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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Please. I do like last minute shopping. I do not like having to wait on money in order to even do the shopping. *sigh* Everyone I know is finished or has done a bulk of their shopping. Ugh.
  2. Please read Protecting the Gift. Don't ignore your dd's feelings or your gut. So this plus the fact that he is doing something to make your young dd uncomfortable means that you need to either demand to sit in on the class with your dd or find another teacher ASAP. I lean more strongly towards finding a new teacher. There is no reason for him to be touching her in any way to teach the lesson.
  3. Interesting idea. There were three gifts presented. The Bible doesn't say that there were three wise men.
  4. Lots of great "toy" suggestions. When we went on our vacation I made a BIG batch of trail mix. Instead of packing one big container or zip lock bag, I did them up in snack size zip locks. I had them pack 2-3 in their backpacks so they would have their own serving if they got hungry. I did the same with Ranch Crackers (oyster crackers + ranch dressing + dill + olive oil).
  5. Not sure about the sale but HERE is their website on the Educator Discount.
  6. I'm not reading through all the pages so this has probably already been suggested. Let him help plan some meals. Get him involved, use it as a lesson on nutrition (eg why crackers are NOT a nutritious option), etc. To answer the OP: I do not cook separate meals. I do always try to plan something within the meal that I know they like. If it is something new they must take a "no thank you" helping and try. If they don't like it, fine. I'll allow a sandwich or something else to be made.
  7. Definitely get her on some cal/mag. It's something we need anyway. It can help with the migraines and might curb some of the cravings, especially chocolate ones. Craving chocolate can be a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Help her find and learn to prepare healthy sweets. I recently came across this blog and it has some great gluten free and vegan treats. http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/ Tonight I made the Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie. OMGosh. It was yummy!! My kids weren't in the room when I made it so they have NO idea it has garbanzo beans in it. *snicker* It tastes exactly like a cookie pie made with butter, flour, etc. I also made the No Bake PB Cookie Dough Cookies and the Chocolate-PB No Bake Cookies. Also very yummy! Even my 11yo who *hates*(!!!!) raisins thought they were good. Again, I made them when they weren't in the room. ;)
  8. Third pregnancy always does something to throw mamas for a loop. ;) Usually in subsequent pregnancies women notice them earlier. Part from just knowing what they feel like and part from the uterus toning itself. They can have a slight pattern to them and may be pretty uncomfortable. Some women (myself included) have some in the late third trimester that are enough to make them stop and breathe through. Staying hydrated (water...not juice or milk) can help lessen them for some women. You need 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily. Getting even slightly dehydrated can cause the uterine muscles to get testy. ;) That kind of prodromal labor can last several weeks. You could have this and deliver early or go past your EDD. Since you are not term yet just keep an eye on if they increase in intensity or begin having a definite pattern for more than a couple of hours. True labor won't be so disorganized (having cntx every 20 min to 2 hrs is not an organized pattern) and most women just have a sense that something is different.
  9. I make coffeecake. The "goo" is a mixture of butter, brown sugar, butterscotch pudding mix, & nuts. You put that on the frozen dough balls the night before & let it sit overnight. Then in the morning all you have to do is bake it.
  10. Or check on the Backyard Chicken's forum. They have a Buy/Sell/Auction forum but also a "Where Are You" forum where you can find local people.
  11. Some women are quite birthers. *shrug* Had a client once who was quiet until she let a little tiny grunt, my mw partner reached down and the head was out! Yes. Meri has fertility issues. There have been episodes with her expressing the desire to have had more children. Janelle wouldn't do it in a million years. I think there was an episode a few weeks ago where she said she didn't like being pregnant. It was a great season finale. :) I thought it was touching that Janelle, who said she wouldn't get up in the night to go over to see the baby, did go over. And love that home birth was shown in a positive light and as an option for some women.
  12. It depends on the yarn I'm using. A softer yarn = bamboo A coarse yarn = metal
  13. It is a very low calorie diet (VLCD) but your body is also using the unwanted/unneeded fat in the body. By doing that you can be on the VLCD and not be starving yourself. It may seem extreme to some....but it works.
  14. We do not allow guns as toys that are pointed at people or animals. Ds will sometimes make guns out of toys (eg K'Nex) but knows that they are never to be played with as if he is shooting someone (including the pets). We do allow guns in connection with gun safety and their proper use. Our 6yo got his first bb gun last year. My dh has taught him how to use it, gave him rules he is to follow, etc.
  15. Ugh. Homeopathic hcg DOES work. Then you do what is right for you and let the rest of us do the same. For those who don't know, there is an HCG group under the Community (then "Social Groups") tab above.
  16. I got mine via a herbalist/nutritionalist friend.
  17. :grouphug: I've BTDT with wanting to afford a home birth and feeling like we couldn't. It's a tough place to be in. I also know that things always work out exactly the way they need to. Just be honest with the mw. Let her know your desire to be at home and the financial restraints you have at this time. I certainly hope she is willing to work with you.
  18. I fully support a woman's right to choose where she births. UC is not a decision to make lightly and the vast majority of those who choose UC are highly educated. UC can be a good option for some families. I also know the value of having an experienced set of hands at a birth. You need to think about what you will do if baby is stuck at the shoulders. If you have more bleeding than normal and are feeling faint, will your dh know what to do or will he be scared? Instead of infant CPR, you need neonatal resuscitation (NRP). Some of the material is available online, you can buy the book, you can see if there is a course in your area while you are still expecting (Karen Strange has an excellent NRP course). I would hope that this is something you would discuss with her beforehand. As a midwife I would not want to be misled by a client in this way. Also, if the expectation was that you are hiring me for prenatal, birth, and postpartum care, I would expect that you pay for that care, even if it was at a reduced fee. Perhaps she could for prenatal care for now and then if you need her during labor/birth she will add that cost on at that time. That may be a way for you to negotiate your desires for this birth and also spread out the expense of her services.
  19. Ditto Vitacost. Anything from the kinds of places you listed are going to be pretty worthless. A great liquid cal/mag is Lifetime or Bluebonnet. It's about $12 for a bottle. For fish oils, Nordic Naturals.
  20. My dh and I are new to the good Doctor and are still in Season 2. But...that looks like great fun!!!! :)
  21. Add me to the Cipro is evil camp. It makes me feel very, very, very "off". It's a scary feeling. D-Mannose. I've known women to take up to 12 300mg capsules a day (4 - 3x/day) and then taper off.
  22. I feel bad because I told you about it and how fun it was last semester. :sad:
  23. I'd be interested in your experience. Pm me if you want. I'm spreading the word for sure. I wish we would have had a heads-up warning before joining again. Last spring semester wasn't that bad. But OMG this one has been a nightmare.
  24. If you are thinking of joining Tulsa Homeschool Choir. Don't. :banghead:
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