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Everything posted by JadeOrchidSong

  1. Thanks, mama25angles, I am about to ask the same question after reading Angela's post. So :bigear:, and thank you, Angela, for responding. J
  2. I saw the study ESV Bible at Christianbooks and it is only 32 dollars. Does the $19.99 access fee allow you to download the whole Bible? If it does, then this will be the best deal. I do need a hard copy ESV B. Thanks, J
  3. Amy, did you get the Dave Heath one? I saw it as download as well as MP3. How do you reburn it? Do you have to use many CDs to do that? Thanks, Amy, for your info. I was just checking CBD before I checked back here. I wonder which narrator is better, Max McLean or David Heath. Hope someone can help with this. J
  4. I would like to do Bible at breakfast time when we can all listen to a couple chapters or more while we eat and then discuss after we eat because now we just listen to SOTW 1 but my schedule is do Bible before history. So do you listen to Bible on CD? Can you download ESV Bible from the internet? If you have bought ESV Bible CDs, which one do you recommend and what is the best place to buy from? I really hope to get this done asap because we are all auditory learners it seems. Thanks for your help! J
  5. I like CWP a lot and usually my ds needs me to help a little. I love the bar models and I am teaching ds how to draw them. I learned math in China and mental math and speed was highly emphasized some 35 yrs ago when I was in grade school. So teaching SM is very intuitive for me. Do you know where I can get some old CWP? Should I buy the new ones instead? My ds 7.8 just finished CWP 2 and I need to get 3, and hopefully get all the next few levels. Thanks J
  6. I saw a post of yours about IEW. I am doing R&S English 3 with my ds7.8. I wonder when I can add IEW writing. How old were your dc when you started IEW with them? Thanks, J
  7. FLL I knew about it before I started grammar, but I didn't know enough until a friend told me how she used it and WWE for her dd. I was very curious and wanted my ds to learn grammar earlier than he can write words comfortably. So I bought it and just finished 6 lessons. We do double lessons a day easily and he can recite the definition of nouns, proper nouns and common nouns as well as the Caterpillar poem flawlessly. He seems to enjoy it and I can teach it in 5 minutes a day without any effort. So I am sold on FLL and will continue with ds as long as he wants to. J
  8. Amy, If you do WWE 2 I guess it will be a better fit. My son is turning 8 and we are doing WWE 1. For someone who hasn't done copywork prior to dictation or hasn't done shorter sentence dictation as in the earlier levels, WWE 4 will be very hard. So I think a 9 yr old can do WWE 2 and has an easier time. We started WWE 1 when ds was closer to 8 than 7, not by choice, just because I didn't know about WWE before. He likes it a lot. Dictation is a skill to be learned with baby steps rather than big jumps. Hope this is a kind of encouragement to you.
  9. Thanks for your response, Mallory. So I will just use the old CDs along with my revised textbook. J
  10. Edition book? I hope I can use the old edition CDs with the Revised Edition book. Do the chapters contain the same information in the old and the new editions? From the posts I read here I guess that the maps and coloring pages are changed with improvement. What about the CDs? Are there changes? Thanks! J
  11. Thanks for the info about daily geography. How about Mind Benders or other critical thinking books? Please share what you use and how you schedule it. Thanks a lot! June
  12. I would like to add Evan Moor Daily Geography and Mind Benders (or any other recommendations for critical thinking?) this year. I don't have a lot of time left to do these. Does it work if I do these once a week each? How do you schedule yours? Thank you for your help. I haven't purchased the books yet. I am just planning for the coming year starting today supposedly, but I spent a few hours printing Singapore math placement tests to give dc to do as reviews and a lot of free spelling copywork pages and math cards. J
  13. That is wonderful. Your son did great! My son is 7.8 and I hope he will do as well when it's time to do WWE 2. We are finishing up WWE 1. I will have to let him watch this too. J
  14. Dmmetler, Thanks for sharing your list. Where do you find skip counting/multiplication/division songs? Thanks, J
  15. We do R&S English with older ds. I bought FLL 1 for younger ds. I will try it and see how it goes. If it is not a good fit, we will go to R&S English 2 for him when he is a little older. I would like to give MCT Island a try. I don't feel comfortable replacing R&S with MCT yet. J
  16. :iagree: I was that young Chinese teacher teaching my graduate school students in China how to listen, speak, read and write English without any TMs most of the time. The teachers that taught the same textbook would be grouped together and for each lesson/chapter we taught, we would discuss for two or three hours how to teach it. We explored and found other resources to support our lessons, we found grammatical points that needed to be addressed to help the students better understand the text, and we designed our own tests. Teaching prep takes a lot of time and we gather the wisdom from all colleagues to make a lesson plan and teach it well. I am so used to this that I never like/need to use a TM, for R&S English, or SM. I can usually explain things intuitively. I found that my American dh is not as intuitive as far as math goes. I don't understand why, but I think it is due to the different ways we were taught. For example, I can figure out MEP problems very easily but when I showed it to dh, he couldn't do the problems that seemed very intuitively easy for me and thought it was poorly written and stumbled the students too easily.
  17. I would like to know this because I have the impression that some people do and would like to know if the kids do fine with this. J
  18. Where can I find Sentence Family? I saw it a few months ago. I checked Amazon just now but it is not there. Thanks J
  19. My kids are doing SSL and they are picking up the words painlessly by listening to the songs in the car. I will probably follow up with LfC too. Thanks for the encouragement. J
  20. "Carschooling" playlist with Latin chants, math facts songs, skip counting songs, and so on? My dc love to hear books on CD and have picked up lots of words from SSL just in the car. It would be great if you can share the carschooling playlist of yours. Thanks a lot! J
  21. Tina, Thank you so much for the link. I am just thinking of making my own cards! I will definitely use these free printout cards. I have spent quite a bit of money on math facts. I really want dc to have them down! Thanks again! J
  22. bump for you. I would like to know too. J
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