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Everything posted by Heartstrings

  1. Where does the NRA get their money? I’m seeing charts showing how much money they’ve donated to senators and it’s $40 million. That’s not just coming from $200 lifetime memberships and some magazines. Where’s the rest coming from? I’ve never considered it before. I don’t think that’s too political.
  2. This is why we can’t have nice things. I hope he gets a visit from the FBI today.
  3. I completely agree. I think it’s just a matter of spheres of power and influence. An individual principal can’t magic more funding for security measures or change state or federal gun laws, but they can require a bell at the door so they do.
  4. That’s the front door. What’s done about the side doors to the playground, the buses, the gym, all the fire exists?
  5. Texas just loosened its carry laws to allow anyone to carry, for just that reason, over the objection of the police and sheriff associations. As asinine as the narrative is they are making laws based on it.
  6. Some of them (us?) aren’t just willing but they are gleefully anticipating the joy of getting to kill people trying to steal their TV. They think about it, dream about it, plan for it. There are message boards full of it.
  7. Of course those men are hero's and the quick action to evacuate the other kids was life saving. I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. But the good guy with a gun narrative tells us that he should have been taken down before getting to the building and killing anyone. If 3 armed officers aren’t enough why do people think an untrained gun nut will do any good. It took a tactical team to get him out. This narrative needs to disappear. When thinking of the 21 it feels like little was done even though undoubtedly it could have been worse. The NY Times are reporting that he bought over 300 rounds and 2 rifles the week before and they found 7 unused magazines on the scene. He was clearly armed enough to take out half the school. It’s just so maddening. 2 rifles, 7+ magazines, 300 rounds, body armor, days after turning 18, raised no flags Bc that’s just a regular day in America and it makes me want to rip my hair out.
  8. They are reporting that all the fatalities were in 1 room. https://www.nbc29.com/2022/05/25/graphic-gunman-kills-19-children-2-adults-texas-school-rampage/?fbclid=IwAR3Wj3s6Bjn-aCpNpxFeaMDIarAmhT4wgx86MLB4isaSRAjkZ2x-8FTMPZU&fs=e&s=cl
  9. What’s really sad is after events like this gun sales go UP. Today, this weekend, a bunch of ammo-sexuals will be going to buy guns because “their gonna try to take our guns after this”. There’s a scarcity mentality that takes over even for people with plenty of guns at home. They envision fighting off the deny that is coming to round up their guns. Happens every time something like this happens. Which serves to make these events immensely profitable for what should be a saturated market. It’s like every time a liberal says ban guns a gun nut sprouts 2 more.
  10. From where he abandoned his car and judging by where the police were searching ground after the event it looks like he went into a back door. He could have broken the glass and unlocked it that way or it might have been unlocked. It was a school with less than a student students in a tiny town so it wouldn’t surprise me if they had no or very lax protocols since everyone always thinks that stuff like this can’t happen where they are, especially in small towns where everyone knows everyone. Especially if the fact that they had an armed guard made everyone feel secure. It seems like the police and a security guard engaged with him almost immediately, but they probably didn’t expect body armor. The cops were right behind him, I think they followed/chased him there from the grandmother. So an armed guard and cops right on his heels did almost nothing.
  11. I saw a thing saying the families are doing DNA tests to help identify the victims. It’s possible they just aren’t matched yet? I hope if it’s a matter of documentation someone does something, even quietly. God that adds awful to awful.
  12. If you convince the people who are against any kind of gun database to sign on, I’ll buy the pens for the signing party. I’m wiling to compromise on anything that inches us closer to living in a reasonable society again.
  13. All that after I literally said you were making good faith arguments. Hm. But to a certain extent you’re right. There’s nothing to discuss with this other than outrage and heart break. We can discuss and come together on a perfectly nuanced law, balanced perfectly for both our perspectives and it does NOTHING because ppl in power won’t care. I guess discussing the idea that the discussion is pointless gets a bit meta and equally pointless, but there it is.
  14. I was replying to a comment saying any inspection was too invasive. A sheriff deputy putting eyes on the safe in the home before a new gun acquisition would be a wonderful thing. Especially if paired with fines if it was later shown that it wasn’t being used and led to something happening. Showing proof of purchase would be too easy to get around and almost meaningless, same as the box checking affirming its existence mentioned up thread. Also what license? Guns aren’t licensed or registered where I live. Last time we bought one it took 5 minutes in Sports Academy and no one knew but us and Sports Academy. Only need a permit if you want to carry concealed.
  15. Pretty sure you intentionally missed my point there, but oh well. People of good faith arguing on the internet does nothing. We devolve into a gun debate, both sides entrench and NOTHING happens until a big enough massacre happens to restart it. Today it was 21. Next Tuesday when it’s only 3 or 4 it won’t make news.
  16. Peepaw buys a gun safe and 4 generations show a picture of his receipt to buy guns. And all the cousins, and drinking buddies.
  17. And I’m sure households with guns are regularly inspected to ensure compliance. 🤦‍♀️
  18. I mean…we prove this with a dozen other metrics. Maternal mortality, literacy rates, health outcome, deaths of despair, violent crimes of all sorts, proportion of population behind bars….
  19. Where are you with gun storage laws? I don’t have any of those. “Recommendations” for proper storage, sure. But no laws.
  20. We are a country of guns with some people around to service them. 3+ guns for every man, woman a child.
  21. I’ve been assuming that he lived with the grandmother that he shot and probably took the handgun from her.
  22. There’s really nothing to be done but pray and accept that leaving the house is just Russian roulette. There are lots of things that *could* be done, but none that *will* be done.
  23. I’m at the point where I think we need metal detectors in every school, for every entry. I know it’s a terrible thought but honestly we subject inner city kids to it already in some places. If inner LA kids can handle it so can rural OK kids, or whatever. They are already doing shooter drills, preserving childrens mental health went away a long time ago in schools a long time ago. Let’s try to protect them with more than a hammer by the window and a broom stick like was mentioned upthread. *If it saves just one child*.
  24. A 12 foot perimeter fence with 1 entrance in and out, guard stationed out front. There is a way. Since we’re keeping the guns come hell or high water we gotta accept the flip side. It’s just not palatable Bc it ruins the idea that it only happens elsewhere.
  25. I agree, its not the media. I think its the glorification of the gun bringing someone personal power, added to broken people. The vast, vast majority of these crimes are not from kids playing Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto. Those gamer kids are still at home playing their video games. Its the kids who make REAL guns their whole personality, their entire being that are the problems. Those boys who feel so powerless, or hopeless or angry, or radicalized.... I don't know, those are the kids causing trouble.
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