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Everything posted by Punchie

  1. Does anyone know of any resources that use nursery rhymes as the basis for learning?
  2. Thank you! I will look at that thread. I've searched "ancient India juvenile" for our library system, but over half of the hits reference books/videos on Native Americans. I've searched "India juvenile" as well, but most of those look to be about modern India. I guess really all I need is one or two books per chapter. Our library does have a couple books of Indian stories/tales for children.
  3. My library system has almost none of the recommended books for these two chapters. Does anyone have any recommendations for good books, videos, or websites for these two chapters on India?
  4. How do you make whipped butters? I want to make my own face/body cream adding in various oils. Is there a good website or book for tutorials?
  5. The approach of both is similar, however, the bulk of LCD lessons are done through video. Both have workbooks and cds to listen to. I think the workbook for SSS is more age appropriate for younger kids. We skipped LCD's workbook b/c the spaces are smaller, and it just seemed a bit too much for DD (we started it halfway through K). LCD also has crafts/activities built into the of each lesson. However, if your child likes that, you could easily check out books from the library. That being said, both of us like SSS better. The workbook is more age appropriate, the songs are catchier, and DD likes to play games with the matching cards. I can't say exactly what bothered me about LCD. It seemed kind of disjointed, and there wasn't a lot presented beyond nouns. There wasn't an easy way for us to incorporate what we'd learned into daily speaking. We couldn't hold simple conversations beyond asking someone's name and favorite color/animal. After 3 months of SSS, DD begs to do Spanish. After 3 months of LCD, DD fought tooth and nail when it was time to watch the videos.
  6. DD is in first grade right now... Math Mammoth / RS B ETC* FLL1* WWE1 SOTW1 ES Biology D'Nealian Handwriting/Cursive Meet the Masters (sporadically) Logic (resources vary) Spanish (we started with La Clase Divertida, but dropped it in favor of Song School Spanish) *We completed FLL1 the other week, and we're taking a break from ETC until 2nd grade. To replace those, we're going to start LanguageSmarts B by CTC.
  7. We started at the beginning of first grade. We recently finished FLL1 (so beg of Sept to mid-March). There were some days that we combined multiple lessons because there is only so much you can take of learning about nouns. To fill the gap left by FLL1, we're going to start LanguageSmarts B by CTC this week. We're still working through WWE1. We do one lesson per week, split over two days.
  8. We have 13 weeks left, so 65 days. That being said, we'll finish up several of our subjects a few weeks before our last day.
  9. We've been busy since the last update! Daisies We've continued working on the 3 Cheers Journey. At our 1sr Feb meeting the focus was on birds. They made masks and then danced to some bird-themed songs while holding streamers. They also made a thank you poster for the SPCA volunteers. At our 2nd Feb meeting, the highlight was making animal care/safety postcards. I need to figure out how to make copies then put them into a book - a copy for each girl, and a copy for the SPCA. At our 1st March meeting, the K9 officer visited. It was a blast! The best part was when he showed the girls how the dog could fly like a superhero - the dog chomped down on one end of a chew rope, the officer held onto the other end and then swung the dog off the ground in a circle. The last thing we did was an overnight at the aquarium. The girls loved it! We somehow managed to score sleeping spots right next to the sea lion tank, so the girls got to wake up to the sea lions swimming. :) And I know that DD isn't a Brownie, but I love what my Brownies are working on at the moment for their Journey's service project. They are making the centerpieces for a local soup kitchen's Easter dinner. We found some small baskets from the $1 bins at Target, and they'll be filled with glitter Easter eggs (the girls loved making the eggs), and pom-pom bunnies and chicks. I didn't realize that there would be a lot of children at the dinner, and it makes me warm and fuzzy to know that they will enjoy the centerpieces. And hopefully some of them will be able to take them home.
  10. Me!!! I love garden planning. I have everything ready so I can start seeds indoors this weekend. Which means I have to reclaim my seed-starting shelves from DH... DH wants to do a row of potatoes in one of my beds (first time trying potatoes), and he's doing three sisters gardening in his bed. I'm going to plant tomatoes, cukes, melon, carrots, squash, shallots, and bell peppers. German Butterball Potato Zebrune Shallot Speckled Cranberry Bean Seneca Red Stalker Corn Tomatoes: Hungarian Heart, Speckled Roman, Sheboygan, Opalka, Federele Cucumbers: Russian Pickling, Nippon Sanjaku Kiuri Carrots: Dragon, Jaune du Doubs Squash: Potimarron, Winter Luxury Delice de Table Melon Ruby King Pepper I bought all of our seeds from Seed Savers Exchange.
  11. Our mother gave us presents on Easter when we were kids. But it was only one or two, and it wasn't anything extravagant (like a new dress or book). We had small baskets with some bubbles, jelly beans, Kisses, and a chocolate bunny. My mom would also hide eggs around the house for us to find. I do something similar with my kids
  12. I used RS A with DD last year. She loved it (still does, actually). It is very hands on, and while that is great for her, it's time consuming for me. I find it hard to get motivated to do the lessons because of the little odds and ends that go with them. For reference, have have two littles somewhat close in age, so that is/was a huge factor for me since my attention is constantly pulled three different ways.
  13. We started prehistory the summer between K and 1 last year. This is what we did: http://plantplantele...ory/prehistory/ Adding: DD loved making trilobite cookies and the noodle kimberellas.
  14. I also agree w/NYHEN. It is a great resource. Depending on where she lives, there are a lot of local/regional groups as well.
  15. My DD mixes her words up as well - from/of, and/the, what/that, where/there.... She can read some difficult words with ease, but these trip her up every. single. time.
  16. Has anyone used this combo? Is it worth it? We've completed RS A, and we're almost done w/RS B. DD loves RS, but I find we have a hard time actually getting it done b/c of all the little things you need in order to complete a lesson. That being said, we've been alternating MM1A and RS B since December. We'll be done with both at some point in June. DD wants to keep going w/RS, but I like how open and go MM is. ETA: I wanted to add that I like how the programs compliment each other. I like that DD can swing from the bar in the coat closet and mentally add multiple-digit numbers.
  17. I sort of hoop. I love it when I do it. I also have a weighted hoop. You do get bruises when you first start, but then your body gets used to it. If you can find hooping classes nearby, they're good for getting the basics down. There are also DVDs (I like Hoopnotica). As for hoops, I bought mine from a store in Portland, OR. You can visit if you're local, or he'll ship them to you if you're not. Very good customer service. Canyon Hoops. Weighted hoops are easier to use actually. So if you've used a junky store-bought one and couldn't hoop worth anything, you need to try a weighed one. It's not you. It's the hoop. :)
  18. We purchased it through the HSBC last year. We've completed the subscription, and honestly, it wasn't worth if for us. DH couldn't stand how fluffy it was. A few of the kids are fun (like the germs one), but I don't think it's worth getting the membership.
  19. Um...leftovers and an ice cream cake DH picked up on his way home from work. DD and I have Girl Scouts tonight, so I don't really have time for cooking. And we have food that needs to be eaten.
  20. LOL! It'll be a shocker for her! 90* at midnight...thinking 85* is nice and cool...If she has fair skin, I strongly recommend her using an umbrella/parasol. And if she's renting a place, make sure it has a/c. My junky apt only had a swamp cooler, and it's not near enough. I hope she has fun. I loved living there! (even w/the junky apt)
  21. I went to college in Tucson. It is going to be scathingly hot there when your DD is doing her internship. During the summer, I had to slather on sunscreen and walk under a parasol so I wouldn't fry. As for what to do in Tucson: take a hike in Sabino Canyon visit the Pima Air and Space Museum visit the Sonora Desert Museum I also second a trip down to Bisbee. Bisbee is an awesome little town! I used to go there all of the time - good food, haunted hotel, neat shops selling goods by local artists. Tombstone is also in that general area.
  22. DD is in first, and in conjunction w/FLL1 and WWE1 we're using ETC (Explode the Code). We were using OPTGR, but DD completed it in December. I'll start up with an actual spelling program in second grade.
  23. DD is a Daisy, but my troop is a mix of Daisies and Brownies... Yesterday, we all went snowshoeing (thank you blizzard!). The girls had a blast. As for badges, the Daisies are working on their 3 Cheers for Animals Journey, which focuses on pets/animals and their care/safety. We had a volunteer from the local SPCA come and talk to the girls about pet safety at our last meeting. She brought in a dog and a cat for the girls to interact with. The Daisies are also working on their Caring and Considerate Petal as it ties in nicely with the Journey. They'll be starting their Courageous and Strong Petal soon with a visit from a K-9 police officer and his partner. I'm also in the progress of setting up an aquarium overnight for the Daisies. I'm doing other things w/the Brownies, but DD isn't once, so I won't put that in here. :)
  24. Uno Go Fish Animal Yahtzee Spot It! Parchessi Rush Hour Jr
  25. We got a little over half way through La Clase Divertida Level 1 w/DD and gave up on it. It was not a good fit for us. We both liked it initially, and DD enjoyed the crafts/activities, but the more we did it, the more I had to push her into doing Spanish. She would whine and drag her heels. I'm trying to decide what exactly I didn't like about it, but I can't place my finger on it. We recently switched to Song School Spanish, and so far so good.
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