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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I have to say, "a little space between us" sounds sooooo cute to me. So simple:-) and ...because I love babies in bed.... just what I think. But, I understand....:-) Carrie:-)
  2. But My Apple Crisp Topping has flour, oats, brown sugar and nuts(opt) Carrie:-)
  3. Very Cool. Wish I could have a horse.... without my allergy problems... without the expense or work. Hey. I have an idea. I just wanna visit yours:-) Carrie:-)
  4. NO, I would not:-) We have a Caley and Katie because of marriage (stepsisters) and I would never do that on purpose. I absolutely LOVE the name Liam and had offered to name our son Liam (his g-pa was William) but wouldn't do two names so close. Carrie:-)
  5. I have frozen it. I freeze the topping in another ziplock.... I also make a big batch of the topping... and when I want some, I just cut up one or two apples and put the topping on... Presto... Apple crisp:-) Carrie
  6. First of all, He admitted this? Wow... And second of all, I wanna make some. Can you tell us how?? Carrie:-)
  7. Well, I might be able to access it, but I think that SOMEHOW he's planning to use it against me, and I'm not sure I wanna help with that. (OK, I don't want to help him do that!) If it was for taxes, then why would he have to have it by Wednesday, which is the timeframe he gave me? I'm thinking that he's looking to reduce his child support, or somehow lower the money he's spending. Carrie
  8. Of course, you realize, no blankets or pads in the crate/kennel until you can trust her with them. Surgeries are expensive..... Carrie:-)
  9. Hey There, I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about what my daughter's dad could be up to... I have a few... but... He wants a record... that supposedly has nothing to do with lessening any money that I receive... about all the flights that he's paid for... out to his house. I asked him, "Tax Credit?" I've never heard of anything like that for airplane tix. I said... you gotta admit... that sounds funny/weird. He says that he doesn't see how it's anything I'd want to get into with him... about his and his wife's business. I have to think that anytime he says "Trust Me" I should get scared. Thanks,
  10. Here's the funny thing, if you put up a fence, which is on your side of the property line, depending on how things go there... they have to do ALL maintenance from their side of the fence. Now, you would have to see where your property lines are... and put up your fence in accordance with that... but you could do this. I would put up a fence straight away... as close to theirs as you could. As in... "Thanks for the Fence" and ... no problem.. here are the guidelines we were told about by the "Code Enforcement" or whatever. Hope they checked into where they were suppose to place their fence.. and what side you have to see and all of that. Neighbors can be pleasures or real pains!
  11. You Shall: (NKJV, but you can easily change them back to KJV:-) 1.Hold up index finger on right hand and point up towards “heaven” “have no other gods before Me” 2.Hold up index finger on left hand facing the other finger (it’s your image) “ not make for yourself a carved image” 3.Hold up 3(sign, thumb and two fingers..) fingers and cover your mouth. “not take the name of the LORD your God in vain,” 4.Hold up 4 fingers on one hand. Turn them over onto the other hand as if they are laying down to rest. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." 5.Hold up 5 fingers and place them over your heart to indicate “honor” “ Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.” 6. Make 2 “six shooters” “ not murder.” 7. Hold up 5 fingers on one hand and 2 on the other. Pat the 2 fingers toward the ring finger of the 5- finger hand. “not commit adultery” 8. Show “8” with your hands and “handcuffs” and then put out wrists like arrested. “not steal” 9. Hold up 5 fingers on one hand. Hold up 4 fingers on the other hand but face them away from the five so that the thumb is telling lies behind the others’ backs. “not bear false witness against your neighbor." 10. Hold out 10 fingers and grab–like you want what someone else has.“not covet”
  12. I found the Bestest one!! On the Old Testament, there are three songs you wouldn't choose, unless you are LDS. BUT, the rest are word for word KJV. The part about adultery, you'll have to choose whether you like their little sentence to help remember it. BUT, the song that is the the whole scripture...WOW... you know how it is to find songs that you like.. that are scripture. They also have a great Books of the Old Testament and Books of the New Testament. I listened and it sounds like just the "accepted books". Nice tune. Much nicer than what we sang. I'll also post the motions that we used to learn the 10 Commandments in the next message:-) http://lds.about.com/library/bl/seminary/songs-ot/06-Exodus-20-3-17.mp3 http://lds.about.com/od/seminary/a/scripture_songs_4.htm http://lds.about.com/od/seminary/a/scripture_songs_5.htm
  13. I like the "What every>>>>>> needs to know" (Hirsh) They now have them for pre-k and k. It's really just a book with the basics of each subject. They also have a book that shows how to teach k-8? I am going to get it, even though my youngest is in 1st. I have cds that my youngest likes to listen to... we all listen to it, but he LOVES knowing the material. Going through any set of one letter phonograms, and then moving on to 2 and 3 letter phonograms... (so by then deciding a phonics program) I've done maybe 4 pages of math with my son, but because he's always asking what numbers add up to... he is at grade level... (And, when you're at the table, eating gold fish, you can make up story problems.) We have a few sets of manipulatives that he plays with. When I looked at scope and sequences, I realized that for most of it, I just needed to talk with my son. Oh, and Obedience and him being willing to co-operate. Now this is something that takes time:-) Carrie
  14. I believe that reprimanding, in person and by email, should have parents included. Other than that, if it was seriously disrespectful, I find that the admonishment looks proper. It is rather a letter of chastisement, and so if this was needed, then I would be fine with my 14 yr old receiving it. I would speak to my 14 year old, speak to the Leader, and then look to find reconciliation between them. I would also choose to sit in the next meeting or so... Carrie
  15. I'm not Hornblower:-) BUT, if she has stuff in her like string.... DO NOT pull it out!! You let them poop.... and you can cut it to where it should be even with their little "tushie" but don't pull! You can cause damage. With ours, when we first got him, he chewed paper towels, and it took me forever to realize what he was eating. Crate, leashed to someone... those are good hints. I did move the trash to a little metal one with a lid... on the counter. If he got into something and I knew about it, a banana was the trick that would make everything ok. If I needed him to kinda hurry things through... banana and liver.... Kongs. If you're feeding dry dog food... this is what I did. I purchased 3 or 4 black kongs (tougher durability) I took dog food, put liquid in it.... put in freezer and he ate that for his food. (Doggie Popsicles) I remember praising God, literally!! 45 minutes of him being entertained with food!! It was INCREDIBLE! Then, I had a kong washer... ( kinda like a bottle brush) and I'd wash and refill for the next meal. I fed him twice a day. (I'm not sure... maybe it was two kongs a meal??) When they were freezing, I put a cup underneath so that it catch any "juice" and you can experiment with putting something on the little end side to help keep it all in while freezing. Lots of ball throwing. When your puppy is being bad, you roll up a newspaper, and hit .... YOUR head:-) with it and say "Bad Mama" cuz it means they are bored... and they need something to do... At least that's what our trainer told us:-) Carrie:-)
  16. Who's used these? Do they seem to be accurate? THey are on the Homeschooler Buyers Club... Carrie:-)
  17. Because we don't want the neckline to be all the way up to our neck... now how much... that's a different story:-) Carrie
  18. I gave it crushed from a pill. It was my way of giving without a shot... and I'm totally not sure that I needed to give it.... lots of choices, and we don't circ... so if you do that before the 8th day, that may be a consideration. Carrie
  19. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry!! I don't have much to offer except some hugs. I'll watch to see what other say... Carrie
  20. How about you are the one who is witnessing. You have a world view. You understand that your children are to be taught Worldview from a Christian perspective. You are attempting to teach your children apologetics, so that when they are adults they will know HOW and WHAT to witness. You do not want your children raised by the village... you've seen the ones that are coming out of that village... and you want your children to be a Godly Adult. Is this Youth Pastor, say.... barely out of school themselves? The sad thing is, many pastors still don't understand what a Christian Worldview is. They don't understand that beyond gaining knowledge, that a Christian's main objective... should be to Know God and Make Him Known. If you're not studying about God, who are you studying about? It's the whole.... you can't serve two G/gods thing... You're for Him ... or against Him.... do you think that Government/Public school atmosphere& curriculum is for God? I love Summit Ministries in Colorado.... think of something like this as your daughter grows. It's two weeks of Classes taught by people I've love to study under... College credit possible.... and fun is mixed in... (And they, of course, have the statistics on Christian students who enter Secular colleges... and how they believe at the end of four years....) Carrie:-)
  21. Hi There, I have a friend who doesn't get on the computer much, and so I'm kinda writing in for her:-) She has an 11 year old son who can read, but very slowly. By the time he gets to the end of the sentence, he can still remember the first. (even though it seems like it's so long you'd think he would have lost the first of the sentence.) He also can not say his "r's" and is pretty much thought of as non verbal and shy. (He can talk, he just doesn't) Any suggestions? Sound like any of your children? He should be in 6th grade, age wise. He is understanding how grammar works. I know I've seen several reading programs for different issues. Any suggestions? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  22. I understand... that last cup is maybe more important than the first... Sorry:-( Carrie
  23. WoW!! Incredible!! I tried it on an old post of mine... and it works!! Thanks!! I hate it when you post something... and there's a spelling error staring at you... right after you hit "Send". Now I can change it!! Carrie:-)
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