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Longtime Lurker

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Everything posted by Longtime Lurker

  1. I also had Moderna for the new booster after 3 Pfizers and I had hardly any headache at all this time.
  2. I totally understand this feeling. DS24 has severe autism and cognitive delays and it would be impossible to manage his behaviors in a hurricane shelter. I live in the Midwest so no hurricanes for us, but I keep thinking of all the people with special needs family members and how awful this must be for them 😞
  3. DD22 bought a couch at Big Lots a year ago and has been very happy with it. It has moved location twice and is about to be moved a third time. In other words, it is nice enough to keep moving from place to place.
  4. DH and DD22 each got a Moderna booster on Friday after 4 previous Pfizers (DH) and 3 Pfizers (DD). I got my Moderna a week ago after 3 previous Pfizers. They each had only mild side effects: sore arm (both), mild headache (DD) and some fatigue (both). I was relieved to have only a sore arm, some swollen lymph nodes under my left arm, and a mild headache. I had been concerned about worse side effects from the higher dose in Moderna but that was not an issue.
  5. It sounds like you can technically go back on Friday after isolating Sun - Thurs (5 days after positive test). And, actually, if your symptoms started Friday, then you could have gone back today. However, you are supposed to also be fever free (I think for 24 hours). I guess it depends how "fever" is defined. Absolutely wear a good mask as you are probably still somewhat contagious. Whether these guidelines are good enough is debatable, but it sounds like Friday is allowable by CDC standards.
  6. Males under 30 are advised to have Pfizer rather than Moderna because there is a higher risk of myocarditis from Moderna for males in that age group. My son is going to have Pfizer for that reason. Does anyone know if this applies to young women as well? DD22 is planning to have the booster on Friday and is considering Moderna after 3 Pfizers. Should she stick with Pfizer as well?
  7. Yes! The data is somewhat helpful for knowing how cautious to be in one's area, but now that we have home tests the data is no longer particularly reliable. More money into ventilation would be great and would help so much!
  8. I am now more than 36 hours out and I only have a sore arm. Yesterday I had a mild headache (similar to the one I had after my second Pfizer only much milder) and mild body aches. No big deal.
  9. Just got the Moderna bivalent booster a few hours ago at our local pharmacy. I did not have to make an appointment and only had to wait 10 minutes. This is my first Moderna after three Pfizers (Jan/Feb 2021 and late Sept 2021). I also had covid starting on May 1, 2022. I work in a school so I wanted to get it sooner rather than later. I will be interested to see if side effects are different than Pfizer for me.
  10. I'm so glad to see you back! You contributed so much to the forums over the past few years!
  11. That makes sense. Thanks! DS24 functions at a 2-year-old level and thus has no earned income. So we have not had any experience with the income limits.
  12. To clarify, there is a $2000 asset limit for SSI, not income limit. There is an income limit also, but that is something different. For a developmental disability, it needs to have begun before age 22 for SSI. I don't know the age for the ABLE account. You don't have to apply for SSI before age 22; you just have to prove that the disability started before age 22. Other qualifying conditions for SSI (that are not developmental disabilities) may be different.
  13. I spent a ridiculous amount of time dealing with insurance transitions (DH to Medicare and now DD to new job insurance/benefits) and fixing the domino effect of problems that occurred due to one person's initial error regarding the date of DH's insurance change. I am just now getting the last issues ironed out. DD's insurance signup is going more smoothly because I caught an issue in time (she can't contribute to an HSA for 2022 since she is still a tax dependent for 2022). This also necessitated her switching her insurance election to one without employer HSA contributions. She is now on a first-name basis with both HR benefits coordinators 😕 I took apart an old trampoline and hauled all the metal parts to a recycling center. This process was extremely satisfying. I checked off several routine medical appointments and completed a course of physical therapy for a shoulder injury (very helpful). It was great to get all of this done since I have a school year job. I spent a lot of time with my three siblings (and one brother-in-law and two nephews) who came in and out of town and stayed at my parents' house nearby. This was wonderful and absolutely the best part of my summer! I took DD22 back-to-school shopping, but this time she is a teacher! I took DS24 (with special needs) swimming a bunch of times in my parents' pool and accompanied his summer school class on a field trip. I went out to lunch and dinner a bunch of times with DH. We are only eating outdoors at restaurants so we are trying to make use of the summer weather. I am back to school next week!
  14. There are other therapeutics besides Paxlovid, so it wouldn't hurt to take her in. In my area, there is also a number you can call to be assessed over the phone for different therapeutics depending on age and other risk factors.
  15. I remember being asked if we had any immune compromised people in the home (we did not) and then told to keep him away from anyone elderly or otherwise vulnerable for a few days.
  16. One interesting thing in the article is that the Ney York case was contracted from someone who was given the live oral polio vacccine (not given in the US since 2000). My son had the live oral polio series in 1998, during a fairly small window of time during which that was standard here in the U.S. Does that put him more at risk? Or is it only an issue of potential shedding shortly after receiving the vaccine?
  17. Quoting myself to clarify. Obviously, lots of us on this forum teach or have taught our own children. The possible challenge I mentioned lies in teaching an entire class, one of whom is your own child.
  18. Sounds like it will be a great situation! Nice that you have multiple adults and multiple small groups.
  19. This could be a challenge! Is there only one section of each grade or did you choose this?
  20. This is great! I actually get to be in the same building with my DD this year. She will be a first-year teacher at the school where I do most of my subbing. I wondered if she would mind my being around, but she thinks it will be fun! I think so, too, of course 🙂
  21. So I had a routine physical today and I asked my doctor about this. She recommended waiting. She said that an infectious disease colleague thinks the new formulation is really good! And it sounds like it actually will be ready in September. She said if I get the booster now I could have to wait several months for the new one. So now I am thinking of waiting.
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