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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I wouldn't be concerned with that bp reading. It's not that far off of your baseline. I would want to check your hemoglobin based on your other symptoms. In addition I would be evaluating your diet and making sure you were taking liquid cal/mag. You don't mention how far along you are. Around the 25wk mark the blood volume doubles causing hemodilution. The volume expands and the RBC need to catch up, which causes a physiologic anemia. It's normal and it's important that it happens. Most women bounce back from that expansion just fine. Others really feel it and need a supplement. Just saw your update with your gestation. Yes, I'd put money on low hemoglobin. Especially when you say standing wears you out. I've had several clients who have had that symptom and after checking them, their hmg is low.
  2. Six weeks. :) Met Sept. 1995 Engaged just before July 4, 1997 Married mid-August 1997
  3. My first question would be, what was your level with your last pregnancy? When I have a client running that low this is what we do... Floradix - 2T/1x day Liquid chlorophyll - 1T/3x day
  4. If you will use a good majority of the material, yes. If not, no. We used it last Fall. All I needed was the lesson, mapping, and a few activities. It was quickly apparent that I was paying for units (I didn't buy the year all at once, thank God) that I wasn't really using. It was also taking too much teacher-prep time. MOH is a much better fit for us.
  5. They don't lay well in severe heat or cold. Out of our 11 we were getting maybe 2 eggs a day in that heat.
  6. Yes, be sure the coop is secure. We lost 4 (of our 11) chickens overnight this week to a predator. :( So thankful dh went out there before the kids did. Ditto the Backyard Chickens website. Has the weather been hot where you live?
  7. How overdue is "overdue"? Are you sure of dates? What gestation were your others born? Do you know baby's position?
  8. None out our way (SE of Tulsa) yet but we can see lightening. Here's hoping!!
  9. Um, I know that. Which was exactly my point. :lol: They why are the majority of these cases in VACCINATED PEOPLE????? Why should I worry for my unvax'd kids if the majority of those getting WC ARE VACCINATED??? Vaccines do not guarantee immunity.
  10. Another vote for gluten. Then I would also add in some probiotics and/or kombucha to help get some good bacteria in there.
  11. Absolutely not. Why? Because the majority of the cases have been in vaccinated people. ;) Oh, and looking at the actual numbers of reported cases in my state reaffirmed that the media continues to blow things out of proportion. ;) If you'd like to see how many cases were in your state, go to http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/, click on "weekly report" there on the left, choose the week you would like to see reports for, and click the download link.
  12. I agree, it should be fine. IMO 9 is not too low. I like to see them at least a 10 by 38wks. But some women run lower and it's their normal with no bleeding issues at delivery. Other women can be slightly low and have issues. If Floradix doesn't give a boost by itself you can add in liquid chlorophyll (1T/day).
  13. My last two were home water births. I am now a practicing midwife. :) Getting ready to mail in my NARM application and hoping to be ready to sit for the CPM exam in February.
  14. Young Living Lavender oil diluted a bit in some grape seed oil.
  15. I feel your pain. I've been working to loose about 15-20lbs since mid-May and I've lost nothing. Since then I have been better about food choices (for a while I wasn't getting enough calories). I've also been diligent about getting some cardio (either walking or a bike ride) and strength training. I have noticed changes in my body because of that. But weight loss....NOTHING. It's very frustrating. So yeah, 11lbs in 3-ish months...you're doing great!!!!! :)
  16. http://www.theidearoom.net/2009/09/fruit-fly-trap.html That. Works EVERY time.
  17. Liquid calcium/magnesium can help too. I'd start with 2T and see if it helps loosen things up.
  18. My youngest will be in 2nd grade this coming year so I still have a while. :) When we're done I'll hopefully be enjoying some grandkids and continuing my midwifery practice. :)
  19. Your doctor may not know about Floradix or Hemaplex. I have yet to hear of a medical professional recommending a natural help for low hemoglobin. 9.2 is low but not bad. Enough to make you feel it though! For a pregnant woman we want it to be at least 11.3. The risk of it being low (if they didn't tell you) is that if you have any kind of postpartum bleeding above the normal amount, low hemoglobin can make that bleed worse. It's a good sign to see that dip (your blood volume doubled just as it should causing hemodilution ;)) but we don't want it to stay that low. I forgot to mention in my other post but you can also do liquid chlorophyll. If I have a client who is under 9, they are required to do both Floradix and chlorophyll (1 T Floradix and 2-3T chlorophyll daily until we see results). In regards to the prenatal vits, Rainbow Light makes a Petite Prenatal. They are small, like an aspirin tablet. Much easier to swallow and easy on the tummy. They are a whole foods based prenatal, unlike Flintstones. *shiver* And no, what is in any prenatal is not enough to raise your hemoglobin.
  20. Food sources first. For a supplement, Floradix or Hemaplex. Both are whole foods based and are gentle on the body. You will also not experience constipation. I have had clients who respond to one better than the other. I recommend both because Hemaplex is less expensive. A couple ladies haven't done well with Hemaplex and when they switched to Floradix their hemoglobin came up immediately. Eat iron-rich foods or take the supplement with something that has Vitamin C. This will help absorption. Do not take them at the same time you eat something with dairy. The diary will inhibit absorption. You should start to feel better fairly soon. If you do the Floradix it will taste really good at first. Once your body has recovered, it will taste like nails. Oh...and Floradix will make your urine bright yellow. Floradix is iron + B vitamins so the bright yellow is just your body getting rid of any B vitamins you don't need. :)
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