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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. What supplement are you taking? Are you also getting iron-rich foods? When are you due? Any iron that you buy at Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc. is going to be CRAP. Pure crap. It is hard for the body to use it. Take the Hemaplex. Whole Foods, small local health food store, etc. should carry it. The risk is that if your iron level is low at delivery, if you were to have more bleeding than normal, you are at a higher risk for postpartum hemorrhage. Your iron level at 10.5 isn't that low. If you were my client I would have you adding iron-rich foods and drinking pregnancy tea (if you weren't already. It has nettle and alfalfa, both of which are great for blood). Then I would recheck it in two weeks (depending on when you are due...if sooner, I'd recheck in a week). If it continues to drop then we would add in the Hemaplex. If it dips still, we'd do Hemaplex + liquid chlorophyll. It wouldn't hurt to have the Hemaplex on-hand. It's not expensive (like Floradix is) and is something you may have need of in the future. Yes, it is. However, our bodies were designed to bleed after birth. Some bleeding is normal and healthy. That normal bleeding doesn't wipe a woman out and require supplementation. If there were any extra bleeding close to or a true PPH, then yes, she's going to need to boost her body with iron-rich foods and/or supplements.
  2. We have Sprint. I got an iPhone Friday. :) LOVE it! Which plan are you looking at? You will have to get a data package and will also have a $10/line per month premium data charge for each smartphone. You will be offered a different insurance coverage for the iPhone. It is different and has more coverage than the AppleCare plan. The charge is $100 for two years and it replaces the $8/mo Sprint insurance fee. Here's how I made it work so that I could get the $99 price on the phone. We have the Everything Family Data. Dh and I both had the EVO. I bought the iPhone as a new device/line and it was the $99 price. I was going to just do an upgrade but we weren't eligible for that (I've had my EVO almost a year). Then after I made the purchase they swapped numbers on the phones. So the new line # went to the EVO and my # is on the iPhone. Our Everything Family Data charge stayed the same, $129/mo. The only change in charges was adding a line ($20 for the additional line + $10 premium data) which we were needing to do anyway so dd would have a phone.
  3. Mine are between the ages of 13 and 6. There are eight jobs that rotate between the children. I change them on Sundays. - Litter box - vacuuming or sweeping (we have hard woods & tile so either can be done) - kitchen (unload/load dishwasher, wipe counter) - hall bathroom - dusting - trash - laundry - dinner (helping me in the kitchen) Dh takes care of the yard, he's our computer tech support (lol), any anything that we need his help with. He works from home so he's here all day and available when he can be. I take care of shopping, meal planning, mopping the floors, cleaning our master bath, the gardens, budgeting, and probably many other things that are slipping my mind at the moment. If someone sees something that needs to be done, you get it done. If you make a mess, you clean it up. We all chip in. Even dh. Do you do his laundry? Stop. ;) Tell him you shouldn't be expected to take on cleaning the clothes that he got dirty since you have so many other tasks falling on your shoulders.
  4. Do you have a Pinterest account? TONS of gift ideas floating around there. :)
  5. Tried Apologia Botany. :thumbdown: The General Science worked well for my oldest last year (and Physical Science this year) that I thought we'd do the elementary books for my younger three. We are all bored out of our minds. I need something that: - will work for 1st, 4th, and 6th grades. - is organized and doesn't require a lot of teacher prep. or making copies. - is not crazy expensive. - is middle of the road. Not 100% secular but not 100% Christian. We believe in creation but also evolution/adaptation. We understand that the Bible is not a science book and that science is valid in many ways. Ready? GO!!!!
  6. Love it! It's too bad they couldn't find a time to include Fred Savage. It would have been very touching with him standing in the middle holding Peter Falk's photo.
  7. Guess I'm way out of the loop. In my 8 years of HS'ing I've never heard of them. *Facepalm* The OKHomeschool site is the one I meant to mention looking for groups.
  8. As far as HS groups in the Tulsa area, probably Tulsa Area Homeschoolers will fit you. They are all inclusive. The majority of the groups around here (in the buckle of the Bible Belt ;)) will require a signing a Statement of Faith. There are probably all inclusive's around...check the Tulsa Home Educator's website for group listings. Claremore would be a good location to be close to Tulsa for activities but more east. And you'd have local access to the dairy farm for raw milk and cheese. ;) I don't know about 4H in the area.
  9. I have NO idea how I missed these replies!! I kept looking in the forum but the thread never appeared to have new threads. *shrug* I am NOT happy with the choir this year. This is the 11th year and they are so disorganized and act like they have never done this. The registration day was a complete cluster. Of course, me feeling horrible that day with a pounding headache probably didn't help matters much either. And I'm in total agreement about the location. Especially when you have kids in two different choirs. Usually I sit in the car while we wait on the 11yo. Then when my oldest goes in for concert choir I go run errands or something. We've been out of town the last two weeks but we'll be there this coming week.
  10. We just got home yesterday from being on the East Coast, including D.C. Here is what we learned: Plan at least three days. We only had two days and while we got to see a good bit, another day would have been really nice. The Air/Space was....eh. Our kids were bored. The Natural History museum was fun! The Archives building was our most favorite!!! The cafe inside of Smithsonian Castle has reasonable food and it's REALLY good!! We did a hot dog cart the first day (2 pretzels, 3 hot dogs, and 3 waters) and it was the same as our meal at the Castle the next day (Greek wrap, Turkey sandwich, sub sandwich, three sodas). Needless to say, the meal at the Castle was MUCH better. We visited Arlington on our way out of town. Plan plenty of time for that. It is worth the time walking around and I wish we had had more time to spend there. We stayed at a Homewood suites. All six of us in one suite. Free breakfast. Free reception during the week day evenings that looked like almost a full dinner according to the menu that was on the fridge. We bought Metrorail fair each day ($24 each day for all of us). The Day Pass was going to be more $ since we were just going from where we parked to the Smithsonian station. We probably could have parked too and spent less. Before we left town on Monday we drove into downtown so my oldest girls could go to the Archives gift shop again. I found a spot no problem, near lunch time, right across from the Archives building. We're already planning our next trip and what we want to make time to see!
  11. Until you have a Mollie that has 17 the first time. Then 15. And then another dozen or so. She will eat some of them but still...it's a lot of fish! Mollies don't just have ONE fry. They can keep eggs fertilized over several months and just keep having babies. They are the only kind of fish we have (well, except for one Guppy) right now in THREE separate tanks because she kept having babies!! We have the males in one tank and the females separated into two tanks. So if you want Mollies, get males!!!! :lol:
  12. I was going to suggest what MamaBearMO did. :) The LD RNs will probably tell you but the things you want post-birth, you will need to tell the nursery RNs. So take an extra copy for them. :) Delayed cord clamping is VERY hard to have done in the hospital. You will have to have a heart-to-heart with your care provider about that. I have seen even the most natural birth friendly docs rush to cut the cord. It's just what they do over, and over, and over, and over again. They may wait a bit longer than usual but I have yet to see a medical professional wait until it has completely stopped pulsating. Regarding the bath: There is evidence that the amniotic fluid and vernix have antibacterial properties. It acts as a protective layer for the baby's skin. :) http://birthingnaturally.wordpress.com/2009/07/07/dont-wash-the-baby/ The staff must wear gloves so it's not like you were handling it bare handed. ;) As for the baby being slippery, you just make sure you have a gentle but firm grip. I caught a baby once that was coming so fast I didn't have time to put gloves on. I was able to hold on to her slippery little body without dropping her. ;)
  13. My first line of defense is nutrition. We don't put crap into our bodies. Then I keep homemade elderberry syrup on hand. If anyone is knowingly exposed to something and/or starts showing symptoms, we start dosing up on the syrup. This is the recipe I use. Got it from a friend but I'm not sure where she found it: Elderberry Syrup 1/2 dried elderberries 1 cinnamon stick 5 whole cloves 1 Tbsp grated ginger 2 cups water Put all ingredients into a saucepan, cover and bring to a boil. Once it begins to boil, bring down the heat and simmer covered for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and stir in 1 cup honey. Store syrup in a closed jar int he refrigerator. Just 1 tsp a day to prevent coughs and flu.
  14. HUGE ditto to the Calcium/Magnesium suggestion. She needs 1300mg of calcium/day. Use a liquid. Use a citrate (do NOT use a calcium carbonate).
  15. My top four picks are: Landon Swank Eugene Poplyfe Silhouettes I think Silhouettes may take it all the way. I love all four of those acts though so it's hard to pick just one of them!
  16. The website says: With a One Day Pass, you can ride Metrorail as much as you want in a day. It's good after 9:30 a.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends and federal holidays. We'll be there on a Saturday and Sunday. Ahh...I read that page wrong! I do see that now. There is a CharmCard for $10 that has $7.50 on it. Even after adding an additional $2.70 to each card, it's still a $30 savings from a day pass for everyone.
  17. I have. Over and over and over and over again. My dh has visited before and knows how much walking we'll be doing. With four kiddos who have been walking a lot the day before and the second day we figured taking the rail over would be nice distraction and a small bit of time to rest. If it were just me and him we probably would walk it. We know the area we'll be sightseeing and don't have time for seeing more than that unfortunately. Really...all I am needing to know is if I am figuring the fares correctly. :)
  18. Thanks! I hadn't heard about the Circulator. I just looked at the map and it doesn't look like it goes anywhere we are planning to visit since we just have the two days.
  19. Oh wow! We could have used that last year. lol I will bookmark it for my other kids!! Now I need something just like that for Apologia Physical!!
  20. We will be there for two days, a Saturday & Sunday. One day we will spend at The Mall area. The other day we will be at The Mall and would like to go over to see the Capitol building. Which is the best option for our Metro fare? - Day Pass It would be $54 per day for all six of us. There really isn't anywhere else in town we plan on going (we are going to drive and park at Arlington on Monday before we leave town) in D.C. on the metro. - SmarTrip cards and load them up for both days. I used the Trip Planner on the website and I *think* I figured the fares correctly. From the King Street station to the Smithsonian Metro station it says will be $2.15. So there is $4.30 one day per person. The next day we may go from the Smithsonian station to the Capitol South station which it says is $1.60. Add in fares to/from the King Street station and that second day would be $5.90. So the total fare per person for both days that I figure from that is $10.20. $108 and $61.20 is a HUGE(!!!) difference!! This is why I wanted to make sure I was figuring fares correctly! Also, if we do the SmarTrip, we can ride the bus if we want/need to, right?
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