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Everything posted by Familia

  1. Such an exciting situation and confidence boost!
  2. That is great news! :hurray: Blessings for a great senior year for him without having to deal with 'the great unknown'!
  3. Our son was that exact age when he when went from happily writing stories, short papers to tears over blank pages. IEW SWI B saved him. He flourished. A very strong writer, he received many kudos for his writing up to and through college. IEW solved a few problems: he knew exactly what was expected of him because the checklist, not content, was what he was graded on, he accomplished something each week he could be proud of, and he had someone else doing the teaching, at a time when his working with me was going though a natural rough-spot.
  4. I use planttoeat.com but have yet to input all my recipes. They left their tidy home in the binder to live an unhappy life of clutter on my bookshelf! "Plan to eat" has great scaling/menu planning capabilities. Their customer service is excellent.
  5. Totally understand wanting to be uber-comfy and pulled together, I spent more than a month's time living in the hospital over the past 6 months. For me, I did not sacrifice foot comfort...I focused on the top. Two things made me have what you want: often wore plain colored long sleeved t-shirts so that any scarves could go over them to both look pulled together and keep me warm in drafty rooms, and I bought a few hoodies that looked up to date and sporty/fun colored. What is your 'cute' look like usually? Then, you can go from there down to comfy. ETA: Totally agree with PinkyandtheBrains, "Use your hair, make up, and mannerisms to look put together. Dress for comfort." ​P.S. Hope your MIL feels better soon and all goes well!
  6. I see that DIVE under "Syllabi and Course Instructions" has secular texts that have been cross-referenced. Just had to dig a little, sorry about that. Can you point me towards a textbook from a secular publisher that you used successfully with DIVE Chemistry? Thank you!
  7. You and me both LOL! This is a completely odd experience for this homeschool mama in the homestretch...watching this event alone! Turning excitingly dim here - 95% obscurity in a few minutes. Pin hole cameras work BTW!
  8. I just want to say that your love and concern for your sons is very touching! It is great that you care enough to brainstorm (WTM...best place for brainstorm sessions!=), and the decisions you make will surely have an effect, even if being encouraging is all you end up doing - keep up the good work!
  9. Thanks for the tip, I will contact the buyer before shipment if we end up (being about to) selling. Don't even get me started on codes... Thank you, I would have never thought to look up the publisher directly.
  10. Our daughter (her/my last year homeschooling!=( knows where she wants to go because it allows her to continue her home/farm-based small business, and they have an honors program that fits her to a T. She will apply to 3-4 other schools both in and out of state for financial comparison reasons. She is preparing for the late August SAT, but she hasn't begun the application or scholarship essays yet. Fall semester, senior year is always crazy!
  11. Oh, dear! Won't let me attach large file, shouldn't waste your time or mine decreasing the size of the screenshot...never mind, sorry about that =)
  12. Not seeing a savings of more than $15-30 over the (well over $100) hardbound price for any of dc's books. 3 classes are only offering looseleaf. BTW, I tried to edit my last post instead of another post. Does anyone know why my 'edits' or 'quotes' are not working? This is what I see when I try to edit:
  13. I think for the organized student, the looseleaf offers many management possibilities. Not sure if that is the case here. For a student used to organizing their notes, not the text too, it seems like another thing to deal with or lose track of. Plus, a lot of binders seem more unwieldy to carry around.
  14. Thank you! Using these for the first time. Had such success with reselling dc's (non) text books from liberal arts college, this is a whole different ball game. I doubt if there is much resale value in loose leaf=( After this first semester, he'll have a feel for which he prefers, LL or hardbound.
  15. How does this work? I guess that I am thick, but I am a visual learner. Paint me a picture. Does the student put it all in a binder? The school is selling 3 rings to go along - no binder, only the rings. That sounds like a backpack mess!
  16. Sorry about the format. It was lost and now all running together...know what I am doing wrong there with posting?
  17. Hello everyone, I communicated about our son's non-hodgkin's lymphoma way back in January. What a journey! He received 5-day inpatient chemo every 3 weeks for the last 5 months, and now he is in complete remission. Your offering of concern, prayers, and advice was a great comfort to me. Now, we are on to the next thing...beginning at the nearby big state school in the fall. He applied late d/t not knowing what this fall might have brought, and we were too wrapped up in treatment to give college the attention that I now see it deserved. He is transferring from a liberal arts school whose financial aid/scholarship offerings were exclusively in-house and straightforward. I am having difficulty wrapping my mind around how to communicate with such a large entity to get him the most money/help possible. Here is what I know: -he will not live in a dorm, he dreams of an apartment to save the 45 min.-1 hour commute...$$$...yeah...dreams. We are busy scrambling for another car right now since we didn't need that when he was away. -he had just been accepted and received notice of a 25% of tuition unsubsidized gov't loan -he is to be notified soon of an automatic 10% transfer scholarship -he applied to a fair number of private scholarships for cancer students that have, as of yet, resulted in nil. (the blessing of those is that it gave him something to 'do' during treatment) -we will help as much as we can, and he has money in the bank, but we want (obviously) as much help as possible -he has about 7K from his other school to pay them when he graduates My questions: -we don't want to take on an unsubsidized loan do we? When we 'could' afford to pay? We do not HAVE to take this if they've offered it, right? -what do I say to ask for more help, or do I must I just accept their offer. We were able to negotiate a little at the private school. -how do I find other sources of scholarship possibilities this late? He has a 3.47 GPA. Please accept my humble thanks for your concern over his health and help educate me about FA at state schools!
  18. The perfect camisole, the one that I have looked for for years and really need now, is soft, possibly cotton, and has lightly lined cups inside the front lining but not within a shelf bra. I do not like the feel of the band around my ribcage. I do not need support, only coverage. Thank you!
  19. I'm sorry, it wouldn't let me type anything in that reply!? Reconnection is so important, thank you for the encouragement. Yesterday, we invited friends over and a few extra teens showed up, and they played poker for hours. It released a lot of anxiety we were having and made things seem normal. Today is so much better. Ds's symptoms are such that they are awaiting more testing before treatment begins so that, they said, they can get it just right. He is very optimistic and taking them at their word regarding extent of expected treatment time. Of course, we all know how fragile this is, though...living in the moment, enjoying our haven of home, and thanking God for his graces!
  20. You are all so kind! I haven't had a chance to read all of your responses or like all of the replies. Browsing all of the caring, thoughtful messages and seeing all of the information to consider and prepare for has helped me so much already. I appreciate having a thread to go back to over and over again to glean so much love and good advice! I wanted to add that we also have a teen dd at home who can help with meal prep. There seems to be so much variety in responses to chemo. I know that I cannot see the future -- I have to fight the urge to wonder/worry. We will be given the grace when we need it, I am certain. We agree with the medical power of attorney. Everyone should have this done (free as an online form for each state) as soon as their child hits 18. Otherwise, they have zero legal connection to you. We found it startling that, so far, many caregivers have explained that their hands are tied and they needed that form. This is best to have over and above the 'release of medical information' form at each healthcare provider because it can stipulate that your dc want you to be able to speak to their medical providers no matter what their health or state of consciousness. Especially if, like us, your dc is out of town when they get care. When ds first went to the urgent clinic, he simply signed his name. Without any release signed, much frustration and a little delay ensued that could have been avoided if I had a medical power of attorney form at home to fax to them. Well, now that our 'normal' weekend is almost over and treatment begins soon, I am praying for the grace to keep our home a haven by being caring and helpful while providing a loving atmosphere where ds can navigate this difficult step to healing. Thank you!
  21. Hello everyone, I am so sorry to share sad news, but I can use the help of all of you who have helped our family and our homeschooling journey beyond measure since 2005. Our 19 yo ds will begin treatment soon for lymphoma (probably Hodgkin's). Within one week, he went from going into an urgent care out of state for what he thought was bronchitis to settling his room at home today with all of his belongings that he and his father moved out of his dorm on Thursday. We are functioning on the hope that our son has that treatment will go as planned and he will be able to move forward with his education and life after this this time of sacrifice. We are sustained by a loving group of prayerful friends. Those friends have asked to help in someway. I am asking you all if you can think of what we might be able to suggest that would be of help to comfort and distract our son, as well as help our family as we go through everything. A friend suggested we might need a temporal thermometer. I also thought that an audible membership might be good. Also, any advice you can give to help me help him would be wonderful. Thank you so much for listening!
  22. He was told by an urgent care place to get a test asap, but they couldn't order it. They advised him to call his home PCP or find a new one there. Time was determining factor.
  23. The PCP said that he would fax an order for the test first thing in the a.m. He did not mention needing anything nor did he ask. I am supposed to call first thing with the number...I wonder if this will come up then.
  24. I'm trying to do as much as the legwork ahead of time from here for him, because all he can (thankfully?) think about is his class/work schedule. All we can think about is...his health!
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