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Everything posted by WildflowerMom

  1. The one that tells you when a product goes on sale somewhere? Or where you can find it cheaper? Something like that.... thank you!
  2. Heart, have you looking this? https://costplusdrugs.com/
  3. I think I hold my breath every time I read an update. I swear if you ever get some good news, you’ll hear me scream. Praying for GOOD NEWS, heart.
  4. I’m so glad you have an answer! Now, treatment so you can get back home with your family! πŸ’›
  5. Oh, I love nostalgia!!! does anyone remember Captain Caveman? I loved that cartoon, but I never see it brought up anymore.
  6. Congratulations baby bird #3!! And congrats mom!!
  7. I got into it a bit watching Skywalker Ranch. But, at the end of the day, I'm more into watching (some) ghost stuff. 🀣 I feel like those are the same category kinda. People get judgy when they hear you believe in ghosts. I think people are judgy about alien stuff, too.
  8. This made me think of the Truman Show. Do y'all ever watch that movie and for just a second think, 'are people watching me right now?' 🀣
  9. Ok, I thought they denied that there were potential alien UAPs and now they are admitting they investigate and they're not sure of origin. Maybe I read that wrong though (entirely possible!). I'm not sure what to think of it all, tbh (regarding UAPs).
  10. Sigh. His latest post is fear mongering garbage. So, yeah, I'm going to unfollow. Glad I didn't offer to help now! πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  11. Ok, I just googled. I had no clue about MW and now I see he had a movie or something asking this question. I didn't understand what he had to do with anything and now I do. He sounds like a peach. /s πŸ˜–
  12. I'm glad you're out of surgery. I hope you know something definite soon and can start treatment asap!
  13. Just wondering out loud, but I wonder if there are more people now who don't believe in the moon landing now that we know the government actually does investigate and believe UAPs exist? For years, we were told how ridiculous UAP (or UFOs are) and now we have a govt task force that investigates them. I'd be curious if once the UAP stuff came out, the numbers of people doubting the moon landing shot up?
  14. That would be awesome. Maybe she can try to get him looking forward to that (once she makes sure he can get in) and dangle that as a carrot to get him to stop using. I know my cousin (has autism) was excited to go. He enjoyed it but got homesick and came home. He has been in numerous different jobs and finally found something he's sticking with. He lives with his grandmother, my aunt. She sat him down and said basically, I need you to help me with half the expenses here or I can't afford to live here either. Once he felt needed, I think it really helped him feel like she and he were in it together to make it work.
  15. I can't vent about this to anyone but dh and he's doing colonoscopy prep, so y'all have to hear it, lol. Please JAWM. My cousin is running for city council in another town. His Facebook posts are horribly written. Grammar is awful. He has no clue when to use they're, their, and there. He just uses them interchangeably from what I can tell. He capitalizes random words throughout each sentence. Nearly every sentence has something wrong with it. I asked dh if I should offer nicely to help edit his writing, but dh says the citizens deserve to see what they're getting with him. Y'all, I cringe so bad when he posts. I think I'm going to unfollow him, but I hate to miss something because the family is 'liking' his posts as kind of a show of support. πŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  16. I would have serious PTSD from that. I hope they can get therapy or maybe counseling through the school or something. I can't imagine the nightmares the kids *and* adults will have after this. I don't know how remote that place is, but I hope they have some help.
  17. We're in Georgia and football season already started. Yes, it's hot, but I guess it hasn't met that wet bulb temp requiring they cancel. Friday, we're supposed to hit 99 degrees, so I'm hoping they'll reschedule the game.
  18. This seems like the obvious answer but maybe I'm missing something. I know zero about MW except that he's considered a conservative. I've never heard him speak, so I don't know how he fits it with anything.
  19. I think sil should probably start looking for another place to live with her son. And I'd tell him he has to be tested and drug free or he needs to find another place to stay. I'd always support my kid over other family members, but if he's doing hard drugs (I'm not talking about smoking a joint), that's where I draw the line. I'd be pushing for a vocational rehab place.
  20. Happy Birthday!!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
  21. Thank you! Vet visit went great. He didn’t try to dart out of the car or get down in the floorboard to hide. He easily let me pick him up and carry him in. They are both snoozing now. πŸ₯°
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