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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. You can get Taste of the Wild (no grain) dry (or wet, maybe) cat food...There are some other no grain ones, but I think TOFW is the best priced one. You feed less... Smaller p**p and less smelly! Carrie:-)
  2. Thanks for the encouragement! There's a "saturday school" in Portland called "Jams" that teaches the abacus, but we're kinda out of money...and it's an hour away. Maybe we'll check out some books after book #2 if we like it:-) Carrie:-)
  3. Hey Everyone, Anyone new in Oregon:-) How's everyone liking the snowwwww?? Carrie:-)
  4. Chipotle Peppers make the difference:-) I just brown up some smallish chunks of stew beef, start adding cans of tomatoes...then add cans of different beans including the pintos with spices(I really liked the "white" kidney beans I used last time) add up some sauteed onions and mushrooms...stir...add one or two peppers. I freeze the rest of the peppers individually, cuz I don't want to waste them.(Don't get scared, they're not too hot...unless you add to many:-) Keep tasting till you find out how much you like....) If you just crockpot this for a while...it's yummy. Of course, I don't mind that it's a bit different every time. I think the difference is those chipolte peppers! The are a bit smoky...and make the chili ...oh so good:-) We can eat and eat this....and it's good on cooked pasta...and or fritos...with sour cream..... I think the fun of chili is that you don't really need a recipe for it to turn out great! PS, you could totally skip the meat...it'd be just as good! Ok...well that's how I do it:-) Carrie:-)
  5. I just receive my abacus with their books Learning Mathematics with the Abacus I'm so excited. Has anyone been using this?? I'm excited to start using this right after Christmas. Carrie:-)
  6. I'd say "No Texting" with boys until you're 18. I have a 16 year old and a 13 year old and I know that texting and for that matter im'ing with people can make you feel closer that you are...or should be. It's also basically totally unsupervised. That's my first thought. (and our rule for our two girls) I'd make sure her phone is charging in my room at night and make sure she understands the rule and why) I'd also say no dating until you're at the point that you're looking for a prospective partner. I have WAY too many highschoolers that I see pass my house. I saw something, I believe that it was secular based, that was talking about when teens have boy/girl friends when they are...well teens...that they mold their personality and character around the "partner." Because this is the time when you are developing and making such profound choices for your life, you should not be in dating type relationships. When you're older and already basically "set" that's a better time to be in a relationship... Carrie:-)
  7. Isn't everyone who homeschools just a little different? For me, I'm not like anyone I know. I'm a Christian and I believe that should (and hopefully does) affect my outlook on life. I was homeschooled from 6th grade...pretty much until I went to some college. I had my daughter before I was married. You can guess that I made some bad choices. I married at 30 and he has two girls that we have half time, so every time we make plans, it's centered around whether we have them or not. I homeschool and yet my children are pretty much not the "first time obedience" sort, which seems to be the new catch phrase for the families I know. I try to classically school, but what does "Word Girl" fit under. (tv..) I'm kinda AP, and then I found out that somehow natural childbirth, not vaccinating, not circ'ing, wearing your baby and letting them sleep with you...and saying your pretty much AP, is kinda chuckled at...and did I say that I cloth diapered, too? And now..I'm raw feeding my dog.... And did I say my house isn't tidy. (But I wish it was...where is that maid??) Seriously, we met the nicest lady at the OCEAN conference in PDX. She wouldn't even tell us what time she wakes each morning, because she's be scoffed for taking things to seriously. She teaches her children Latin, and her support group wanted to know why she'd go to that trouble, when she could just teach Latin endings...why she taught classically....why this and why that. Maybe we should just be careful what we say, and when others talk about what they do...not be thinking that we should be doing the same thing. Most of my fellow homeschoolers seem to be doing MUCH more than I do. I went back and looked at my plans wondering if I should add to them. I have my CC program that we do each week & my daughter spends another day at my mom's doing baking and other such things and Latin...Maybe I should make her do more... And then I realized....she's fine. She's progressing...she's building relationships. I'm happy, I'm reading to her, and I still have 8 years left to expose her to everything I want her to learn. I can be happy for others doing what they've planned...and just do what I have planned for us.... Carrie:-)
  8. If you have time and dedication, you could start with Latina Christiana I and II and learn them before you start your children. My mom has taught these to my older children and is now teaching them Henle I(with Memoria Press' Henle guide). She's found that she needs to stay farther than they are. It really helps to cement your English grammar and may very well help you decide which direction you want to take with English Grammar as you teach it. Carrie:-)
  9. We burn it all. Do you know someone that can burn it in the woodstove?? Carrie;-)
  10. Hmmm, Sorry:-( Try this one, for those who want to join. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php Classical Conversations is the fourth group down (fourth as of today:-) I'll also invite those who I notice use CC. I can't seem to be able to post a direct link. If you know how to, you're welcome to post it:-) Carrie:-)
  11. Because, as I hear my G-pa use to say "No good happens after dark" :-), I don't want my kids talking or texting on the phone after adults aren't around. I'll pick up her phone and look through it just to see what they're texting. I told her before she got the phone that I'll be looking at texts and phone numbers. (No boys allowed and no boy talk...) I'm fine with them staying up till 12 and sleeping into 10 or 11. I'll let them know ahead if I'm gonna wake them up early so they can choose when to go to bed. I have to tell my 10 year old to go to bed sometimes, my 13 and 16 are pretty much on their own, unless I can see them making bad choices. I believe that sleeping in is fine as long as they are respectful and do what you expect. They have the rest of their lives to wake up early and "be part of the general society." (But I wouldn't have them on an unmonitored computer, especially boys, but girls, too!) Carrie:-)
  12. Wow, thanks for the beautiful review. I do with it was a bit graded, but it's kinda in order of what would be memorized, right? And that's sorta graded...maybe? I do have the old LCC book; would having the new one help at all? And, even if only half the book is useable, it's worth $25:-) Also, the rest of your blog is beautiful, too! I saw the wedding blessing for your parents; how special that they've already made it this long! What type of Orthodox? Greek? I've been to a few Orthodox churches, which I love, except for when they get a little crazy with the incense which makes me sneeze nonstop:-) Carrie:-)
  13. Hi Everyone, I wanted to see if we could get a Classical Conversations group going on here, so here's the group address: tell me if there's a better way to let people know. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forum...php?groupid=83 Carrie:-)
  14. You're so right:-) I introduce the material to my children, by just telling them the information and try to have us practice it before we sing it. We've also just gone over the timeline, and they do hand motions at CC, but I would also like to sing these to a song as well. I do believe that children should learn it by just saying it first, and then song. I have to say that most children, if they're not in some program won't master all of the information by just orally saying it or singing it. So, I guess I have to say that even if it's all sung, at least they have the info down.
  15. Here's the group address: tell me if there's a better way to let people know. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php?groupid=83 Carrie:-)
  16. :glare: NOT Fair :tongue_smilie: I can't wait to get mine! Share, don't hold us in suspense...is it just great?? Carrie:-)
  17. CC does have a list, but I want the timeline cards sung to a tune..on a cd:-) ( I like the way VP does it, but I don't want the original order of VP:-) Carrie:-)
  18. My husband did ours using Volusion's wizard, I think. I think it looks nice. If your husband did the rest of your site, maybe this would work.
  19. Is it a one time thing? If the teen already knows how to do it, I think $30 or so an hour. If he's learning...maybe $20 or so. Just my guess. My husband has spent tons of time on our website but of course, we don't have to pay. (except for loss of family time:-) Carrie:-)
  20. Has anyone obtained a copy of the VP history timeline cards cd set to CC order? Or somehow made one? I have no problem shelling out the money for the cds, but I want the CC order. Feel free to pm me, too. Thanks! Carrie:-)
  21. You get to do the tin whistles again; glad you liked them. Did you hear the trick about getting pvc pipe cut for the whistle? You just cut it longer than the whistle and then get the plastic ends for them...No more dents and a nice home for them. :-) Carrie:-)
  22. Hey There, I'd love to have our own Classical Conversations spot on this board; would anyone else be interested? (Or whatever is available here) It'd be a spot where you could give any hints, books that are coinciding with the cycle, anything CC. How Foundations or Essentials is working for you. Feel free to pm me if you have suggestions. Carrie:-)
  23. Mu husband used Pimsleur for learning Russian and found it very good for learning conversational Russian. And, he speaks with a great accent.(So he's been told by Russians...they always ask him..."Are you Russian??" You start speaking back to the cd from the very start. Perhaps using something like this?? Carrie:-)
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