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Everything posted by Not_a_Number

  1. Well, I dunno — I didn’t know most of the things in the DNA book, frankly. They go in a lot of detail. Do you have recommendations about fun biology reading, then? My kids have been enjoying these and now know more biology than I ever did. If you’ve done lots of similar stuff, I’d love to hear about it. The CTY class sounds like a good option.
  2. Oh, OK. So he knows all about DNA and evolution and stuff? What books has he read?
  3. @Roadrunner — I totally wasn’t kidding. They are surprisingly informative and detailed. I know that can’t be a whole biology course, but as someone who hated bio in high school, I found the books really fascinating.
  4. I’ve been reading graphic novels about evolution and DNA with the kids. Maybe that would inspire them?? https://www.amazon.com/Stuff-Life-Graphic-Guide-Genetics/dp/0809089475#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Story-Earth-Jay-Hosler/dp/0809043114/ref=pd_aw_fbt_img_1?pd_rd_w=6VTVn&pf_rd_p=22b1663e-f425-4a35-a7b0-d21faab2902e&pf_rd_r=07SQJNYZGJ5K89HBZP8T&pd_rd_r=8f734315-347c-4b0a-a338-106793d4e9f0&pd_rd_wg=VOUzp&pd_rd_i=0809043114&psc=1
  5. I think we’ll be much safer in the US in the meantime, though. This is definitely a very selfish perspective. I see that. I just want my kids to go back to activities again 😞 .
  6. I see your point, and maybe I’m selfish, but I’m too worried about long-term risk not to want to vaccinate my kids. Plus, we need it for here immunity, which protects us all.
  7. We just wrote it!! She did really well 🙂
  8. If the one for slightly older kids is coming so soon, I actually wouldn’t be surprised it the younger kids are earlier, too!!
  9. That would be SO GREAT. Both my kids are in that age range now.
  10. I’d worry about evidence from people with no posts 😛
  11. It sounds to me like she hasn’t really internalized that reading is meant to be entirely letter-by-letter and sequential. DD5 was like this as well. I’m really not an expert, since I’ve only worked with one child with similar issues. But we did also have tons of reversals and not paying attention to letter orders. We spend 3 months on ia versus ai just a few months ago — it was HARD for her to tell those apart. She still can’t really sound out by sliding her finger under a word. But we’ve been sloooowly remediating her ability to read each letter in order, and I think this did retrain her brain in a way that enabled her to use this more and more confidently when she came across new words. DD5 isn’t ADHD or anywhere near it, though. So that almost certainly made that easier. I’m not sure if it’s exactly the same issue or anything — however, the failure modes do sound REALLY familiar!
  12. Hmmm. We definitely have friends who started homeschooling who sent their kids to school eventually. I haven’t seen what happens with kids who get “pulled out” yet. We pulled DD8 after kindergarten. We’ll see how long we go.
  13. Oh, I dunno if I have. But I've found it way easier to find people with similar values if I offer things like classes than otherwise. Then I can skim the kids that share reasonable values 😉 . Otherwise, it's hard to collect them. I still don't have anyone to talk to 😛 . But it works for finding peers for DD8.
  14. Yes, I'm aware of the difference between percents and percentiles 😛 . I do think "percent" would be a better measure, assuming there was actually a real range of questions on the test. That being said, I don't think mastery is reached in the order it is taught...
  15. But she still confuses b and d in those contexts? Or no? What happens with single words if you don't reveal then left to right? Does she ever read things as rofzen then?
  16. No, I'm definitely not looking for mentoring. But I can see how homeschoolers might like a community to "grow up" in and not mentoring, per se. So maybe we're mixing up two ideas here 🙂 . Just to clarify -- where did the idea that people need mentoring come from? Did someone post asking for a mentor? I might have missed that.
  17. I haven't found those people if they exist, alas. Maybe at some point...
  18. But lots of people want community as opposed to information. I know I do. And I know that finding a community that prizes learning is pretty hard -- I've failed to in real life. The best I've been able to do is build my own.
  19. Let me know if you want any suggestions for what to do with place value.
  20. I’m flattered!! Honestly, I have TONS to say... just need to find the time 🙂 . It’s all been floating in my head for years, so getting it a methodical record down will be a relief.
  21. So if she can't independently check, I would say that it's not surprising that she doesn't have any progress. I'd probably keep playing with visuals until she can actually CHECK. Maybe you could draw eyes on them until she can actually see which way they are looking? Maybe actually draw the belly? I am just throwing things out here, but I would say getting her to a place where she has some reliable method of telling the difference would be the first thing I'd do.
  22. Thanks! Me and my one post, lol. But the visuals are nice and uncluttered 😄 .
  23. Yes. That sounds exactly like DD5. I think high IQ kids will compensate for wonky stuff, and this is how they do it. For us, remediating each confusion really slowly one at a time has been what got us to strong phonics when reading on her own time. And we slowly made the nonsense words longer and longer as we did it. I have something like a year's worth of nonsense words on my computer right now...
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