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Soph the vet

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Everything posted by Soph the vet

  1. I'm in MN! First, you do not have to report to anyone until your dc is age 7 on or before October 1st of that school year. Use the MACHE form. When you do declare to your district that you are homeschooling they will probably send you a big packet of stuff. Ignore it and include a cover letter with your MACHE form stating your start date, end date, dates for breaks. Some people just put "I'm following the school calendar". If you had a Bachelors you would include a copy of that and then a copy of immunization records. After the first time of sending those in then you could just check off the "diploma on file" and "immunizations on file" boxes on the form. There is a bill HR237? (not sure of the exact number) in the legislature right now that may decrease your mandated reporting in the future. It is a swap of homeschoolers saying to the districts "you can keep your $77/child and we don't have to report as much anymore". So pray it goes through as it would mean a lot less red tape for many families in our state. As for yearly testing, again no need to worry about it until your dc is 7. I send a letter after the testing and just let the district know that the testing happened. Copy everything you send and keep in a file. Soph
  2. Congratulations, Grandmoo!!:lol: (no, Tracy, I am not implying you are a cow)
  3. That explains it! I tuned in for the last 5 minutes and saw Carter looking like he was dying with Benton at his side. Then he calls Hathaway and I'm thinking, "is this an old rerun?" Until it dawns on me that she has some kind of phone that was NOT around in the 90's. Then I changed the channel and missed the rest. What happened? Was the whole episode old characters?
  4. Thank you. I was beginning to think I had posted the wrong link. I put in bold the part you paraphrased that I found sooo disturbing in this case. the cheating dad aside, the single-parenting and homeschooling issues aside, I am concerned that judges think they can overrule what a parent thinks is best for their children DESPITE the children thriving in home education.
  5. This court's decision better get reversed or it will be a very bad precedent for homeschoolers. http://www.hsinjustice.com/ I cannot believe some of the quotes from the court records. That a judge would say in one breath that the kids are thriving at home and in another breath that they need to go to public school to get a more well-rounded education.:001_huh:
  6. Not sick or crying here. And I am a soap advocate. It only takes once in our house and the potty mouth is gone. What is better, one bitter taste or years of "recorrecting" the language filling your child with resentment toward you because you are constantly "on" them to clean up their language.
  7. That was the tone of desparation you must have picked up on.:lol: Joanne, did you read my disclaimer or not? I am not a heartless wench, OK?
  8. There is something like an AI technician, I know because we have them in Minnesota. As far as ET I am not sure they would be trained to do that as well but there are ET vets that he could train with I'm sure and then be able to do it at your farm unless the equipment is too expensive. At vet school I had the privilege of working with Mel Fahning who is one of the pioneers of bovine ET and has trained people around the world. He is now retired. Also, I would not rule-out vet school. Let him apply if it is something he really wants to do. I had all types in my class and all of them are still in practice, teaching, or research and thriving. If you google "bovine AI" a bunch of schools come up and I just noticed one of them included ET, so there you go.
  9. :iagree: I am very thankful that I was once an embryo and look at me now...I can post on this board. I bet some of us here are young enough to have even been products of IVF. Aren't you glad you were not the one left in the freezer? All embryos are little tiny people. All the information (DNA) making them into big people is already there. How cool is that. How terrible to destroy one life to improve another.
  10. A tetanus booster would not prevent an infection in a child who has never had a tetanus shot. Giving tetanus antitoxin would be the thing to do if you were truly concerned about tetanus, and then vax, but I don't think you need to be concerned about it in this case. (But she is a child, not a horse, so take my advice worth a grain of salt):001_smile:
  11. It's allowed to be political according to the new rules. Rebecca is allowed to mention specific politicians according to the rules. I even mentioned the "new rules" in the OP as I knew the mortgage bailout question cannot be divorced from politics at its core. We were told by SWB to "woman up" and debate according to her new sticky today.
  12. How true this is. From what I understand we (whoever "we" are) are right back to encouraging Freddie and Fannie to continue whatever they were doing before. You are right. The bailout does not equal reform, that is for sure. The gov is enabling, IMO.
  13. If the buck stopped with the banks I could agree with what you have said. However, the government is also responsible for forcing banks to make loans that should never have been made going back to the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977.
  14. According to the new rules I believe we can discuss this. Is home ownership a right or a privilege? My dh and I did not buy our first house until we were both 31 and could afford >20% down. Our mortgage was less than 25% of our income. We have never missed a payment and we are thankful it is our only debt. We are a one income family really because I only work 3-6 hours per week. Dh has a typical middle income wage. I am upset that either through my tax dollars or through coming inflation due to the Fed printing money, I will be paying for mortgages that should never have been written. Disclaimer: I am not talking about the catastrophic situation in which one spouse suddenly dies or becomes disabled and unable to work and now they can't make mortgage payments. I really believe the instance of that circumstance is the exception, not the rule. Most of these foreclosures are irresponsible financial decisions.
  15. I saw that ElaineJ's cat is cured (another thread) yea!! But just FYI, canned pumpkin actually tends to do the opposite of what has been described on this thread. We recommend it as a natural laxative for cats.
  16. You're both right! http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/gl.htm I answered my own question. It is part of N. America but it is still a territory of Denmark. Sounds like it has self-government but Denmark helps with foreign affairs.
  17. So is Greenland associated with any particular continent? I've always ignored it :lol: but that very colorful map on the other thread would imply that it is part of North America. Yet I have always only believed that there were three countries in NA. The US, Canada, and Mexico. Do I have to begin including Greenland? Or is it really part of Europe? I always include Iceland with Europe.....but now I am so geographically confused I don't know what to do with Greenland!!:lol:
  18. :lol::lol::lol: I can still drop anything off at Goodwill here in the frozen north.
  19. I guess alcohol would work. 10% buffered formalin is another option. That is what we use for tissue specimens.
  20. A speech written by someone else? Like a famous speech? Why not Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech? Is your ds passionate about a certain topic? Find a speech on that so he won't have to conjure up fake emotion with it.
  21. Tree House has probably pegged this accurately. Unfortunately, some breeds are more prone to poor dental health no matter what you do! Yorkies, Poms, Westies, etc. are in for dental issues all the time. I would recommend a good dental checkup and cleaning. Your vet may end up having to pull other bad teeth and they can x-ray to see if roots are in trouble. Brushing the teeth, feeding dental treats, dry food, nyla bones, etc. all may help. Often these dogs need to be on Clindamycin periodically just to keep bacteria numbers down and get the bad breath under control. Soph
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