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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Yes. :) We have Mardel, a Christian bookstore (already been mentioned in this thread). They have an education department which caters to public/private school teachers and home schoolers. Once a year they have a HUGE Back to School teacher sale and do 20% off (almost everything). They also do a sale in January but it's just select publishers at different %s off. The place I always check first though is Bibliomania. It is a consignment homeschool book store (she will ship curriculum). She has just about everything you could quite possibly think of. Most of it is on the shelf but she gets SO much stuff that there are always boxes of curriculum laying around. And she knows what is in every. single. box. lol I have taken in a couple boxes this past year and in turn have been able to get things I needed either with a big chunk taken off or free since my items sold. Sometimes I can find an item cheaper online or a sale/swap board but for the most part, I get great deals there!! Once a month there is Book Benevolence. Everything there is free. It's a take what you need/donate or bring back what you don't need sort of thing.
  2. :iagree: I'd encourage you to do some reading on introverts. :)
  3. I am SO very, very, very jealous. We need one in Oklahoma so badly. Do a search. There are several "what do you like to by at TJs" threads.
  4. Totally agree with everything Beth said. :) I would also add to keep track of baby's movements. That's simply hospital protocol. And cord compression isn't necessarily something that's a result of rupture of membranes. It can happen with intact membranes depending on where the cord is and if baby is putting pressure on it (many times changing Mama's position solves that issue).
  5. Quinoa Burgers A greek-style salad: quinoa tomato cucumber olives feta any dressing that will go with it...I love Trader Joe's Greek Feta
  6. Kids do a lot better with birth than we expect. They are innocent and don't have enough of society's input on birth to have thoughts that it is "scary". It can also be very special as a family to welcome the little one. :001_wub: Give her a job. It can be as simple as making sure your water is full and fresh. If she would like, get her a camera and let her document the day in pictures. Yes, she can leave the room if she is uncomfortable. If you are ok with having an extra person in the house just for her, arrange that. If not, don't worry about it. With my home births my children were younger than your dd (4 & 2 the first time, 7, 5, almost 3 the second time). I was not at all comfortable having anyone else present in my home so I did not arrange to have someone here just for the children. However, all that said, I always tell my clients, YOU (not your mw, not your dh) MUST be comfortable with whoever you have present. If you think you would labor ok with her there, go for it! If you think it will worry you, don't. Having someone present that Mama isn't comfortable with can dramatically change the course of how a birth goes. I honestly believe that the more children, especially our daughters, can see normal, physiologic birth the more likely we can change birth in this country!! Have a blessed birth!
  7. Not a fan. And it depends on who they have speaking. Many of the usual HS convention speakers do not hold beliefs that I do in regards to marriage, family, and/or parenting.
  8. I grew up in KS and live in OK now. The heart of Tornado Alley. Honestly, the storms don't phase me. Yes, they can do horrible damage. Yes, it can put you on edge when they come close. But it's only a few times during the whole year and it's pretty rare to get the big ones. It's actually quite fun watching the storms roll in. And like the others said there is plenty of warning. Sometimes TOO much which freaks everyone out, like this past weekend. The water table is too high in most areas for basements. Not many people have them. He's in the OKC area, not Tulsa/Claremore. Yes, there are some rolling hills in the Claremore area. The area just NE of Claremore is like that.
  9. I go through the lesson and circle the ones that need to be completed. They never do the entire lesson since there is so. much. review. I just skip the ones I know they have mastered.
  10. Valid points....however... If the majority of docs used that as the reason, many of them wouldn't be inducing before dates. There are some hospitals who have had to implement protocol stating that docs can't induce a women before dates unless there is a valid medical reason. Not if you really do need to get out quickly. I've had to do an emergency transport. We moved her quick.
  11. Birthing at home doesn't mean a woman is braver than one not choosing to birth at home.
  12. Babies don't have to drop for a woman to go into labor. My question would be what position is the baby's head in? Is it nice and OA, well applied to the cervix? Or is it asynclitic? If the cord were so much of an issue that it's keeping baby from coming down just a smidge, the chances are that your mw would have heard some very slight decels when doing some gentle stimulation to see how heart tones do. For example, I gently wiggle baby's bottom at the last four visits. Baby's heart tones will go up a bit then come back down which is a good indicator of how they'll do with the stimulation of labor. Typically when there is a cord that may cause issues during labor you will not get such a reaction in the FHT, it sometimes dips a tiny bit. Also, the cord being what's keeping baby from coming down just a few centimeters is very, very rare. While it is true that for some women Pit isn't that bad, it's still not what you wanted for this birth. (((Hug))) Try as best as you can not to stress. If you are stressed about it the baby will sense that and it could hold things up. Take some time each day to just sit (tailor sitting is great!) and quiet your mind/emotions. Talk to the baby. Let any stress go and visualize your body doing what it knows to do.
  13. Educate yourself. Talk to midwives. If there are certain "what ifs" you have in mind, ask her how often she's encountered those situations. Realize that there are "what ifs" in the hospital. Realize that true emergencies are very rare. And a skilled midwife will be able to spot situations that would require a transport before it is an emergency. Yes, things can happen *very* quickly but even then, there is usually plenty of time to get to the hospital. Gather the stats. Have him meet the midwives with you and ask questions. Many, many times the guys think we are crazy, bra-burning women who think birth is just so groovy. But once they meet and get questions answered they realize (most) midwives are intelligent and know what they are doing. Watch something like Business of Being Born together.
  14. We have six who are laying and just got six chicks today. The only smell is in the coop. If you physically go into the coop. It can not be smelled from outside. And it really isn't that bad IMO. You will have to be very diligent about keeping it cleaned out. I usually clean it once a week. The coop is in a corner of our small barn and it has a window. So we can get a good cross breeze going on nice days. They have a large run but don't free range for several reasons. If they did free range I doubt our entire acre would be all torn up. Their run still has some grass in it. I'm not sure how much is going to regrow after a winter of them pecking/scratching. One idea with your garden is to just section off where you don't want them. You could also plant a special chicken garden with plants they would love to peck at. :) We went on a two week vacation in September. My ILs helped watch our house and pets. FIL just came every day and gathered any eggs then made sure they had food/water. I wouldn't consider them a PITA at all. Yes, it's extra work. But IMO it's not any more work than having a cat with a litter box that needs to be cleaned.
  15. Nope, you don't. :) The "regulations" do have a compulsory school age and say 180 days but there is no way for anyone to enforce that. What area of the state will you be moving to?
  16. We were there in September for two days. In that time we were able to see: - Washington Monument - Lincoln, WWII, Korean, Vietnam memorials - Natural History - Air & Space (it was ok) - National Archives (our favorite!!!!) - Walked over to the Capitol building We had lunch one day in the Castle. It was great food and very affordable. On the day we left town we stopped at Arlington. I really wish we had taken more time for that. We all want to go back someday. If we do, we'll plan at least four days.
  17. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I haven't read all of the replies to your question about your dds so my apologies if this is a repeated suggestion. When I had my m/c my girls were around 4 and 2. To the older one we just said that we thought a baby was coming but we were wrong.
  18. - Torchwood (I've only seen the most recent. I hear Season 3 is very, very intense and hard to watch) - Haven (dunno if that's on Netflix but you can watch online) - Dexter
  19. If her account of the conversation is the truth... Wow!! I know I would not have the clarity of mind to speak that way to the doctor! I would just be a blubbery mess. Praying for this family.
  20. I got an email the other day that said it's now being offered free.
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