can't remember which year as it was a library book). She loved it and had no trouble with the language. If you haven't ever read it, be prepared for some glaring differences between book and film. I like the book better, DD likes the movie better. :) DD will be 6 next month.
  6. OPTGR FLL1 ETC WWE1 RS B / MM (once we've finished RS B) SSL Expedition Earth / Intellego Unit Studies La Clase Divertida Telling God's Story 1 ES Biology / Intellego Unit Studies SOTW 1 / Intellego Unit Studies Meet The Masters / Usborne Art Treasury D'Nealian Handwriting 2 Something for logic, since DD enjoys it. And at some point, something for Spelling. Right now, I'm just going to call ETC spelling to keep it simple for myself. She'll also do a once a week co-op, a once a month art class at one of the museums, ballet/tap, and Girl Scouts. Wow...this sounds like a lot! We're not doing all of it every day. I figure I have 7 days to get 5 days worth of schooling in, so if we don't get it all done one day, we can work on it the next.
  7. I used Mathematical Reasoning Beginning 1 and 2 w/DD5. She loved to sit on the couch and go through the book. There were a few pages I had to print out since I didn't want her writing in the book. She loved doing it. http://www.criticalthinking.com/getProductDetails.do?code=c&id=06913
  8. I used to do it, but I got out of the habit. I loved how my skin felt (really helped w/overall oil control), but it didn't do much for blackheads (which I was hoping it would help). I used jojoba and castor oil mixed together, light on the castor oil. In the morning, I would splash my face w/water and use some coconut oil.
  9. Great! Thank you so much! I wondered how others handled this. I didn't know if OPTGR 5x per wk along w/FLL would be too much. I think she can handle doing both 3x per wk.
  10. Thank you...but how many times per week do I do OPTGR, and how many times per week do I do FLL, once I start FLL? Do I still do OPTGR 5x per week as I have been? Or do I cut back to 2x or 3x per week? Should I do FLL on the same days as OPTGR, or should I do it on alternating days? LOL...I've had Lesson 140 stickied for a while as a reminder that that is when to start FLL. :)
  11. We're going to be starting FLL1 in a few weeks, and I would like to know how I should schedule OPTGR in conjunction with it. Do I still do OPGTR 5x per week, or do I alternate days w/FLL (like MWF is OPGTR and TTh is FLL)? I don't know when we'll start WWE, so that is thankfully not a factor atm. Thank you!
  12. We meet at church. I just walked in and asked if we could meet there, and they said yes. I did ask around beforehand and found out that DD's piano teacher will have their recitals there occasionally, which is why I went to this particular church.
  13. It's beautiful! How much of a pain was it to tile it? We have two bathrooms with turquoise tile from 1970 that desperately need to be redone.
  14. I used it during my 2nd pregnancy. I had ungodly m/s. Zofran took the edge off, but I was still terribly nauseus all day. I absolutely HATED IT b/c of the constipation. Seriously, pain med-free, pitocin-induced childbirth was less painful. It would take me several hours to go to the bathroom, and then I had to nap afterwards b/c I felt so horrible.
  15. A possible game suggestion would be pin the fang on the T-Rex. We did that at one of my parties as a child.
  16. In Niagara Falls proper, there's the Aquarium of Niagara. If you like amusement/water parks, there's Martin's Fantasy Island on Grand Island (which is not too far away at all). Both of those are on the American side. We also like Old Fort Niagara. How far outside of Niagara Falls are you willing to venture? On either the US or Canadian side. ETA: depending on when you're here, various towns in the area have festivals, parties, etc...
  17. How do you get that small an amount over your entire face? I don't even know how I would get only pea-sized amount to cover my entire face. I've been wanting to start using retin-a since my acne has gotten successively worse w/each pregnancy. I see my doctor soon, so this is a timely thread.
  18. That is awesome!! I will have to bookmark it for when DD is a bit older. I'll also have to email it to my sister since Howl is one of her favorite books. I love the book as well, and the movie is popular in our house.
  19. No, unfortunately you are not eligible for the free streaming or Kindle downloads.
  20. I have continuity issues when it comes to series, too. :) If I buy one in hardback (or paperback) they all need to be that way. The only place I have seen books 2 and 3 in trade paperback size is through Scholastic's book club flyers. I think they're around $7-10 each?
  21. She should look into VAWA laws. Honestly, I would skip the lawyer initially and schedule an appointment at the closest field/district office for immigration. They have procedures set up for abused spouses.
  22. My DD is a K'er, and we have used multiple CTC books, as well as all 3 Lollipop Logic books. She loved the LL books. She also loved: Can You Find Me? Dr. DooRiddles Thinkerdoodles (this one was more of an enjoy vs. love) We're working on Hands On Thinking Skills at the moment. It is alright, but it's not wowing either of us.
  23. DD was around lesson 100 when we started ETC4. She made it through the first three lessons before we had to stop. I skipped the rest and moved on to ETC5. We'll go back to it at some point.
  24. Thank you! I will just skip that lesson. I think if I tried to go over using the calculator, she would whine about not being able to use it for other lessons.
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