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Everything posted by JadeOrchidSong

  1. I am a child of divorced parents and witnessed all my 4 siblings divorces. I can testify that children suffer more than anyone can imagine from a divorce. I was traumatized for years and finally Jesus rescued me from the pit of darkness.
  2. The hurt is real, civil or not. I lived through 5 divorces, my 4 siblings and my parents.
  3. Thank you so much for your response. I don't have male friends to hang out alone with. I only hang out with my friends and their husbands the same time.
  4. Count me in!!! I hate buying anything gifty for anyone. I asked dh today what he wanted for Christmas. He said a warm winter hat. That sounds easy enough, right? But I can't even buy myself a hat or shirt without having to spend a long time in a store because I even don't know what I want. I will try to buy a hat for him. If I am really stuck, I will ask mil to do it. She is really good at shopping.
  5. people of the other gender? I wonder about this for a long time and I really would like to see what a married person does or does not do in this. Do you and dh have a policy regarding seeing friends of the other gender? As a homeschooling mom, I almost never see any human being ALONE without having to plan for child care. So my friends are usually married women with kids. I usually see them with our kids around. We have a weekly women's Bible study while the kids have their own Bible classes. What about you? And how about your dh? Please share your stories if you don't mind. Thank you for your input. ETA: By having a friend I mean you spend time ALONE with him or her, not group settings.
  6. We use Evan Moore Daily Geography. I just checked the games on the website you mentioned here. It looks great. I will let ds do this. Thanks for sharing. J
  7. bump, more please. How different are the new ones from the old ones?
  8. I am looking for CWP to buy and saw the new series of CWP. Has anyone used this? How is it compared to the US edition CWP? I am really curious to know. Thanks, J
  9. I like this a lot. It looks very nice!!! By the way, what cursive style is this called? Ds is doing HWT cursive and it is hard to distinguish m and n sometimes. I am thinking of changing to another cursive. Is there a website for generating free cursive copywork of my own? Jun
  10. How do you use IEW theme based writing books? Do you watch the TWSS DVDs first before you use these, or just buy the writing books and use them? I just wonder about this because I am considering IEW but the DVDs are expensive. On the other hand, the DVDs do the initial teachings, right? I haven't seen IEW. So I have no idea. Thank you. J
  11. dh, ds (8, 6) and mil and fil? I am terrible at getting gifts for anyone. In fact, I hate buying gifts. That is really my weakness. I just want to get some ideas. What are you getting for your dh, ds and in-laws? Last year I got a gift card for in-laws' favorite Himalayan restaurant. I don't know what to do this year. I give them my wish list: a bigger crockpot to suit my boys' growing appetite. I desperately need ideas. I already have something for my boys, but not my dh or in-laws. Thank you! J
  12. Bill, My 5 yr old is just like your 6 yr old. I ask him why and I am often surprised how he gets the answer. He does things exactly like your son. He would break things into more parts and add them or multiply them. I just love that!!! He is really good at mental math and math is always easy for him. June
  13. Bill, is this free? Can you download without cost? How do you use it? We are doing MEP 3 online so I don't have to print anything and ds 8 likes it enough and it lines up with data analysis in the end of Singapore 3A. J
  14. I learned to speak English with London accent and I can still do it. We all loved listening to The Wheel on the School and Mary Pope Osborne's the Adventures of Odysseus. Check those out and you will be really pleased. I have been looking for CDs (for children) done by those two narrators with no luck.
  15. WWE 2 got my ds 8 interested in Ginger Pye and I am glad he is reading it as a reader even though it is a read aloud in SL 2. I am just reserving the CDs from my library when it is time for the read aloud so that my younger ds can listen to it. Right now we are listening to Anne of Green Gables because we are going to see the show in a theatre this Thursday. I don't think I can read as well as the CDs. The CDS are really good and the boys ask to listen to it every day. J J
  16. This looks good. I started with SL prek, k and core 1 but strayed away to do SOTW 1 combined with SL1. But now we are in medieval time, we mainly do SOTW 2 because it is much easier than SL 2. I still use SL books but I am not worried if I don't do it all. J
  17. Thanks a lot! I did do stairs again on Sunday morning. It is my alone time to exercise and pray. I find it very good for making my body feel flexible and my legs and backs strong. I have slept well for the last two nights. I read aloud Red Sails to Capri to the kids and usually I lie down with them for a while and get drowsy listening to Anne of Green Gables and the kids' sleep music. So I just get up and go to my own bed. I would like to try that herbal tea. Where do you buy yours? I really hope that this will not happen again even though I know it might. I will be more watchful before my next period and see if it is related to that time of month. Thanks for the sleepy verses. I will read them to help me sleep. Blessings, J
  18. Thanks for your suggestions. I will take a warm bath tonight:001_smile: I asked a few friends to pray for me and I took a walk and climed 960 stairs while my friend took my two boys over to her house. I had a nice dinner with my dh. Then last night I took one melatonin and fell asleep without much difficulty. I had lots of dreams and woke up multiple times but was able to sleep enough that I felt rested today and did another 960 stairs in the morning and biked for 20 minutes in the afternoon. I felt totally relaxed. If I can't sleep tonight, I will drink warm milk and read 1 kings because I just finished 2 Samuel until I fall asleep. The only thing I have added to my diet is 1 or 2 tablespoons of flax seeds. Does flax seed cause insomnia? I haven't searched about this yet. Also as I mentioned earlier, my period came the day after my first sleepless night. That can be another possible culprit? I hope it is over.
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