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Everything posted by Familia

  1. Thank you for the fyi, I didn't know anything about it. I called regarding parking, and security, whom I was directed to, was vague. He said to pull up, and someone would direct me to nearby parking. My Ds says they'll take one look at our Ford Escape and my clueless face and direct us to park a mile away and walk in.=) I imagine they have valet parking, but I, embarrassing as it is to admit, really am clueless about that. Last time, I went straight to the Art Colony shoppes and parked right in front. My drive-by of the actual hotel was intimidating and there were eerily few cars around and no parking areas/garages visible close by. My goal is to have a nice lunch with Ds, enjoying the surroundings. We would both enjoy ourselves, and feel more 'at-home' if we knew what to expect.
  2. I'm really looking forward to a road trip with Ds on his way back to school. I've stopped at the Greenbrier to go to the Art Colony for a glassblowing demonstration, but this time I want to take the plunge and go inside the main hotel. Any tips for parking or other things to expect? Thank you!
  3. Please share your favorite sewing websites or blogs. I was looking through my old bookmarks, and I was so disappointed in the results. Many have gone kaput - either going out of business or blogs no longer running. I love photo tutorials of simple projects for sewing and how-to explanations like adding a pocket to a skirt or using my serger. Can you share your favorite online sewing sources so I can update my bookmarks? Thank you!
  4. I'm hesitant to pay for test prep. One child did a paid class with M. Press. Through that experience, I realized that test prep classes were just paid versions of what we did/could easily do at home, i.e., read the book, note strategies, practice concepts as you go. Waste of money! I am looking for a dynamic experience that is personalized to each child's individual weaknesses, not just money spent for accountability. I'm not opposed to spending money upfront now that we already have dc in college -- i see that money spent now could, if paid test prep was actually personalized and effective, save money later. This particular child needs more coaching and assessment of where the weaknesses are.
  5. A friends swears by their basic package (promising a 4 pt. improvement in score). Anyone use this or their private tutoring options for ACT or SAT prep? Thank you!
  6. I know this has been posted, but I can't find it. For the youtube SuperMagnetMan's ACT science prep videos, which ACT test is he using? Does anyone have a link? Thank you!
  7. Thank you, barnwife! Not sure how it happened, dd thinks he may have stepped on his own hoof. She was concerned about it leaving the tissue/bone underneath vulnerable. He arrived about a month ago, and we aren't sure of his tetanus history. Dd is giving him a dose tonight. While we're asking, does anyone know what might cause his mane to fall out in spots? We're wondering if we are overanalyzing this donkey, who is a pampered pet. Most full size donkeys we hear of around here are out in someone's back pasture minding the cows and hardly seen. Dd has many books about donkeys, and the internet is teeming with information, but, everything is so different now that the animal is really ours! ;)
  8. That jogged my brain! I do have a habit that my family/friends who have seem me sleeping find odd. I must sleep with the blanket over my head/forehead -- only my face shows a little. Also hate my hands staying wet after working/washing face, etc. Don't mind using the water at all, I just must dry my hands as soon as I am finished with the task.
  9. Our donkey, Dewi, has a new dent in his hoof -- a small chunk taken out, about 1/3" in diameter and 1/8" deep. Dd's books cover cracks in hoofs but this is completely different. He shows no signs of it hurting him. Is this a concern? What should we look for? We have treated and solved the lice problem -- thanks for your help=)
  10. Thanks for the replies! I usually ask for salad or dessert -- can always use those & no big deal if I have to save what I had planned. Dh wants to go ahead and pick up a box of wine to have on hand, which we try to do every once in a while and ask for the standard food...I guess he has the same idea that I do. I really think it is funny how we have these little 'ideas' of our own and where do they come from? About the WTM/Jessie comment. I believe it was in the 'Kitchen Table School or Why Home Educate' chapter or another of equal discussion. She was describing how to get by on less income, I believe.
  11. Hello, We often entertain* or, rather, have friends and acquaintances over for dinner with their families. Usually, they will ask if they can contribute to the meal. Since we like to offer wine, but often have none in the house, I usually send dh out for some last minute. This time it isn't possible, and I know this couple likes wine. Is it against some social etiquette to ask them to bring wine? Has always been on my personal 'don't do' list unless I know them very well, but maybe I am wrong? *BTW, I had seen the entertain/share meal distinction in The Well Trained Mind by Jessie. I think of them as the same thing...or maybe I hang around the wrong crowd ;)
  12. We decided to homeschool so our children could get an academically sound education while growing closer as a family. Good results so far=) For my husband, he was convinced that he would be more involved in their lives and enjoy all the moments he was missing more, as well as have a smoother transition after work back into their lives each day. He always tells people that although he knows for me it is a ton of hard work, he really appreciates this aspect, and I have really seen these fruits for him and all of us. For me, what finally tipped me over the edge to give it a try was read-aloud. This was such an important and time-intensive precious part of our daily lives when our eldest was preschool age, I just couldn't give that up for that pesky institution called school! - - - Just read op's post more carefully instead of just the title - - - Adding: Same Dh had to tolerate many, many phone calls asking to help spare some dc's life by offering me a 'count to 10' conversation. But, seriously, the most challenging part was second guessing my plans because of looking for progress day by day rather than evaluating a whole year's progress. Progress we made, not great in each subject each year but, over the course of the years...great progress! Wish I'd fretted less!
  13. Don't do it=) Unless your family is prepared to fend for themselves for dinner. Amen, Sister!
  14. I simply intended to move my favorite picture books to a private room, so they would stay in better shape for the next generation. (I love my picture books and many children as guests who, I am happy to say, like to peruse our books!), and this began a massive reorganization that was long overdue. My dear mother passed away two weeks ago, and I think I must be reverse nesting, because I am on an organizational frenzy! Three bookshelves aren't shown (one with dozens of the antique volumes she has shared with me over the years, the craft books, and then the ones in the living room upstairs. I AM NOT touching the ones in the bedrooms! (repeat to self: I am not, I am not, I am not) Amongst the books, I found 40 something nerf darts and counting...books and nerf bullets...signs of a happy home :) But, really, what is it about books that multiply as soon as they are removed from the shelf???
  15. We purchased a livestock permethrin spray at TSC, but the vet was skeptical. She said to go ahead and use it, well diluted, if it made us feel better (it does), but she said that a dose of ivermectin paste would be the solution. Dd was going to give Dewi ivermectin as a de-worming agent tonight, anyway; she just didn't know it had anti-lice effects. Does this sound right? Yes, I trust WTM over the vet=) Thank you!
  16. I appreciate that advice, Fairfarmhand! Despite the years of planning, actually having the donkey (and two baby angoras), is a whole different ballgame!
  17. Meet Dewi, our new donkey! He's so cute, docile, and friendly. It is fun to watch dd go through, in practice, what she has worked on, in theory, for the last few years. He will be a companion to her two baby angora goats coming to live with us Friday. The daily rhythm of care is so new. Watching her reminds me of what it is like bringing home a baby the first time! :) Dd thinks the donkey has lice. We see a broad spectrum permethrin horse/cattle spray at TSC. We've also called the vet, who wants a photo. Should we hold out for the vet, or just treat with the spray? Our understanding is to spray today and again in 2 weeks. Thank you!
  18. HaHa, my family swears I need readers..."who, me?" Amazing! This actually makes me kinda sad, but, happy for you, of course. My mom has more attitude problems than just simple technophobia. But, enough said already. Everyone's suggestions have been awesome, Thank you! I have a great list for her librarian -- she's been wanting a list from me.
  19. I second The Scarlet Letter. Reading it now -- love it. Love Hawthorne and his voice.
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