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La Condessa

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Everything posted by La Condessa

  1. I would say the KJV. If your kids are regularly exposed to the older language from a young age, they won't have any difficulty understanding it, and it will greatly increase their vocabulary and lay a foundation for them to understand word derivatives and differing grammar structures more easily later on. Also, in my personal opinion, it is both more beautiful and more accurate.
  2. What do you do when you have nothing to begin with? I see this looming up in the future, and besides reading lots of books on self-sufficiency from the library and learning to sew, I do not see anything else I can do. I couldn't even grow seeds in a window box, because we are living out of a room in my parents' house.
  3. That moment when they placed my little Sadie on my chest. I said, "Hi, little one," and she turned her head and locked eyes with me. And I was a MOTHER. That was an earth-shattering event for the better, far more so than finding out I was pregnant. Also, figuring out that I was in love with the man who is now my husband. It took me a while to let on to myself.
  4. You have already received many of my first suggestions, but can I add Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal I would also suggest, if you are getting Beatrix Potter books, to get the separate little hardbound books. These were my baby's favorite because she could hold the little books and manipulate the pages by herself at a much younger age.
  5. I wish I lived near LittleIzumi so I could get to know her in real life. It was her posts about her intense little girl's need for structure that clued me in that that might be what my own intense little girl was craving.
  6. Here are a couple of my very favorites. 2nd Nephi Chapter 2: Verses 25-26 "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy. And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon . . ." Doctrine and Covenants Chapter 88: Verses 45-47 "The earth rolls upon her wings, and the sun giveth his light by day, and the moon giveth her light by night, and the stars also give their light, as they roll upon their wings in their glory, in the midst of the power of God. Unto what shall I liken these kingdoms, that ye may understand? Behold, all these are kingdoms, and any man who hath seen any or the least of these hath seen God moving in his majesty and power."
  7. Thank you so much to everyone! It looks like there are some great ideas here; it'll take me a bit to go through them all. Thank you!
  8. I hope you do not mind me posting here, as my daughter is not accelerated or anything, I just thought I was more likely to get more helpful posts for such a young kid here than on the other board. My daughter is almost two, and she has been getting harder and harder to deal with lately. I know that some of that is just normal for her age and some of it is probably related to having a new baby in the house, but I also know that she is way better behaved and happier when there is something she can do to engage her. But we have zero funds, my husband needs the car to go work/study, and we are currently living in my parents' house so I cannot let her do anything that would possibly make a mess, like painting or play dough or a sensory box with sand/water/beans, etc. Do any of you have any suggestions? She loves to color, and we do that almost every day. She adores Starfall and watching shows with music that she can dance to, but I don't like to have her on the computer or TV very often. I took a large cardboard box that the neighbors were throwing out and that kept her interest for days. I showed her how to cut with scissors this morning and that was a big hit, but I can't let her do that without my full attention. Sorry this is so long.
  9. Your son wouldn't be starting first grade at seven here, because our public school year starts around August 20th, so he would still be six.
  10. This sounds fun! I've been making cute little skirts and matching appliqued tops and hairbows. Here's one of the outfits:
  11. I'm not a mom of many (yet), but if you usually stop for the summer in June, maybe you could keep going until whenever the babies come. So if they are born in July, you would have a month under your belt already, and if you then took three months off and started up again in October, you wouldn't be behind at that point at all. Just a thought.
  12. "Irish twins" is derogatory? Really? Why? And what does "paddy wagon" mean?
  13. When my husband was a little boy, his grandfather thought that he and his brothers should have a dog. He talked to their parents about it a few times, but they said absolutely not. So the next time the boys were visiting, he told them he had a surprise for them and drove them to a dog breeder to pick out their new puppy. My inlaws were livid.
  14. Does anybody know when SWB's next grown-up history book is supposed to come out? I just finished The History of the Medieval World.
  15. I have a three and a half week old and a twenty-one month old, and I'm planning on having a very large family (I would like nine kids) and homeschooling them. But the last three weeks have made me seriously question how on earth this would be possible with maybe a preschooler in the mix as well as a few elementary schoolers. I've read threads where moms talk about taking a few weeks or maybe a month off of school when the new baby arrives. Well, I'm getting close to that month mark, and I've just reached the point where I can usually manage to get all three of us dressed by lunch time. How do you all do it? Will I actually be able to, too?
  16. My youngest brother (16 years old) is definitely gifted, but he actually makes connections slower than other kids. But once he has covered something, he will know it perfectly for the rest of his life-meaning that the normal method of teaching, with repetition to cement knowledge and frequent review, is just a huge waste of time for him. He does not have the ability to skim over something in reading, or give a general estimate when he does not know an exact number, or focus in on one thing when there is anything else happening around him. Everything must have his full focus and concentration. This is the kid who will come home really upset and angry with himself for getting a 97% on his AP Calculus test. But he didn't qualify for the gifted and talented program at school, because it was a timed test.
  17. I'm sorry it's so tough right now. All those nasty pregnancy symptoms do stink. One you didn't mention for me is the emotionality, often leading to hysterical sobbing for sometimes an hour or more. Just keep trying to focus on the good parts: feeling the baby move for the first time, feeling little body parts poking out and trying to guess what position they're in, listening to your husband talk and sing to your belly, discerning things about their personality from how and when they move and how they respond to noises or pokes, getting out all those adorable, tiny outfits, and most of all, picturing holding that precious little one in your arms. Hold on, you'll get there soon.
  18. Just an idea, but could you look for resources that cover a specific aspect of history, like the history of science, of philosophy, of the arts, of social reform, etc, and then combine resources like that to give a larger view of what was going on that doesn't focus on the wars so much?
  19. We've been living with my parents for a while now, and my youngest brother (a sophomore in high school) often practices his Spanish with my husband. It's been great for his general fluency, but his spanish teacher--a native Mexican Spanish speaker--will actually mark his grade down if he accidentally slips in a vos or the argentine 'll' pronunciation!
  20. No help here, but I'm hoping to hear some suggestions for my own reading. My husband also lived in Argentina for a couple of years--LDS mission, by any chance? Oh, I do know that he picked up La ciudad de las bestias and was very disappointed, said it wasn't up to Isabel Allende's normal quality.
  21. Yes, there is something wrong with that. The 'teaching to the test' that is done in schools is where the teachers specifically teach the kinds of problems that generally appear on the tests. They do not read the actual test they are going to issue to the students and then teach to those problems. That is dishonest. That would not be the same thing, though, as looking up what areas are covered on the standardized tests and making sure to go over those with your daughter.
  22. Make an algebraic equation. We'll call your sister's age s, and your age is s+4. If we set up an equation like this: 3s = s + 4 Then we can solve for the value of s (your sister's age) when your age (s + 4) was 3 times your sister's age. 3s = s + 4 3s - s = s + 4 - s 2s = 4 2s/2 = 4/2 s = 2 So your age was three times your sister's age when her age=2, or 16 years ago, since she is now 18.
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