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Everything posted by Heartstrings

  1. Also, the technology is still new, it'll get "better" and less noticeable as it improves, for good and bad. I saw a quote that was something to idea that we were supposed to be developing robots so they could work while humans created art and music, but instead, we've created robots to do the art while humans do the work and thought it was really sad.
  2. I don't think we have much choice at this point. The cat is out of the bag, you can't put it back. I read a thing this morning comparing AI to nuclear weapons, once they were on the scene it was too late to decide to not develop them Once a technology exists it can't be undone. Even things like human cloning that we've all "agreed" not to do could still be being done in some basement lab in Vietnam or something. We have no choice but to grapple with this.
  3. Those IBLB teachings have infiltrated a lot of conservative churches that have never even heard or thought about the IBLB and would never want to be associated with them. Just because he is unaware of the origins doesn't mean they haven't been absorbed just it being around. A lot of it is just authoritarian family styles repackaged anyway. I see a lot of it in my own father who was never involved in churches ever, but naturally leans more authoritarian and just always has. ETA: even though I gentle-parent on purpose I will fall back into that knee-jerk "I'm the parent and I said so" that I was raised with in times of extreme stress or hunger.
  4. These exact things are what brought Duggar-esque "instant cheerful obedience" to my mind.
  5. Being upset that his wife sighed while in the process of jumping up to immediately do as he asked is pretty much the same thing. If he would be appalled at the comparison perhaps you guys should examine why it seems to be so close. Sometimes you need to call a spade a spade. He may not like it, and you may not like it, but it sounds nearly identical. ETA: Maybe its just a thing that slips into his mind when he is cranky, like a childhood pattern or from being used to being in charge. It might be subconscious .
  6. Honestly it sounds a bit like "first-time" obedience is being expected within the husband/wife relationship the way some people might expect it from a child. This sounds very much like the Duggar's "cheerful obedience" stuff and its not appropriate for a husband to expect that of his wife, or for you to expect it of yourself as an adult. (it's also not appropriate for children but that is a different thread)
  7. I’m getting it from Tik Tok sleuths sharing things. A lot if it is public record or on public social media.
  8. I'm seeing reports from church members that he has bee seeing his girlfriend since 2021. This thing keeps getting weirder.
  9. I would not want an education that was solely based Anki, Kahn and Duolingo and if I did I would just use those free resources instead of paying for a recreation. At least those free options have spent years improving upon themselves and being the best versions of what they are.
  10. I would think that if he wasted any time it was the past 20-30 years prior to meeting you. At 50 he’s at the point where if children are extremely important to him he needs to be looking at much younger women, which is going to get awkward. Whatever he was doing to get to 50 without kids is why he doesn’t have kids, not because he is dating you. He’s just bumping up again the biological realities women in his age range are not exactly the most fertile even if they also want children or more children, which a lot of women our age don’t.
  11. Is there a reason to think he can’t have kids? Men can be fertile into their 90s. Kind of an aside, but there is some thought out there that the increase in birth defects and chromosomal abnormalities that women experience after 35 is also tied to the age of the father. That’s not usually what people want to think about though.
  12. Honestly, they aren’t buying the books from bookstores, everyone orders them from Amazon. Book stores only sell books they can reliably count on to move. When they only dedicate 2 rows to kid books, half of which are classics and half of which are toys, there is very little room for the type of books that you’re talking about. I bet you can find good titles on Amazon though, or even Barnes and Nobles online. If you use Amazon for your research it’s very likely that your local bookstore will order the books for you if you’d prefer to buying from Amazon. The library is also probably a good place to look, they have way more titles than most bookstores. I read to my kids all the time but tend to buy mostly 2nd hand when I have toddlers and use the library 90% of the time past that. I just do not have the income required to buy all of the books we’re going to read, especially at Books A Million prices. I want all of the books, I just can’t buy the 20+ books a week we get from the library at $15 a piece.
  13. I honestly have more questions about his congregation. Who puts themselves under this sort of man?
  14. Today I have seen the”bombshell” that he already had a girlfriend.
  15. I pretty shocked that schools have prom on Fridays. That’s crazy. I’ve only ever heard of prom being a Saturday. Well, homeschool prom is a Friday sometimes, but that’s homeschool.
  16. And I think that is their right. They may not feel comfortable or be able to fully articulate that to their children though. We have a tendency to infantilize the elderly people in our lives. We really have to work hard to preserve their dignity and treat them as adults, even if we disagree.
  17. Lab grown foods take us one step closer to the future Star Trek promised me, with a replicator in every kitchen. That’s a move I can get behind, no matter how it starts.
  18. I’ve only seen a little about it but I agree that the whole thing is super weird. There are Instagram (I think) videos of her talking about how she recently left an abusive relationship that make it even worse.
  19. The fake video stuff is where it gets really scary. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLQod7jJ/
  20. Marital rape wasn’t even made illegal in every state until the 90s. I still see debates today about whether marriage constitutes ongoing consent for perpetuity, like maybe a week ago, so it’s not exactly settled in society.
  21. It’s hard out here in real estate land. Live with cockroaches vs. not be able to afford food is a choice a lot people have to make.
  22. Lots of cities have an east…which city and we’ll see if we can crowd source it. The Hive can offer a new service “Find My Kid an Affordable Apartment.” How safe do they “really” need to be and how do they feel about cockroaches will be important information we’ll need to know.
  23. Those “benefits” are usually things like tuition assistance after a year, but they don’t work around a college schedule so you can’t actually use it OR the ever popular requirement that you work 32-40 hours to qualify for benefits but they only ever schedule for 16-20 hours. Or sometimes it’s aceess to a 401k with no match.
  24. I can attest to that. My college age kiddo spent several days driving all over town to talk to managers after having 0 luck with online applications. He walked past many “help wanted” to be told they were not in fact hiring. That’s just the require signage. It’s to gin up support from the public so they can have skeleton crews and people blame the non existent lazy bums who won’t work. Wr’ve also learned that places that are hiring are usually doing so for a reason. Usually management sucks. Daily scheduling changes are the biggest issue. They change the “posted” schedule the night before then count it as a call out if you had already scheduled a shift with your 2nd or 3rd job based on the last schedule that was posted 24 hours earlier.
  25. Yeah…that’s not ok. Cheap white tees that fit from Walmart would be fine for budget mindedness but sloppy oversized and threadbare isn’t ok.
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