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Everything posted by Not_a_Number

  1. Whoa. What is this mythical mask that doesn't fog up glasses??
  2. Oh, wow. So she really had a rotten math education 😞 . To know that about area, you just need to know what area IS... sounds like she doesn't even have a rudimentary mental model of either place value or area. That would annoy me!
  3. We did practice taking notes at some point. For us, it came up when we wanted to study something more complicated than usual -- it was the writing project DD8 picked at that point. It's a useful skill, although I think that if a kid can write fluently and can also summarize fluently, it's not hard to put together.
  4. Oh no 😞 . What are some of the things she was never taught?
  5. I've had to make a concerted effort not to. And I've actually made a rule that I eat a relatively small (but filling) breakfast and then wait for at least an hour or two to eat again, or I also binge.
  6. I find it easier to control my weight. That’s about all I’ve found.
  7. I feel like some of my "preparation" for my kids so far has wound up being posting on here 😂. I find it fascinating to learn about what has worked for other people and I appreciate it when people provide resources that has worked for them. So I do a lot of reading to figure out what the space of possible projects/classes is, then I brainstorm stuff with my kids. Again, this is for much younger kids, but I'm not sure I see this changing if we keep homeschooling through middle school and high school. Yeah, I can see us moving in this direction.
  8. My sincerest thanks. It's an honor. 😂
  9. At least you now know that if you keep posting, the hand will go away 😄
  10. Sorry, I seem to have taken over your thread 😞
  11. I am not at all impressive, but we rarely microwave the kids’ food. But that’s mostly because the kids are picky and eat lots of cold stuff (sandwiches, fruit, milk) and because mac and cheese doesn’t microwave well 😂.
  12. Thank you very much for sharing your story on the thread. I'm so, so sorry about your husband 😞 .
  13. OK, what would be a good photo for someone called "Not a Number"? I mean, I guess it better not be a number? 😄 When I used to be a square, that was at least easy to make a photo for!!
  14. Hmmm, you're inspiring me to get a photo... although then I'll confuse people for a while, hmm.
  15. I suppose since I didn't ever have a photo, I must be very confusing with my large N 😄 .
  16. That's about my schedule, so yes, that counts 😛 . You fit all your eating in about 8 hours of the day.
  17. Hah, then tell yourself to knock that off 😉. You're doing your best. I know it's impossible to believe that about yourself in the middle of things, but you are.
  18. It's not your fault. It's really not your fault. Give anyone who judges you the middle finger behind your back, OK? They don't get it. They are lucky they don't have to get it.
  19. Yeah, that's what I do. I go from 10 to 6. Honestly, it's not really causing me to lose weight, but it's good for my body to reset its "hunger sensor." Otherwise, I start feeling totally phantom hunger at the right times to eat, even if I'm really full. It's definitely made weight easier to control during the pandemic, although I've had to restrict further than that. But allowing myself to be hungry has definitely made that easier, since it doesn't bother me when I have a small dinner.
  20. Or maybe he's had a traumatic, awful year that isn't in any way your fault, and you're just looking out for his best interests.
  21. ... who taught him math, yes? And didn’t you put in full work days that paid for that tutor? You weren’t twiddling your thumbs, and frankly, if you had been, it’d have been more than understandable. ... because he was making great progress without you. It’s not like you checked out!! We aren’t being sweet. We’re being realistic.
  22. Oh, BaseballandHockey... I'm not a huggy person, but I wish I could give you a hug or something (assuming you like hugs.) You are so not failing your kid. You're doing your best in a really, really, really hard situation. We're all impressed you've managed to do all that you've done this year -- it must have taken herculean effort.
  23. You don't seem like the kind of person they'd fail, frankly. Just make something up, lol.
  24. Well, yes, and places for couches and tables and really lots of other stuff. But we do have a whole lot of cube storage and bookshelves! Ah, neat! Cool! You can check whether they look appealing through the Amazon "Look inside" function, if you like.
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