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Everything posted by cermincantik

  1. I prefer to cook rice in rice cooker rather than using pot. :) The result is better...at least for me ..:)
  2. My son and I take turns picking them out. We don't have restrictions about read alouds. Its our bedtime routine to read about 3 books before go to bed.
  3. Pushing is not good at all. But if the child is ready then why not ? :)
  4. My son started reading at 3 years old. He taught himself phonics in starfall and leapfrog toys. Now, at 4 he is natural decoder and reading at level 3 books. Just follow the child led.
  5. We are using Spell to write and read (SWR). Its great help for phonic fondation of my son.
  6. Quote: Cursive is faster than manuscript, and is less tiring to write, especially under time pressure. And as someone who has motor skills issues that makes writing hard, I can attest there are a LOT of times that typing simply isn't an option I agree .:)
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