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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. No thread really, just emails that were sent out to those of us who had begged....oops meant offered to host a gathering. They are still in the "working out" stages as far as how things will play out. There are some "steps" at this time... general dates. So, I'm in Oregon... and I am guessing that at this point our zip is chosen. Not really sure if I'm an "independent host" or part of a "group".... Either way I'm fine with it. I am super excited! I manned a table a few years ago where she was, and afterwards kicked myself... because it hasn't worked out to be even close to where she has spoken.
  2. What county, eh? So, you must be able to tell how they have the States divided, because I just couldn't. :( Marion county here. But, I figure that sometimes counties close will come over ;) Lane county is super close... Wonder how many spots per state? :) So excited.. they put July 9th or after for her, which is good... because that's cutting it close for the trip I'm suppose to make to Israel. I would much rather.... towards the end of July. They put a minimum amount of people, but what I really wanted was a maximum.... I'm not seeing how it will pay for itself (for her to come) so I'm curious about $$$ and all the other stuff.... Patience is hard for me... I'm just... so excited!
  3. Our Movie Theatre is a small in town one, with good prices on tix and stuff to eat.... so... we go to many. I never went to a Midnight premier, but my kids won't have that to complain about :)
  4. Bumping up for Ruth! :) She's the bestest, and if I was there... I'd be joining! ;)
  5. My 12 yr old got to see it at 7pm EST and my 16 year old is seeing it right now; this very movie is why I'm not snuggled, sleeping in my bed!! ;) Hope it's good! :)
  6. Hey Everyone around here... (and everyone else could fly in :)) I'm curious who is planning to come be with SWB in July for the Festivus; just curious how many we have as a base. Can't wait!! Seems like everyone I've even hinted to about it, has said they want to come!:D
  7. Church Desires: Expository Preaching in it's truest form(with a translation verus a version & bonus if the pastor knows original languages) Women not in Pastoral leadership; Worship of God where the focus is on God, who He is and What he has done (versus on yourself and what you want), Baptism of people once they're old enough to agree themselves & communion on a regular basis. Fellowship with church members on a regular basis. This is what I desire; a plus would be liturgical type order of service and observing celebrations like Advent together. :)
  8. Oh... in the book.... oops... sorry... Wrong Answer! :)
  9. Stockmar Beeswax Stick Crayons, there are all types of other brands and shapes. They are more expensive, but our sets have lasted for 10 years so far. Once you're on the site, you'll see a ton of different toys that are earthy and fun! ;)
  10. Which is why you could be at our co-op, volunteer for some positions, but not lead. Seriously, I want to have be "charitable" to all homeschoolers, and still have certain beliefs among our leaders/teachers. And, it's not something to talk about at co-op. It's not like I would be going around making a point about who is "able to teach" and who isn't. I've had LDS friends in the past, and we know what to talk about... and not... just like any of my other friends :) Sorry about the class :(
  11. Also, realize that a counselor might not have enough training to deal with this issue; you may very well need to work your way up to someone with even more training. I'm not sure if it's a "lay person" you're going to or someone who has medical training, too.
  12. Also remember that at 14 you don't have to give a consequence right away. Let him know that it will be fair and decided on at a later time. (when you talk to the counselor) This way, he'll be "waiting" and you'll have time to talk through the best choices with someone. There are probably many things to put in place with him, and you won't have to backtrack if you just tell him that you'll be going through everything with a counselor. Also, don't make it look like you're taking all this to everyone and giving him a bad reputation. It might get out, but I wouldn't want for my child to feel like "everyone knows"... Hugs to ya!
  13. I use henna; my daughter feels better not having a grey haired mom. I understand! My mom never had grey... she has other issues now... but no grey hair at 63:) (Oh, and not dyed, either)
  14. Dogs want to be with their pack leaders, and really... just putting him with a person is kindest. Later, you can move it out, after he's use to you. Just a thought. Also, feed him in his crate, which will make him like it better :)
  15. Handwriting Without Tears, 3rd grade... Perfect to start at any age ;) Get the Teacher's Book, The book for the student... You're set. Easy Peasy!!! Perfect! And worth it to buy the workbook, as it's "trace one, do one" so you're always coming back to "right" before you practice (by yourself) again :)
  16. Here, the food pantries share the leftovers from the Farmer's Market; there are also churches that the Farmer's Market gives to... are those possibilities?
  17. Hey Everyone! I thought it'd be fun to list Latin Grammar songs :) You know... conjugations, declensions... other important info.... If you can link the actual song being sung... even better!! :bigear:
  18. Arnica is an anti-inflammatory homeopathic med, but you're suppose to start taking it right away. Easy to take, just tabs under the tongue. I'd look into that. Here, you can ask at our local health center, and they're good at suggestions. Don't know if you have a good spot right around you... I am SOOOO sorry!! If you get on the 4 wheeler again... at least put on a helmut! ;) Dementia isn't something you have to get.... Just take care of your precious head... and keep homeschooling!! My dad always says that memory work is good for everyone, because it helps to keep the brain sharp. Praying for healing for you! :)
  19. Ok, not that you want to hear it... but my totally mainstream... well... mainstream in regards to anything "weird" mom has seen the whole "constitutional whatever" work in regards to the fact that she was taking the wrong supplement. I would have her try it; then would say that I'd follow up with someone local and see where it goes. I wouldn't commit to using it, but if you just allow it.. she won't be antsy to try it "behind your back". Perhaps you'll find it interesting!! As far as meds, you say "We're trying it, and will be open to trying something else if it doesn't work".... and go on... I know that as a gma she's just dying to try the homeopathic for your kids because she's found something she believes in and just maybe... you'll agree if you see it. It's almost like unquenchable thirst. Just a thought to give her a kiss... a thankyou... and a maybe later... instead of stomping on her big toe and telling her to stop. Just a thought. :)
  20. I'll throw in my thoughts; my children did Latin while doing school, so if that's important to you, I would get it started well... now. I'd go through and see if everything's connecting with her for math. I'd think about what "course" I'd want her to go in school. If advanced is important, I'd think about what she needs. High reading score, and writing is what it is for English Block, for example. (for us) This basically is done the year before. I don't know what your worldview is. For us, we are Christian, so a worldview curriculum from say... Summit Ministries... would be essential. Just talking through how worldview is intertwined with everything you do... (secular or Christian... or whatever you hold as a "deity"...etc.) I would talk to both schools about what math curriculum they're using. I swear ours uses only worksheets. :( I would start asking around if there are teachers you want.. or don't... and why. See if there are any students to do things with this year... or at least before school starts. (if you decide to move) Start a timeline book with her, to finish through highschool or college as she studies, so you understand where she is in history. I really like SOTW for overview of history. My kids listen to that... and don't count it school :) Lots of fun... and at least a short vacation before school starts.. :)
  21. You can do Singapore online... Shagra something?
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