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Everything posted by Not_a_Number

  1. Probably the grade 10 contest, I'd guess πŸ˜„ . I don't think it's a perfect match, but it was the closest thing I found by far. (And I'm embarrassed that I forgot about them! I took them in high school myself. I took the AMCs, too, for that matter...)
  2. I didn't have the impression it was only 2-3 months in most people. Mind citing?
  3. I think if you're willing to work with her and make sure she's retaining things, this should be a fine thing to do. I'd keep a closer eye on it from now on, though.
  4. Oh, I was mostly just affirming your sense that you can use anything you like -- Saxon is very standard. And then I was musing that if we did a placement test for MM, we'd have more trouble. But that shouldn't be a problem the other direction -- going from MM to Saxon! I apologize for getting off-track.
  5. I saw the title of this thread and did a double take, lol. I thought it was my thread! I ran a thread like this for the AMC 8 recently. I would guess it'll be just as relevant to you.
  6. Aaaaand this comes back to what I always say about mental models and teaching math πŸ˜‰ . Guess how many years most people have spent manipulating fractions? MANY. But they never got any kind of mental model...
  7. So really you'd do best with some sort of template you inserted arguments into πŸ˜• . Man, that was the kind of writing I loathed in high school. I was incredibly relieved to get away from it in college (where I constantly earned one of the highest writing marks in all of my classes requiring essays -- of course, to be fair, the humanities in my college were a joke, so the competition wasn't real fierce.)
  8. It's very standard math, and I think it's actually easier than the placement tests for other stuff. I've also occasionally given DD8 tests from Singapore and the AoPS "Are you Ready?" tests, and those require considerably more creativity. When I look at Math Mammoth, there's a lot she wouldn't be able to do because the words are all really different from what she's used to. So that's more specialized.
  9. What in the world ARE they looking for if you couldn't get above a 4?? I remember taking the SAT essay way back when, and I did well on that without having to prep or anything. But maybe they were more reasonable than whatever it the GRE/ACT want??
  10. When I look at the placement tests for Saxon, DD8 would easily place into either Algebra 1 or Algebra 2. And our approach was totally the opposite from Saxon.
  11. Aw, man. That sucks that immunity wears off like that. Was the second infection less severe? May I ask how you are sure they had it before?
  12. Do you need to actively teach things? DD8 really likes Murderous Maths, but I tend to assume she isn’t learning much from it!!
  13. Interesting! I do tend to believe those stories. What happened, if you don’t mind me asking? Did she have trouble with anything at all?
  14. People have described it as complete loss of taste/smell without congestion, which sounds like something I’ve never experienced. Any idea how your mom lost hers? Was it a respiratory bug?
  15. I think we all hold data in our heads, and it adds up to an impression πŸ™‚
  16. I’ve heard descriptions of it that sounded very different from what I personally experience with viruses. Usually, I just get stuffed up and it’s hard to taste. But it’s not like everything is identical, which is how people describe it for COVID. It sounds different to me, and people describe it as not being like other things in their subjective experience.
  17. I haven't watched him in ages because it was totally unclear to me why anyone thought he knew things that they didn't, but I have to say that even I hadn't, this would have been a serious red flag to me. That study was so obviously not randomized I that I could CHECK that it wasn't myself by running some back-of-the-envelope calculations without navigating away. (I used Google to calculate an exponent for me in the search bar.) It wasn't even close.
  18. But the problem is that we then select for people with severe illness and get an unrepresentative sample, you know? I think my ex-friend had something back in November or early December, so I doubt it πŸ˜› . But I'm not surprised when people traveling internationally report having COVID symptoms early in 2020 at all. It's just that it's really hard to tell. Like, I had a relatively bad case of the flu in November. I coughed for something like a month after recovering -- I took to carrying around giant bags of Halls so I could talk. But it started in mid-November (on my birthday, lol!), so I'm pretty sure it wasn't COVID πŸ˜‰ . Ah yes. That sounds like pernicious nonsense right there.
  19. Oh, absolutely. She DID use other excuses, too πŸ˜› . You're right about that.
  20. I actually don't wear makeup, lol. I wouldn't say that DH doesn't care about looks, but he doesn't seem to care about makeup much.
  21. I kind of worry about taking this kind of testimony, because it equates "bad bug" with COVID, and then we get a unrepresentative sample of COVID... Also, I my ex-friend went around saying she probably had it already, and that's why she didn't need to socially distance or wear a mask πŸ™„
  22. They've been slimy the whole pandemic. It's been really gross to watch.
  23. OK, that's what I was wondering -- I vaguely remembered there was some SPECIFIC condition for AZ that wasn't occurring with anything else. Man, they are really not covering themselves with glory here.
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